What characters do you really enjoy/hate playing against?

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Playing a good Helena, Sarah, Alpha or Kokoro puts me into a completely different mindset.

Once i know you know what youre doing i flip a switch and start paying attention. it doesnt mean ill win, it just means im really trying to.

Love playing Busa or Bayman, always an easy W.


Active Member
Genfu / Helena , i have to SE' almost everything to get a fair shake vs high skilled opponents drives me nuts


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Hate Ninjas in general for their superior speed and agility making them ridiculously hard to hit.

Hate Helena for her force tech bs, then Hitomi and Zack because since they took away the ability to counter while laying down, now Zack and Hitomi can just keep kicking me while I'm down so once I get knocked down once, I lose because I cant up under my control.


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I hate playing against Brad players. Well I don't "hate" them, but his mind games are too much for my 13 year old brain, lol. And plus, it's a Bad matchup for Zack.


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Zack - Hate this guy. I always try to hold his attacks but it never works. I dunno if it's some natural combo shit or something, but it's very annoying.
Anyways, the reason you cannot hold is because if you are in stun, and he does one, just one of the Gatling kicks, and that one kick connects, the second one is guaranteed. Third is not. And if a good Zack knows what he's doing, s/he'll wait for you to throw out your hold. And then do either :6::H+P: :5: :P::P::4:, wait for you to hold again, and then :6::H+P: :5: :P::P::2:. You would expect a throw again so you decide to duck. Guess what comes out? :P::P::4:. You expect a third one so you try to hold. You get grabbed again. Zack man.... Zack....

And also, he can give you Limbo Stun off of :3::K::K::K::K: on CH in Closed Stance. So yeah, most of it is a natural combo.


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I generally enjoy any character as long as the opponent knows what they're doing...

I generally dislike braindead rinse-recycle-repeat matches..regardles off the character.. even if I'm the one doing it.. Its boring when the opponent doesnt learn..


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Anyways, the reason you cannot hold is because if you are in stun, and he does one, just one of the Gatling kicks, and that one kick connects, the second one is guaranteed. Third is not. And if a good Zack knows what he's doing, s/he'll wait for you to throw out your hold. And then do either :6::H+P: :5: :P::P::4:, wait for you to hold again, and then :6::H+P: :5: :P::P::2:. You would expect a throw again so you decide to duck. Guess what comes out? :P::P::4:. You expect a third one so you try to hold. You get grabbed again. Zack man.... Zack....

And also, he can give you Limbo Stun off of :3::K::K::K::K: on CH in Closed Stance. So yeah, most of it is a natural combo.
Yeah, to be fair I haven't studied the Zack match-up as well as I should, though your info. definitely helps.

There's also the issue of having tons of reset throws and you know how much I love those...


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Let's see.. I'll just cover the extreme cases.


Gen Fu - This guy for whatever reason just does not scare me. I like seeing a good Fu and enjoy fighting him but if I'm not fighting SweetRevenge most of the time it's an easy win. Akira vs Fu is crazy fun also.

Bayman - Ahh the counter and mid punch spam, who can argue with free wins?

Kasumi - Most hate fighting her, I enjoy it. Keeps my reflexes sharp for punishing and countering against good ones. Against the mashy ones it's a free win. So it's a win win for me either way.

Ayane - Love hate relationship, fighting good ones is a chore but she really helps sharpen my spacing game and teaches me to respect her range and whiff punishing. Really makes you think before you approach her. (Shout outs to Sir Skeleton, most spacing oriented Ayane I've ever seen online)

Ryu - There are few good Busa players but when you find one it's a blast to fight him. Shoutouts to MASTER of course. His is by far the funnest to fight.

Kokoro - Used to hate fighting her but she's been teaching me when I should be timing my sidesteps against both her and string based characters in general. Also to be patient when fighting her and respect her Akira tier safety.


Christie - Obvious reasons. We can just tack on that she's Akira's worst matchup as a bonus also.

