EVO 2013: DoA5 has a shot! But there's a catch...


So the EVO 2013 lineup was announced just moments ago on Wakeup SRK, and it's the largest EVO roster in years. Dead or Alive 5, unfortunately, is not on the main roster. This is due in no small part to a lack of consistent offline support in comparison to other games. We've been on the upswing, especially after the solid showing at NEC, however we have a lot of building to do yet. This is something that we're still working hard on changing, but this is currently our reality.

Now, the title says we still have a shot, and we do, but that catch is really going to put us in a put up or shut up position like never before! The Player's Choice slot, EVO 2013's eighth title, goes to the community and game that donates the most money to a chosen charity. The other part was that the game had to receive more than 500 votes in the poll that ran on the EVO Facebook page, which we did pull off. As of this writing, the donation page (link at the top) states we have 21 days to donate as much as we can, or til the end of January.

This is a chance for the entire DoA community to back our game. Online players, offline players, stream monsters, EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to help out the community. If you can't travel, toss a few bucks at the donation. If you prefer online play for any reason, donate anyway. If you do travel, definitely donate. Everyone should be donating as much as they can so that we can get our game back on the EVO main stage. Even if that doesn't happen, your money still goes to charity.

So DoA community: FSD members and DoAWorld members, online and offline players, casuals and pros...the time to step up or stay off to the side is coming!
@ MasterHavik

::Hands MasterHavik a shovel so she can continue to watch him dig his on grave::

I gave you a fair shot while others here felt you were talking out your ass. But you are so full of crap that your shit rubs off on others. So I'm just done. I'm tired of being trolled with bullshit. Every where I go.Every community in FGC I've been involved in I bump into players like you.

So continue to make excuses and post random opinions with out much experience to back them up. I can form an objective opinion about all the games I play.But at least I've played them enough competitively and been around their communities to form a proper opinion.

Right now you have just exposed yourself.Actually no, you have exposed your ignorance a long time ago. I just decided to be nice.

Well I've said all I had to say.If you want the last word you can have it.I'm sure you mean well with what your saying.But you lack experience and tact when it comes to being apart of a community. If you don't like DOA or continue to say shit it about it why be here? Its fine to post an opinion but you are saying shit most of us already know. Every DOA fan hears the same shit from everyone in the FGC. And its just that,bullshit.

How do you discredit a game and its community?You talk shit about it. If you do it long enough and you get enough people putting it down then it somehow becomes a fact. Which is bullshit.

I'm done.
::eats popcorn::

How exactly are me and Havik trolling/being ignorant assholes? lol why by stating our thought's on such a subject? You coming out of nowhere stating "Ive been in this scene longer before u two" doesn't mean jack shit because at the end of the day u wipe your ass the same way everyone else does in this world, the "Elitest" mentality accomplishes nothing.

I only stated my opinions because way too many people were harking on Tekken and other games just cause DOA isn't winning the vote for EVO and stated my opinions on WHY those games WILL be at EVO and WHY DOA won't from a competitive aspect, in no way did i ever state the game sucks ass and it's a horrible game no i just simply said there's no money to be made in DOA so for alot of people that go to tournies 9 outta 10 you play to win and money plays a major role for motivation, and from what i can tell especially over here on the East Coast there's nothing for DOA.

Also Tekken doesn't use the "Sex Appeal" to be it's main selling point like DOA does, yes it has the aspect's but by no means is it anywhere near the level that DOA uses it as a selling point.

Saying to grow up and find something to be apart of is some Highschool shit come on now, all because we don't defend DOA to our dying breathe lol, it's cool to be a fan of the series and DOA5 is a great game and has it's flaws just like any other but fact is fact where's the big money? other fighters.
@ PR_Rouge Strife

So because you got butt hurt over people saying things about Tekken on a DOA FORUM you decided to show your ass and troll the thread. You mentioned Pride and I am showing it.As a fan of DOA I will defend it to my dying breath. Don't hate on DOA or question its competitive nature just because TN made a fortune because of not only great marketing( Sex Sales deal with it) but it made a great playing game to boot.

You act like no Tekken fans are into the female or male characters in Tekken games. The reason that costumes and customization is so popular in Namco games is because of Sex Appeal whether male or female. Namco allowing you to dress up the characters is crazy to sexy outfits was also a selling point to the casual Tekken fan base which outnumbers the competitive players.

