Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Hey all, is anyone going to be at A&C tonight? F.O.N. sent me an invite and I'm gonna drop by after work, should be there around 9 or so.


Yup, I'll be there today! I usually set up shop in the front corner of the room.
Was wondering how it worked, you guys just bring a console and set up eh, that's cool. Does A&C charge a cover for the floor space or anything?

I heard they close at 10 but it cant be helped since I worked so late. Even if I just get a Cpl rounds in it'll be worth it to meet everyone. Do you guys ever meet up on weekends?


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There's already setups (console, monitor, games) there, but DLC chaacters means it's better if someone brings their console 'cause the consoles there might not have them. There's a $5 fee for the venue.

We don't regularly meet on weekends outside of for tourneys. I'm fine with some weekends, but I gotta plan ahead.

EDIT: Bring a stick/controller with you if you can. There's a few sticks there you can borrow and controllers you can rent if you don't have one with you.


@Striker, for whatever reason I cannot hit "reply" on your posts, kinda strange. Good to know cause I need to grab some cash. Depending on how tonight goes maybe we could plan something on a Sunday morning/early afternoon. Im normally busy on Saturdays.

EDIT: F.O.N. gave me the heads up, I got my arcade stick with me XD
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Our general meeting day is Monday, but I come in on Wednesday too. Weekends generally aren't good for me but I'm occasionally free on Sundays. On Monday, we share space with VF players and Anime players (The Capcom players tend to play on the 360's).


Our general meeting day is Monday, but I come in on Wednesday too. Weekends generally aren't good for me but I'm occasionally free on Sundays. On Monday, we share space with VF players and Anime players (The Capcom players tend to play on the 360's).
Monday there's basically no chance of me getting out early so Wednesday is best for me, turned out we were really understaffed tonight though so I didnt get off work until after 9, would've been past 9:30 by the time I got to A&C so wasnt really worth driving down. If a Sunday is a possibility I'd be down, I can even bring a console and 2 arcade sticks (1 Ps3 stick and 1 ps2 with an adapter) if need be.

Im not used to legit competition so I probably would've got merked tonight neway XD! Will get some practice online this week so I'll be better prepped for next week.


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It's all good. I might be able to come down this Sunday since it's the long weekend and I think I'm free that day. We're a pretty chill group so no one is gunna get "merked". Though the VF players here can be pretty legit on Mondays.

I will also warn you that online doesn't really help you for offline play because they're essentially two different play environments.

@Yurlungur Good, you better not! O_O


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Alright, it's been set. TTT Northern Battles XIII, on July 6th, 2014!

Here's the usual details:

Venue: A&C World (702a Spadina Ave. Toronto, near Bloor and Spadina)
Doors open at 12PM
Registration starts at 12PM - 2PM (Tournaments will commence once the TD is ready)
Venue Fee: $10
Entry Fee: $5
All games are: Best 3 out of 5 sets (may be 2 out of 3 if there are time constraints)
Double Elimination Format
Recommended Health setting: SMALL health (270 HP)
Note: Dojo stage banned
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Character Lock for Winner only

This will be TTT's last tourney before EVO 2014. Let's just do what we do best and KICK SOME ASS!


The Pride Parade is this Sunday, traffic in and out pf TO will be brutal I think. And Im interested but cant make the tourney cuz Im off to a cottage that weekend. Damn! Question though, why use the smallest health bar? I'd have thought the normal health bar would be the tourney standard. Time constraints?

Offline may be a different environment but online is still better than fighting input-reading AI hacker BS! That's just a waste of time.

@Yurlungur It's cuz of my uber Supergirl avatar right? XD


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We play on Small, not Smallest, so it's not that extreme. Main reason is that less health makes the weaker characters more competitive. The more health, the more times a weaker character has to make the right decision in disadvantages matchups. Less health means that a few big reads can end the round. I'm fine with Normal, but I like the fast matches we have.

Also, real talk, I have an 100% win rate with Gen Fu on Largest Health online and I'm not good at this game. Shit is dumb.


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Normal Health, I.e. 300 HP, is too much health for a 3D fighter IMO. VF5FS uses 220 HP in comparison making every hit hurt. DOA5U uses 300 HP because of silly stages like, Home, Hotzone & Scramble that have these brutal dangerzones and environmental impacts on them. 300 HP is fine on Home (and the other 2 to a lesser extent), but sucks on every other stage. StrikerSashi is right that 270 HP is used because it improves the balance of the game for the "Lower-Tiered" characters while making the mostly terrible wake-up game more bearable for the characters that don't have a braindead wake-up game. Also, 270 HP matches go by faster and feel right. 300 HP matches drag on and have too many stupid "magic-pixel" moments.

We actually played on Smallest Health (240 HP, the old DOA standard) before and held one tourney in it (TTT Final Impact 2). It was actually quite exhilarating and changed the dynamic of 5U in a good way. Basically it forced you to carefully choose your attacks and actions and heavily punished you for sloppiness and bad reads. However, 240 HP made stages like Home stupid to the point of being broken (even on 270 HP or 300 HP I still think Home is just a dumb stage in general). The problem with 240 HP is that environmental damage was too severe, hi-counter throws were ridiculous, and you could win too easily by spamming cheap, lowest launch height combos.

One consistency across all the health settings is that GenFu is retarded on any health.

16P + Close Hit + Counter Hit + Wall + 240 HP = LOL GG!