Tiers vs Favorites (Fighting)


But even Kuroda will tier whore in 3S when it comes to tournaments. If by any chance he isn't using top tier, it's usually in a team tournament where he's partnered with 2 top tier players (e.g. SBO 2012 where his Oro was partnered with Boss' Yun and MOV's Chun).

Oh yeah no doubt you gotta tier whore Third Strike. It's only claim to any sort of balance lies in the parry system in my opinion. I'm just saying, Kuroda did what he did with Q because he attended events, rather than sitting at home doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
Well, the other issues lie in my personal life and a lack of overall devotion to truly mastering a character. Well, I'll give it a look at.


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I always hear about "honor" in fighting games. What is "honor" to them?
I dunno about "them", but I always thought it was something like courtesy button checks, obeying the tournament rules and stage/setting rules where applicable, telling your fellow opponent "good game" or shaking hands after a match. Oh, and in a money match, honoring your end of the bargain whether you win or lose.

You can get no more honorable than that IMO, but again, this is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I rock Hsienko in UMVC3. Horrible character, but people are so unfamiliar with her that I can get away with murder. I snap that gold condom on and tag that bitch out.
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Well-Known Member
I rock Hsienko in UMVC3. Horrible character, but people are so unfamiliar with her that I can get away with murder. I snap that gold condom on and tag that bitch out.

It's things like this that can balance out tier-wars. Higher-tier characters will typically see more overall use, soit can get easy to pickup on the matchup just through playing against the same damn character 1200 times (Hi, Wesker.), thus limiting the effectiveness of their plans. A hardly-seen character, however, can waltz in and start wrecking everyone simply because there are so few who know the MU. Mind you, you still need that extra little bit of work to make them great.

There are still those few dickish characters who have stupidly effective tactics no matter how many people play them (lightning/sword loops, soul spam), but life's a bitch some times.


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Maybe it's because I support both tiers AND using my favorite characters. Fortunately for me the characters that I use aren't considered bad. I just go by which character suits me.


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I pretty much play whoever the hell I like

it just kinda sucks that most of the time, the characters I like end up being on the lower end of the spectrum (jade, quan chi, elena, paul in sfxt until recently, yoshimitsu, viewtiful joe etc.). Can't stand low tier heroes though, or people that will drop a character simply because more people are starting to use them.


Active Member
I know Lion from vf5 is top tier and hes my main char, but in doa I have no idea if Christie and Hayate are top tier to be honest =´.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care about tiers that much. I don't like people hatin' though. I'm always gonna pick the more aggressive character in the end anyway.

Ritual Dante

New Member
For me, I like to find a character that I enjoy playing as AND I can find a way to win with, however if its not a top tier character I dont really care that much and I will never complain about your character being higher tier than mine as it was my choice to go lower tier in the first place.

If I did care about winning over everything else, I would totally pick a top tier character, pick the stage they did the most damage on if I could and spam the the most difficult to defend against, frustrating techniques there were (*cough cough dragon gunner *cough). I also wouldnt hesitate to play as many mind games as I could think of, especially if there was money at stake.

As such I really dont have anything against people who have this mentality. Same with the bipolar button bashers that inevitably take you down every now and again, I have nothing against them and if I was stupid enough to lose to them, its my own fault.

What I would say though is that if you are going to rag on me because I dont have the same mindset as you and you absolutely cant see my way of thinking as valid, you need to grow up and you can feel free to pidgeon hole me as "scrub" or "n00b" or whatever you want because... I simply dont give a fuck and will play my way, not the way you tell me I should.


Active Member
The only TRUTH that exists is the TRUTH inside you and everything else is something someone is telling you. tier lists are just something we are atelling each other about our ideas about the game.

The belief that your character is low tier is a diabilitatine one.

The belief that your character is top tier is a enabling one.

The belief that your character is cheap is an inexhaulting one.

The belief that your character has great tools but must be played fairly makes you feel just.

In the end the beliefs that a tier list create is more important than the tier lists themselves for in the end all strategies can be overcome and all power belongs to he who masters himself and not a simple video game character.
