What characters do you really enjoy/hate playing against?


Active Member
I've always wondered what characters people really enjoy and hate playing matches with. Mind you, I'm talking about online as opposed to offline. I don't know shit about offline as I have no opportunities to play offline.

Personally, I really like matches against Akiras, Sarahs and Pais. For the most part, from what I've seen, you have to know the character to be effective with them. Granted, I also think they eventually fall into the same patterns of attacks over and over again, just like every other character. But still, most of the matches I've enjoyed the most have been against those characters. I also really really love playing other Brad Wongs because there're so few of us and plus I like to see how other people use him. Playing Rigs is fun too just because there seem to be very few of them as well.

I absolutely fucking hate playing Gen Fus, Eliots and Milas. I swear every match I've had with any of them, regardless of the player in control, has been the same match every time. The same pattern of attacks, the same mix ups over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I know that there aren't thousands and thousands of mix ups they could do, but it just gets old and boring after a while, winning or losing. I also don't like playing Ayanes, but that's just because she's a really bad match up for me personally. I suck against her.


Active Member
Oh I also meant to add: What new characters in DoA 5U do you think you will enjoy/hate playing against based on what we've seen of them so far?


Well-Known Member
I hate playing against Brads and Rigs. Their movesets frustrate me. And DEFINITELY Sarah.

I actually enjoy playing other Kasumis and Ayanes to compare how we fight using the same character.

Rachel and Jacky look really annoying, but Momiji looks like she could be fun to fight.


Well-Known Member
Leifang, Christie, Sarah, Pai, Brad, Rig and Lisa are just bitches to fight against.

The easiest is probably Eliot (but that's because of punch parry XD ).


New Member
I don't like to play against the Virtua Fighter cast. Their movesets are so annoying and not DOA-like and the low quality voices hurting my ears. I don't mind the others. Guess I got trolled enough since DOA2 and now I'm immune to them.

I agree with the Mila thing, I tried to love her but it is sooo boring to make the same like 6 move in the entire match. I hope she gets some proper sets in U.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely hate: VF characters, Rig, Lisa, Brad, Gen Fu and as of DoA5 Ayane

I do like however, Kasumi, Hitomi, Hayate and then pretty much everyone else but the first 3 I like facing the most because I can see the tells so I can counter into the Izuna holds ;)


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Standard Donor
As most of you probably know, everyone is my toughest opponent.

But the characters I really hate fighting are self-doubt, arrogance, and pessimism.


I dont like Ayane. Just so hard to even touch her if played well. Frustrating as hell. I also dont like fighting Bayman because some of his OH and throw animations are sooo long -.- it is just annoying, they take longer than some ultras in street fighter or transitions in injustice.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Most of my stuff being primarily OHs Bass and Tina murder me when I try to grab.able to do the same amount of damage as a DDT except its inescapable

Brad,Lisa,and Gen Fu because their move sets just confuse the fuck out of me

Christie.because she won't.stop.attacking.

As for favorites:

Alpha,I consider it payback for having to fight that fucking bot in DOA4

Mila,try to loop me I pop you in the face with my knee and laugh

Ryu,teleport spam vs tank roll


I hate to fight the VF cast and of course christie, she is a real pain to beat.
I like to play against Hayate, Helena, Hitomi, Zack, Jann Lee and Brad Wong(because he´s one of my mains and I know him pretty well)

You really like to play against Helena? I would like to know why, because I think she is rather annoying. Her vortex and constant guessing game give me a headache.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm surprised no one hates fighting Helena with the backlash she got. The only person who mentioned her actually liked to.

For me, I hate fighting Sarah (curse you positive frames), Kokoro (stupid 6P+KP. Although it's been nerfed hard so this might change), Lisa (I still don't understand OHs) and Gen Fu (don't understand him).

I like to fight against Ayane (she makes for epic matches). I don't really enjoy fighting that many people lol


Well-Known Member
I only hate Akira and Rig because I still haven't bothered to learn their moves. It would help if more people used them


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Usually it depends on the playstyle of the person. For example, turtles in Tatami, regardless of their character, piss me off to no end. But, I do have preferences, as some characters are consistently annoying if someone even half-knows how to use them. So, let's go on an adventure.