Akira - Yes it's funny to put this here but fighting other Akiras is kind of a pain, I know what he's going to do but reacting to it is difficult when so few people use him as it's rare to get practice. Also I suck badly at mirror matches.

Hayate - Mostly just the players here, I feel like I lose to online spam and turtling most of the time. Also tack on the comment about sucking at mirror matches and multiply it by x10 then apply it here. He's just really annoying to fight against...

Jann Lee - Just an overall headache to fight against. DG spam when you're close and when you're not it's turtle city.

Sarah - Ridiculous pressure, insane mixups, sabakis, strings, decent damage, parries, spacing, frame advantage. She's a nightmare to fight offline, now add lag to that and then you get...

Zack: Too little experience against him. Against a good Zack when he locks you down it's hard to get him off you. He can be predictable but a good mixup heavy Zack is a nightmare. Can't get a handle on his gameplan either because he's so rare to come across.

Lisa - ...I...don't... know...what she's doing...

Mila - Stop... side...stepping... me... NO. GET GRABBED.

Alpha - Mash mash mash mash mash mash.

Helena is kind of in-between. I was on the fence about her but now that I've gotten a handle on her she's kinda fun to fight unless the player is abusing lag/delay. Then it's just a pain.


Well-Known Member
I dislike fighting:
:helena: Those force-techs....
:hitomi: Only when the player is spamming 33T. Other than that she aight.
:lisa: Even though she is my main, I'm annoyed at how other people and the damn AI use her. They always do her OHs every chance they get. 9p T, 9k T, 7k T, kkp T, 1kk T. It is just annoying. I have you problem with it, but it's the fact they do it after EVERYTHING I just listed. It gets annoying.
:mila: She will never get off of me when I'm knocked down...
:sarah: I love using her, but lets be serious, she's a bag of bullshit.
I like fighting everyone else.
:akira: He hits harder than a truck and uses every part of his body, but he is a great opponent.
:zack: He is just fun all around.
:tina: In the hands of a skilled player she can crack faces all day, but when being used by a decent player she isn't too hard.
:christie: I find no trouble with her (Unless I'm Kokoro. OMG! Terrible matchup) except the jak. But Lisa has a few tracking moves that can catch her.
:Gen Fu: He is fun to fight.
:eliot: Pretty fun to fight. I just like the way his fighting style is. Looks straight forward.
:kasumi: She helps improve my defense since every goes up and down with her.
:ayane: It is a guessing game, but it is not too bad
:leifang: I like skilled Leifangs.
:pai: Eh.
:hayabusa: Without the spamming of Izunas he is fun to fight.
:hayate: He is pretty unsafe, and Lisa has beautiful, wonderful, useful throws :)
:kokoro: She's ok. I don't have much problems with her.
:Brad: I like seeing him at a high level play style.
:Alpha-152: ugh...


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I feel out of place.

The character is only as good as the player using them. You guys should like every character, and dislike the character that is lag. That is your true enemy, if not fear and doubt.


Well-Known Member
Kasumi-Only enjoy fighting the good ones.
Ryu-EXTREMELY love fighting him! Thank you Manny :)
Ayane-eh lol I'm always chasing her :/
Hitomi-can be annoyingly mashy at times.
Rig-I be hoping the Rig doesn't kno what he's doing XD
Akira-Koko vs Akira allday. Zeeeee ;)
Tina-Only a few I enjoy playing.
Christie-Only hate christie's who mindlessly sidestep noobishly...
Hayate-*looks at Zeo* *whistling*
Brad-Low OH dat @zz LOL
Bass-haven't fought many
Lisa-Random character who takes massive damage :(
Kokoro-Artemis has me loving the koko.
Zack-........I Cant.........
Bayman-he's fun to play against
Eliot-poor kid be getting owned LOL
Helena-Loooove mirrors :)
Leifang-This lady can be a true pain in the #@$.
Genfu-poor old man :(
VFs-Hate only Pai when ppl mash awaym :/
Mila-I absolutely just HATE mila......always have. About time they nerfed that stupid tackle of hers.-_-
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