Wall of Shame


Well-Known Member
Your rank resets and once you upload your save to next gen console. Both my offline and online records, titles, costumes and completed challenges carried over my rank didn't. My last rank was at A- and got a platinum which is now gone once I finally upgraded

Ah my records titles trophies and challenges didn't go over either.

Only costumes did for me.


Well-Known Member
Rank doesn't carry over from PS3 to PS4, it's resets regardless if you transfer your save data. :)
Exactly, only unlocked costumes, titles, music, movies, offline/online stats, and tutorial carry over. Apparently both Command and combo challenge is also resetted too, yet tutorial is not reset which I read people had their game crashed due to one of the tutorials.


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lol. This guy plays the most online Hayate I've ever seen in my life. He makes me want to drop Hayate. It was that bad. After 3-0ing him with Ein, he wrote this in the text box.

"You should kill yourself"



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Standard Donor
I feel ashamed today. Not because I lost poorly or ragequit... but because I was unable to reason with a player that I thought at first was a chill individual. The name of the player is not important at this time.

Anyway, we played a lot of matches. Lost count of how many we had, but I had the upper hand most of the time. After a while he decided to call it quits, and I thought, "OK, maybe he's had enough and has stuff to do". But then the player sent a message to me that simply said "garbage".

Most of the time, I would block a player and be done with it. But he didn't act like most players did, so I gave him the benefit of a doubt and replied:
"Good games to you too".

He then replied back with: "Fuck you... as if.". I replied back with "I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope we can play again under better circumstances. Be blessed."

His response: "I don't feel any way toward trash and I'm so sorry I don't like you and don't believe in your god dumb ass... so bless yourself dickhead". Yeah, I'm scratching my head on this one too.

My final reply was: "I guess there are some people who can't be reasoned with. Sorry for wasting your time then; take care of yourself."

He then responded with "Yeah OK, go to hell. And BTW you were never reasonable".

What did I do wrong in this scenario? How could I have convinced this person to become friends with me?


Premium Donor
I feel ashamed today. Not because I lost poorly or ragequit... but because I was unable to reason with a player that I thought at first was a chill individual. The name of the player is not important at this time.

Anyway, we played a lot of matches. Lost count of how many we had, but I had the upper hand most of the time. After a while he decided to call it quits, and I thought, "OK, maybe he's had enough and has stuff to do". But then the player sent a message to me that simply said "garbage".

Most of the time, I would block a player and be done with it. But he didn't act like most players did, so I gave him the benefit of a doubt and replied:
"Good games to you too".

He then replied back with: "Fuck you... as if.". I replied back with "I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope we can play again under better circumstances. Be blessed."

His response: "I don't feel any way toward trash and I'm so sorry I don't like you and don't believe in your god dumb ass... so bless yourself dickhead". Yeah, I'm scratching my head on this one too.

My final reply was: "I guess there are some people who can't be reasoned with. Sorry for wasting your time then; take care of yourself."

He then responded with "Yeah OK, go to hell. And BTW you were never reasonable".

What did I do wrong in this scenario? How could I have convinced this person to become friends with me?
I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that, why can't people just play and finish with no hard feelings??


Well-Known Member
Someone joined a lobby I was in, B rank, titles "gold fighter" and "veterans only," 26 win streak. I fight them and they pick Phase 4, nothing but 6PP's and 1PP's and all her other unsafe moves. I throw punish a LOT and apparently they didn't understand the concept of it because every time they KO'd me they'd do T T T T T like I was the one playing this game wrong lol. Then they picked Rachel and did a lot of 1PP's and 6PPK's which all got thrown. Then they picked Marie and kept doing PPPP's and minuet P+K's which all got thrown. Then they ragequit.

"Gold fighter" "Veterans only" okay


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Ran into an Akira player named "Sanada_Kyo." beat me first round and then said "Nooooo i didn't try Damnit"
I responded with "Nooooo one cares" and then he jumped into typical troll rhetoric. "Why are you angry?"-type nonsense.
Then I played him with Leon and won. Then with my Tina (I have one; she sucks) and won.


