Your Favorite DOA Outfits


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Let's be a little more positive (having only a "Worst Outfits"-thread so far) and share our favorite DOA outfits here. :) (Maybe Team Ninja watches and learns what outfits NOT to forget in DoA6.) It can be any outfit of any game in the series and for any character, even if you don't usually like him/her but really dig the outfit.

I'll start with five of my most favorite outfits of DoA5 and I even made some pics for you, yaaay:

Mila C2:
Woah, Mila looks super badass, yet super sexy as well in it.

Hitomi C3:
I always had a soft spot for karate gi and Hitomi looks great and totally cute in it.

Kasumi C9:
Kasumi looks like a stylish, sexy nerd in it. I like this outfit much more than her other student outfits.

Leifang C8:
I was a little mad, when suddenly some other girls got a version of Leifang's super sexy black dress. She's the only one it fits perfectly like a glove. Hrrr...:3

Zack C5:
Most of Zack's outfits can be described as "ridiculous". This is one of the very few "awesome" ones. He looks like a street thug...a totally awesome thug. :D
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Brad Wong's centrelink, wife-beater, late-home-from-the-pub look


Christie's black dress with those dagger shoes. I can picture her garroting a club owner with carpet string in this saucy get-up.


Helena's outback ranger, roadkill hunting outfit. Loving her boots too


Jacky doing his best Wesker impression


Jann-Lee looking as though his about to go limo driving on the neon strip to gamble at his nearest casino. Such a pimp.


Lei Fang if she stepped onto the set of BioShock Infinite or how i would picture her in a 70's high school's musical


Rig's jail-bird after beating up Street Fighter's Cody


Lei Fang if she were chewing on a pencil in a classroom or going for a Sunday picnic in a field of daffodils


Pai in all her classy redness pleasing all the old Asian business men


Gen-Fu showing off his tanned leathery reptile skin & rippled wrinkles in his holiday resort clothes


& finally, Bayman if he were on the set of The Days of Our Lives. I reckon the man looks quite dashing in a polo hiding some of that marine manliness. :cool:


Those are probably my stand-outs if we aren't including the recent Halloween costume pack. Plenty there to choose from now.
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Some of those are favorites of mine too! :) Hope you don't mind if I repost them?

Ayane C19:
It's just a beautiful, intricate design and it fits Ayane perfectly:

Kasumi C19:
I wanted this one so bad! To be honest, I like it for being so skimpy, yet elegant and being in Kasumi's color sakura petal pink. I disliked her first and second bikinis for being too frilly and the blue one having a kinda weird design.

Rig C5:
Love this one! It looks badass, yet funny, yet sexy and it fits Rig's character just perfectly:

Christie C10:
I thought, it was a great idea, to give Christie this costume out of her ending cutscene in DoA4. Christie was so badass in that strip club scene and it always reminds me of that. She does look incredibly hot in it too of course. ;)

Mila C5:
I heard, some dislike the apron on this one. But come on, that is the entire point of that outfit! It is the waitress outfit of the diner, she works in. I find it super funny, to have her fight in her working clothes. As if some thug troubled a customer and Mila invited him to the backyard to teach him some manners.

Although she should change her apron for a clean one afterwards...
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No one else seems to be posting in here Tyaren apart from us. Looks like this thread is ours alone, so let's keep it rolling :cool: Btw did you create those pics yourself? The quality looks 1080p razor sharp compared to the blurry shots i found from wikipedia. Anyway good choices there mate, i agree with your comment on Mila's apron too. To me it makes sense for her to be wearing her apron, she could be on a short smoko break with it left on or she could be taking a troublesome customer outside to the cleaners & can't be arsed taking her apron off just to hand out a quick biff while she's still on shift. I can also picture her serving outback truckers some of the finest T-bone steak too while donned in that steam-stained apron. :cool:

Okay here are a few more that i like but didn't put in my first post

Akira's "going for a morning stroll" tracksuit


Bayman after he just nicked Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher's wetsuit before legging it


Kasumi looking as though shes about to go window shopping in Tokyo


Sarah in a leather red coat that would make Ada Wong proud


Rachel in her busty behind-the-reception-desk secretary suit


& finally Mila as a bikie's mistress looking to cause trouble in the nearest road-side steakhouse by snapping pool cues over heads while cranking up the juke box to the "Sweat" theme.