Akira - Shockingly I actually like fighting Akira. He's hard as hell and a VF, but I dunno. He's always a fun challenge. Sue me.
Alpha - One of the most annoying. Way too high strike power to also have a shitton of OHs and some of the most powerful and lightning fast throws in the game. She is really stupid, even with her limited ground/hold game (parry is always good).
Ayane - Really depends on how she's being played, but in general I actually like fighting her fine. 6P9 can be a pain for slower characters, though, because even if you predict it/see it coming, your BT attacks can be wonky and still won't clip her.
Bass - There are so few Bass players that it's always a treat to see him.
Bayman - Quite possibly the most fun opponent to fight in the game for various reasons. Only BS thing he has is that wall throw reset. Hopefully this stays true with his backwards tankroll attacks.
Brad Wong - Would normally be fine except that for whatever reason 90% of online Brads are lag monsters.
Christie - I don't really thing I need to explain why this one can be frustrating.
Eliot - Not bad, not great. No real objections here.
Gen Fu - Kinda epitomizes DOA5's flaws by constantly keeping you in the stun game with a reset from launch, another reset throw, a low reset throw, parries, braindead CBs, super-safety, etc.
Hayate - Would be fine, but I'm not a fan of the way he can get away with so much unsafe shit due to his crouching status finishers, but more importantly is that goddamn winddash. There is no universal solution to it's gap-closing, same-animation BS (like there is with Ryu's teleports) to you are LITERALLY left to guessing. His new teleports in 5U are not going to help his case at all.
Helena - Would be fine, but her FT shit is hella-annoying. Looking forward to fighting her again in 5U with Blazed Up Melpomene and revamped force-techs.
Hitomi - Very fun. Unless the opponent keeps spamming her reset throw, somersault or that super-mega-delayable rapid-punch string and free-canceling it into 33T.
Jann Lee - Fun save Dragon Gunner, wall reset and Dragon Kick.
Kasumi - Very fun, except that online sometimes her speed lets her get away with madness she shouldn't. 1PP and 33T can also go to hell.
Kokoro - Weird safety online and constant reset throws even from strings. Additionally her lurch is insane so you can never out-space her beyond side-stepping. Annoying, usually.
Lei Fang - Legitimate Lei Fang's are actually quite fun to fight, though very difficult. Not a fan of 1P+K and some other things, but as long as they're used strategically, I like fighting her.
Lisa - I don't like fighting her simply because other people never try to do her cool-looking shit (Deja Vu and the like) and it frustrates me. I know, dumb reason, but anyway...
Mila - Perhaps the third most annoying character in the game. Somersault, advantage on tackle breaks, tackles being long and boring, no strings in favor of silly poke options... just, ugh. Fuck Mila.
Pai Chan - Again, that "no logical choice beyond a perfect hold guess" thing can really get to you. Still, I have trouble hating her, and can be good for a check on how spot-on your yomi is.
Rig - I like fighting Rig.
Ryu Hayabusa - I like fighting him until he starts teleport spamming. Screw that shit.
Sarah - The biggest whore in gaming ever. Fuck you, Sarah. Fuck you.
Tina - I like fighting Tina.
Zack - Hate this guy. I always try to hold his attacks but it never works. I dunno if it's some natural combo shit or something, but it's very annoying.


Well-Known Member
Hate fighting against: Kokoro, Rig, Mila, Jann Lee - they always seemed impenetrable whenever they block

The rest are alright.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Ones I dislike fighting against:
Akira: knee-knee-knee-knee....
Jann: That damn dragon gunner. lol
Ryu (in an enclosed stage like home): his izuna drop is my worst nightmare. lol
Zack: can never predict him

Ones I really like fighting against:
Bass: his moves have always been so powerful. Who doesn't want to spin their opponent around and slam them against a wall?
Brad: he's a fun character to fight against and I appreciate someone who knows how to really use him.
Helena: gotta love that BK stance
Lisa: she's insane love her throws and can't wait to see her in ultimate especially after that new trailer.
Sarah: have a lot of respect for that VF goddess.


Well-Known Member
Ones I dislike fighting against:
Akira: knee-knee-knee-knee....
Jann: That damn dragon gunner. lol
Ryu (in an enclosed stage like home): his izuna drop is my worst nightmare. lol
Zack: can never predict him

Ones I really like fighting against:
Bass: his moves have always been so powerful. Who doesn't want to spin their opponent around and slam them against a wall?
Brad: he's a fun character to fight against and I appreciate someone who knows how to really use him.
Helena: gotta love that BK stance
Lisa: she's insane love her throws and can't wait to see her in ultimate especially after that new trailer.
Sarah: have a lot of respect for that VF goddess.
anyone that mentions Zack gets my respect. 1+