Well-Known Member
I got called a garbage "puccboi" the other day when someone got overly aggressive at me for no reason. They lost the first fight and seemed really upset even though they didn't type anything (you know those times when you can just tell someone's seething online when they're silent) and after they won the second and taunted and corpse beat the shit out of me I said "u ok now hun" and they said "fight on your real account buster." Bravo you got me I've had this account since 2007 and have gotten over 2000 trophies on it just to make it appear real for DOA5. Then they said "you garbage puccboi" and left. P isn't anywhere near f on a keyboard so idk what happened there


Premium Donor
I remember this was from a long while back but I don't think I shared. So during the Ultimate days when I was just getting better with DOA at age 16 and began understanding mix ups and throw punishment, I joined a lobby to test my Kasumi....bad idea, it was mics and people with grades B to A. So I'm up and I fight someone in lost world and I play aggressively and mix up and throw when I gotta and then I just 7PP away on knockdown so I can get away. The person on the mic called me a "spammer" and he talking to everyone at his place trying to make it seem like I was a spammer...After I win the 2-3 matches against other players, they return to lobby, I press ready thinking there was a mistake and then I get kicked. That's why to this very day I play defensive and don't enjoy being in the winner stays lobbies for too long, you get so much salt and anger just from playing the right way.

This other one wasn't a shame thing, but I joined a lobby with Nestor Collazo I think or whoever that one guy who uses Alpha and Brad name is a month or two ago, and I watch in spectators and he was trolling players with alpha. So I decided to bite the bullet and fight him to see if I could break the mold and trolling, so I chose Naotora. the match is set up on infinite time and "five rounds win"...I don't know how I did it but I was able to almost finish the match but I lost with 4/5 won on my side and 5/5 on his, I guess it's because I spaced and used 66T instead of getting in a stun and getting hi counter BURST like the other players were. After that he exits to lobby abruptly and says "GGs" and just leaves...I found that stranger than anything.


Premium Donor
Nestor got a bit weird, he's rude to everyone online these days when he used to be pretty nice. Then he came back to FSD for five seconds recently to spam the status section with nonsense.
I could definitely see that, I actually was surprised that the player was here on FSD and I even went to his profile to at least say GGs around the time he made those statuses but he never responded


Well-Known Member
Nestor got a bit weird, he's rude to everyone online these days when he used to be pretty nice. Then he came back to FSD for five seconds recently to spam the status section with nonsense.
He's always been cool with me and say's "GGs" win, lose, or draw so I haven't experienced any rude behavior, but only Nestor just being Nestor.


Premium Donor
He's always been cool with me and say's "GGs" win, lose, or draw so I haven't experienced any rude behavior, but only Nestor just being Nestor.
I think it was him trying to protect his win streak or something, when I came in it was I believe in the 70s. I doubt I could've beat him anyway if we were to fight again that day but maybe he just didn't wanna lose it from trolling gone wrong in my case


Well-Known Member
Well there was this one time I met an alpha 152 player. I had a feeling that the dude was gonna spam so I do abide the "kill spam with spam" code and picked Naotora Li wearing my favorite cat costume. I beat em and this guy gave me a friend invite just to spam my chat box. I blocked his messages and blocked his steam ID but to no avail. He went through the trouble of changing his steam ID just to stalk me with hate mail and spam invites to voice chat several times with me refusing. I lost count after two OK! X.x

2nd match he beat me when I was using Christie. I was laughing so hard cuz I can tell that his Alpha 152 was trying so hard to get that win. The second the match was over the relentless spam continued only this time he wanted to gloat! So ok the match was a tie he won one and I won one. However, he kept refusing me to fight him again for the tie breaker. He wanted to concentrate his energy on spamming my chat box just to gloat. I kept closing windows and blocking his messages for the next 2 hours until he finally gave up.

Moral of the story is that sometimes you find out how players chose their mains the hard way.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well there was this one time I met an alpha 152 player. I had a feeling that the dude was gonna spam so I do abide the "kill spam with spam" code and picked Naotora Li wearing my favorite cat costume. I beat em and this guy gave me a friend invite just to spam my chat box. I blocked his messages and blocked his steam ID but to no avail. He went through the trouble of changing his steam ID just to stalk me with hate mail and spam invites to voice chat several times with me refusing. I lost count after two OK! X.x

2nd match he beat me when I was using Christie. I was laughing so hard cuz I can tell that his Alpha 152 was trying so hard to get that win. The second the match was over the relentless spam continued only this time he wanted to gloat! So ok the match was a tie he won one and I won one. However, he kept refusing me to fight him again for the tie breaker. He wanted to concentrate his energy on spamming my chat box just to gloat. I kept closing windows and blocking his messages for the next 2 hours until he finally gave up.

Moral of the story is that sometimes you find out how players chose their mains the hard way.
Sounds like the type of people I dealt with a few years ago.