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Yeah, Keved, we ruuule! :D
Yes, I made those screens myself. If you'd like any of those in high quality, you can find and download them here:

Okay, now some of my absolute favorites from the brand new Halloween DLC:

Hitomi (Halloween):
The angel costume fits her perfectly and I really like, how it is made. Great, cute design and lots of love for detail:

Christie (Halloween):
If I had to give an award for the best outfit choice of all the characters, it would be for Christie's vampiress outfit. So hot and sexy and dark. I couldn't imagine anything else for her. Her cute and tiny fangs are a really great detail. :3

Helena (Halloween):
I mean...just wow!! O: A succubus wouldn't be my first choice for Helena and I know many others were praying for her greek godess outfit (which is an all time favorite of mine too), but come on.... She looks so damn hot! I just can't take my eyes off her. XD
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Well, there's a lot... I'm gonna go alphabetically.


While the white gi is more of a quintessential badass costume, this just screams 'classy badass'. Besides, he looks better in red.

AYANE: C8 (Infiltrator)

This one's hard, given that Ayane's one of the better dressed girls, but I probably like this one best. Why? It's sexy, and it has her blades on her thighs. It gives off the impression that she knows she's a better killer than most of the cast, and you're lucky she's feeling merciful.


The only character thus far who can kick ass in an awesome suit. This dolls up Bass in a way that evokes a Mafia boss from some beat-em-up, who gets up and throws you around the room at the end of the level. Plus, fedoras and scarves: the ultimate badass combination.


I'm really happy he got this. It gives him a great 'off-duty badass' look that asks you to not get in his way, lest he snap your leg in 18 different places.


Speaking earlier of 'classy badass', we now see this costume on Brad. I've cycled between this and C3 since Vanilla, so it was a shoe-in here.


This costume, to me, embodies Christie perfectly: tough, sexy, and mysterious. Throw on some aviators, and our resident assassin is now dressed for success.


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Thanks so much for participating here, Xernuht! :)
What I wondered for some time now. Is that supposed to be a midriff bulge (right above the belt), Bayman has going o there, or muscles? It looks more like fat to me. XD You can see it even better in his wrestling trunks.


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I believe it is. It's not a problem, though. He's still got the muscles to hurl you across the screen by your neck.


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So, you think so too. XD Such details are very interesting to see in DoA5's new and much more detailed art style.

Forlorn Penguin

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Tengu is ripped!.png

Bankotsubo, without a shirt on. The most ripped bod in all of DOA. Those pecks, the white cloth hanging from his waist, the black tengu-geta, the baby's skull hanging from his neck, the gleaming white eyes.

Easily his most badass outfit ever. He must bring this getup back with him when he returns.


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The Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate (and Doa4) character models were beautifully modelled and so was Tengu. I totally agree, they did a really good job sculpting his body. If he were to to come back to to DoA5 Ultimate, I guess, you won't see that detail anymore. They reduced the polygon detail of all the guy's bodies in favor of normal mapping skin textures. I don't know, if that really does the job better... Tengu would probably not look as ripped anymore. :(

Okay, let's see some more of my favorite costumes:

Mila C20:
I wasn't to fond of the new school girl DLC. It felt kind of lazy and as already seen. But there was one outfit, that I simply had to buy: Mila's :) She looks so awesome in it! Love the style, love the colour, love, that even though it is a skirt, Mila rocks it. Not in a girly way, more in a tough, manly way. Like some scotsman in a kilt would. If that makes any sense...XD

Rachel C3:
This is my favorite costume of Rachel! :D The default one is a little too over the top for me and imho doesn't fit so well in the DoA Universe. The second one feels as the too often seen hot secretary-look to me. In her third costume she looks sexy yet modern and unique though. It is very well modelled (the polygon mesh I mean) as well.

Hayate (Halloween):
Great costume choice for him. Of course the Ninja of Wind should be some winged angel/cherub-like character. He does (intentionally?) very much resemble Pit from Kid Icarus as well, which is SO AWESOME!! :D Love that character and the series!

Hayate C6:
Hayate desperately needed a super badass Ninja Gaiden-like outfit (like Ryu, Ayane, Kasumi and Momiji). I think, this one nails it perfectly. It looks really great, with beautiful details and with the long, white scarf, white hand bandages and white tabi socks, it incorporates Hayate's lightness as the Ninja of Wind perfectly. (I wish, the texure of the scarf was a little less pixelated though...)
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I wished, they'd give Ryu that outfit with the long hair again. :(

Last batch of my favorites:

Ryu's default outfit:
I know, I have often thrown around the word "badass"...but this is the most badass outfit of them all! 'nuff said...