Based on what your telling me the FGC is just all about money.See you new breeds of players don't know shit.The FGC isn't just about money its about meeting and playing the best players in fighting games you like to play.It really has nothing to do with money. Unless your a straight up G like Justin Wong or Chris G(Ha! I made a joke) your ass should have day job like everyone else. Even those players don't just play fpr the money.They play because of having pride and love for the games they play and the communities they represent.

The reason I say I've been in this in the FGC longer becaause I was around before EVO. Before the big tournaments. Back then you played because you loved it and you wanted to get better. Back in the arcade days you had to pay per game.Whenever you lost you had to put more money into the machine. You played to represent your arcade or your hood and for street cred.Not for money or sponsorships.

Your more ignorant a than I thought if you think a games competitive viability is based on how much you win at tournaments. You really have nothing more substantial say. But hey ::hands you a shovel:: keep posting as much bullshit as you want.Freedom of Speech FTW ^_^.
Kids, do I need to pull rank?

And roguestrife, if you need an example of TN listening take a look at the 1.03. It includes a few netcode fixes and a ton of buffs. A few nerfs sure, but for the most part a ton of buffs. I'd say this is like 85-15, and the patch that killed SCV was like 20-80. There is a major difference in the amount they have payed attention to us.

If you need an example of moving the game forward than look at DOA 5 at its core, which dumped quite a few of the problems DOA 4 had in terms of guaranteed damage from environment, as well as give us a bit of open space shenanigans to play with in the form of sit down stuns.

Perhaps not enough to deeply satisfy, but it was moving in the right direction and it continues to. You seem to be focused on all the wrong things.
Kids, do I need to pull rank?

And roguestrife, if you need an example of TN listening take a look at the 1.03. It includes a few netcode fixes and a ton of buffs. A few nerfs sure, but for the most part a ton of buffs. I'd say this is like 85-15, and the patch that killed SCV was like 20-80. There is a major difference in the amount they have payed attention to us.

If you need an example of moving the game forward than look at DOA 5 at its core, which dumped quite a few of the problems DOA 4 had in terms of guaranteed damage from environment, as well as give us a bit of open space shenanigans to play with in the form of sit down stuns.

Perhaps not enough to deeply satisfy, but it was moving in the right direction and it continues to. You seem to be focused on all the wrong things.

Please pull rank.Because the drinks I've had the last hour are starting to kick in.I might post something I might regret later.
When it comes down to it, it's about popularity. I'm personally disappointed with DOA5 but I do believe DOA deserve a chance at EVO because IMO DOA is a better fighter and much more exciting to watch and if it means DOA get more attention, then hopefully DOA can keep going strong. (but seriously DOA5 is trash)
We have 2800+ members on this forum. What's stopping each of you from putting in 5 bucks? 2800 x 5 is 14K. That puts us above melee and at Evo. I really don't see whats so hard about saying "Hey instead of spending 5 bucks on (whatever you spend 5 bucks on) I'll help out DOA." Some of you are intent on making this harder than it needs to be.
We have 2800+ members on this forum. What's stopping each of you from putting in 5 bucks? 2800 x 5 is 14K. That puts us above melee and at Evo. I really don't see whats so hard about saying "Hey instead of spending 5 bucks on (whatever you spend 5 bucks on) I'll help out DOA." Some of you are intent on making this harder than it needs to be.

I'd say a lot of them are not active on these boards, else there would be a lot more posts/threads being posted every day.
Those are some depressing numbers... Mario is not totally shocking but how is DOA getting beaten by a digital title? Is there a big SG scene? I've never met anyone who's even mentioned the game.
If you still have hope and are feeling generous, you might want to know that Super Turbo just beat Guilty Gear in donations, and risks climbing up to DoA5's position.
EVO drive: latest results:

We are right there in 4th place (third if you discount MLP)

There is a LOT to be said for having the game show up high in the rankings, even if we don't win. Winning is STILL achievable if everyone pulls their thumbs out of their butts and finds but $5.

But realistically, cracking $2k should be a reasonable goal and we'd easily secure our 4th place which will send a strong message in itself.

So grab your $5, support a good cause, and keep DOA5 front of mind. The patch is ensuring the game is worth competing in, now show you want to see it!