The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
It's about as classy as this:


David Gregg

Well-Known Member
ROFL I watched that VMA performance on youtube easily the most idiotic and awkward performance I've ever seen. I felt bad for Robin Thicke but more importantly, the foam finger that she used to rub her crotch with on stage. :eek:


Well-Known Member
ROFL I watched that VMA performance on youtube easily the most idiotic and awkward performance I've ever seen. I felt bad for Robin Thicke but more importantly, the foam finger that she used to rub her crotch with on stage. :eek:

I feel bad for this planet that she even exists.... She's such a desperate attention whore, I honestly hope someone abducts her and takes her to some unknown island never to be heard from again.


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@ Miley:
In German exists a word, called "fremdschämen", which described my feelings during Miley's performance best. Fremdschämen means: To feel ashamed and extremely uncomfortable for someone else, who has done something really embarassing.
@ Helena's seashell bikini:
Come on now, it does look slutty and not classy at all... Hm...maybe like a classy stripper? XD

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
How do you unlock the "OMG" mode ?

I honestly don't even remember. I had just finished tag team arcade on a difficulty I had already played before using Kasumi and Hitomi (I don't think I unlocked all of the costumes for either of them yet) and all of the sudden it said I unlocked OMG physics.


I just unlocked the Donovan system voice wasn't expecting it but I just finished Alphas command training and it unlocked has anyone else done her training and got it ?


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Anyone else find this sadistic fetishism a lil' weird?
Not in the slightest.

It's only in poor taste if it involves a chair with arms. There's something about having both arms tied behind an armless chair that makes it so...

Oh wait, you're talking about the game. My bad.


Well-Known Member
@ Helena's seashell bikini:
Come on now, it does look slutty and not classy at all... Hm...maybe like a classy stripper? XD

Again, imagine mermaids and Aphrodite. I think that's what TN wants to portray and wants us to see. Plus, Helena loves to swim in the ocean with dolphins (her favorite animal) as shown in her DOA3 ending.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Again, imagine mermaids and Aphrodite. I think that's what TN wants to portray and wants us to see. Plus, Helena loves to swim in the ocean with dolphins (her favorite animal) as shown in her DOA3 ending.
It's interesting you say that, because I was under the impression for years that she enjoyed walking her dog and her one-time interaction with dolphins was solely for the sake of fanservice.
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