Jacky's default outfit:

His racer outfit is the best he had in the history of Virtua Fighter so far. It's just cool, even sexy and super iconic. I'd recognize Jacky like this from a mile away. Really great character design. :)

Helena C12:
Why is this called "Rusty Nail"? XD It doesn't look like that at all. It looks gorgeous and Helena looks like a godess covered in pure gold. It's sexy yet very elegant and sophisticated.

Ayane (Halloween):
At first I was like: Yeah, Ayane will be a naughty demon girl too. :3 But when I saw this, I instantly squeaked. What an awesome idea! The colors fit Ayane perfectly and the fairy theme actually as well. I mean, she does twirl and swirl over the stage like some fairy ballerina.

Brad C3:
I don't really like Brad, I don't like his fighting style, I usually don't like any of his outfits...except this one!
It's just cool (the combination wife beater and jeans always is!), casual and has some really nice details (that thingy on his leg, whatever you would call it and the necklaces). As it seems, other guys here really like this outfit as well.
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Well-Known Member
Continuing from last post...


It's been here before. It deserves a repost. This is Ein's iconic outfit, and it fits his perfectly. I'm actually surprised the sunglasses weren't automatically on him in earlier versions.


He's got some really nice Chinese clothes befitting a student of Gen Fu, but this outfit is such a blatant statement of "Hey look, I'm British!" it's a bit silly. At the same time, he's a Brit who can gut-punch you across the room and through a wall. Badass British tourist is badass.


Once again, his chinese clothes are more visually impressive. Three words, though: Chinese. Battle. Santa.
I rest my case.


Hayate's an unfortunate case. While the other ninja have at least three costumes I really enjoy, Hayate only has two I will actually ever use: This and C6. This is very 'ninja hero'-y, with his really cool bow over his back. If Hayate ends up playable in Ninja Gaiden, I'd expect this to be one of his costumes.


I do not main Helena. I can't even begin to explain how bad I am with her. I almost hate myself for this, because she has my favorite set of costumes in 5/5U. This, though... is just amazing. I'm absolutely amazed at how beautiful she looks while kicking ass in this. I'd go as far as to say she wears it better than Leifang.


Another case of the iconic look being the best. While I hope that Hitomi regains some of her old toughness, this outfit makes her look less like a cute girl who could punch you through a wall, and more like a cute girl who can punch you through a wall. And we know she can.


While his iconic C1 is probably his best look, this is my favorite. It has a nice Matrix-esque look (more 1st movie than Reloaded/Revolutions) and looks really freaking awesome when he busts out his flash kicks.
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Forlorn Penguin

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It's a shame that Hitomi's demin outfit in DOA5U isn't even her classic one, but rather a lazy mock of it instead.

Can you spot the difference?


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Oh, I totally forget to mention Hitomi's classic default outfit here! O: I was so glad, they brought it back! Her DoA5 default outfit is so bland and replaceable...

@Forlorn Penguin:
Well, a different tank top, different shoes and it now features a studded belt (which I find kinda cool). The different tank top is the biggest change, but that change was already made in DoA2Ultimate and kept in DoA4. I think, that bright yellow color does really go well with the blue, sometimes greenish denim. :)

I'm still not so sure about Helena's white dress... But what I find interesting: They didn't just swap the color to white, but changed the cloth physics as well. It does feel lighter and more like silk or satin, instead of latex (as in Leifang's case).
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Forlorn Penguin

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@Forlorn Penguin:
Well, a different tank top, different shoes and it now features a studded belt (which I find kinda cool). The different tank top is the biggest change, but that change was already made in DoA2Ultimate and kept in DoA4. I think, that bright yellow color does really go well with the blue, sometimes greenish denim. :)

Yes, the tank top was an already existing change. I was referring to how, from the waist down, the outfit is just her normal DOA5 C1. All they did was change what she's wearing above the waist and called it a night.

The original demin outfit didn't have the wear and tear on the jeans, she wasn't wearing a studded belt, and she had some cool boots on instead of those generic sneakers.


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Hm... Don't you think it goes all well together though? It feels like an updated, more modern version. Until DoA5 most outfits had some kind of retro vibe to them (Ein!!). Nothing, that people would wear on the street today. I could totally imagine Hitomi crossing my path like that. :)

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Ryus DOA2 Classic and DOA3 Long Hair outfit
Ein DOA4 Outfits

Hayates Outfit CH 2 , CH3 , CH 4 Shirtless Outfit + and Ninja Gaiden Outfit
Hayabusa everything but for the mummy outfit NOT.


