The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Well-Known Member
Here's the longest gif I've ever made at 300 frames (~800kb tho)



Well-Known Member
... Is the library open late tonight or something that I didn't know about?

@Chapstick it sounds interesting regardless If an arm was randomly found at a diner., Did you take those videos?

Edit: Never mind lol you actually ninja'd be with the answer!


Well-Known Member
That looks like an alien.

in...what way, exactly? Unless your complaint is "Real people don't have purple hair" then its pretty invalid because that face still looks decent for a Mass Effect model, and Bioware has never been very good at human faces. Aliens and monsters they are great at. Humans, not so much.

side note on another thing Bioware isn't great at, is character animations. anyone else remember how they'd keep reusing the same exact animations across all characters and species? so you'd see multiple npcs of multiple races all using the exact same body language, etc?


Well-Known Member
"Went" like one time to check out your favorite kind of blue haired emo/punk/tomboy/alien girl? XD

as in majored there and was going to finish up my degree and continue on to the animation and cinematography after finding out I both love and am pretty good at that kinda stuff.

Unfortunately, life happened and I don't have the money to go back and FINISH my degree. Though thanks to my current job's scholarship program I may finally be able to fix that this year :).


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Standard Donor
in...what way, exactly? Unless your complaint is "Real people don't have purple hair" then its pretty invalid because that face still looks decent for a Mass Effect model, and Bioware has never been very good at human faces. Aliens and monsters they are great at. Humans, not so much.
Well, I've seen a lot of real people with purple hair, and it doesn't look like that. Frankly, though, the eyes are way creepier. Not only do they look distractingly bright in both iris and scelera, but the juxtaposition with the poorly textured eyeliner/shadow makes it look increasingly bizarre. You could make the argument that some people use contacts and weird make-up to look funky, but those people don't really look human, either. Like this guy (who is actually trying to look like an alien, IIRC). Nikki Minaj also looks like an alien for similar reasons.

The face sculpt itself is not terrible, but there are some oddities. The nose, for example, is unnaturally long for how straight and thin it is. Usually people with noses that long have a protruding bridge, whereas your character looks like she has a skate-park ramp between her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've seen a lot of real people with purple hair, and it doesn't look like that. Frankly, though, the eyes are way creepier. Not only do they look distractingly bright in both iris and scelera, but the juxtaposition with the poorly textured eyeliner/shadow makes it look increasingly bizarre. You could make the argument that some people use contacts and weird make-up to look funky, but those people don't really look human. Like this guy (who is actually trying to look like an alien, IIRC). Nikki Minaj also looks like an alien for similar reasons.

The face sculpt itself is not terrible, but there are some oddities. The nose, for example, is unnaturally long for how straight it is. Usually people with noses that long have a protruding bridge, whereas your character looks like she has a skate-park ramp between her eyes.

That's fair. Also, rare to see you actually stop and make a truly objective post without trying to snip and snipe the entire time, so this is a nice change of pace.

The eyes are intentionally like that. Like I said, its a bit of a throwback to my Dark Souls characters. In all 3 Souls games plus Bloodborne I played the closest thing to the same character each time. Part of that reoccurring design was VERY vibrant bright green eyes. Also yes the eyeliner options suck ass, that actually IS the best I could do with the options available.

Nose I'll admit I kinda sped through because its a timed trial and I wanted to get to the actual game while I could. It's not terrible though, acceptable, so I moved on. Yeah I wish I'd had the bridge sticking out farther, i'll fix that when I remake it on ps4. just didn't notice how glaring it was in the actual creator.

Unrelated, I'm rewatching the Harlock movie on netflix (Sooooo goooooood) and I still love how they updated the 70s designs to look awesome in modern CG.



Premium Donor
Why does it always go back to sex with you lol
>.> I just do ok?? XD like listen to Tekken's shattered dreams BGM, that song makes me visualize sad depressed sex in the middle of a foggy swamp. That DOA5 song Cascade that I use as my training mode theme also reminds me of sex.... But hey this is about Tyaren and Argentus, not me! XD

It also kind of helps that I'm kinda "hungry" too if you know what I mean >_>


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Unrelated, I'm rewatching the Harlock movie on netflix (Sooooo goooooood) and I still love how they updated the 70s designs to look awesome in modern CG.


Except what they did to the blue-haired girl these are actually really nice transitions into a more realistic 3D style.


Well-Known Member
Except what they did to the blue-haired girl these are actually really nice transitions into a more realistic 3D style.

if you have netflix look it up and watch it. It is a GORGEOUS movie.

We the same age Juihau XD

Stop XD

And why are Argentus and Tyaren arguing anyway? I just came back from SK survival and walked into this 0_o

differing artistic views.

If you need a comparison, remember Deidara and Sasori's arguing from Naruto.


Well-Known Member
We the same age Juihau XD

Stop XD

And why are Argentus and Tyaren arguing anyway? I just came back from SK survival and walked into this 0_o

Lol I'm sorry but that was funny as hell! XD I don't think a swamp setting would be nearly as haunting and beautiful as you must think it would be, Probably just get attacked by mosquitoes and frogs...


Well-Known Member
I was not going to say anything anymore...but it's not really about differing artistic views but rather considerably differing artistic competencies.
But let's stop here... :)

i'm gonna assume that's just because english isn't your first language since artistic competencies are totally irrelevant since this is about the two of us talking about someone else's work, rather than comparing our own.

we both know you're the better artist here but that, again, is totally irrelevant to talking about a game's graphics or art style.


Premium Donor
Lol I'm sorry but that was funny as hell! XD I don't think a swamp setting would be nearly as haunting and beautiful as you must think it would be, Probably just get attacked by mosquitoes and frogs...
Hey alot of VG bgms remind me of sex I can't help it XD you could say one Tekken or DOA BGM and I could tell you how it brings that to mind XD

Also GGs Juihau, that was fun playing survival with you and seeing how you dressed your characters, I loled when I saw that me and you both used Kanu's hair for Ayame and Ryona XD


Well-Known Member
btw I finally got around to playing Arkham Knight (Got it on sale). It was really good (like with past games I didnt bother doing the riddler stuff though), but THIS was the best looking thing in the game


seriously I just stared in awe at that for a really long time. It was beautiful....