DOA5 E3 Version Q&A


Active Member
To be fair, though, it's the actual competitive players that make the games better. The ones that will spend the most time on the game. And the ones that know the game better than casuals.


Active Member
To be fair, though, it's the actual competitive players that make the games better. The ones that will spend the most time on the game. And the ones that know the game better than casuals.

Well of course, but the real point, is you should all feel lucky Team Ninja is even trying to listen to us in the first place. Because, also from a business perspective, since they already the sales they do, they could make it just enough improved to keep up a progressive status quo, get their Million+ sales, and fade away into fairly rich obscurity for the next couple years.

Yes, the people who take the game seriously like us make it better, but with us, life isn't fair. We help them, but really, we're the least important piece of the pie. Unfortunately, we have to remember that. Regardless of what we've done for them. It's just good business, because their casual fanbase doesn't listen to any negative PR that the competitive fanbase could give them anyway.


Well-Known Member
No, from a business perspective, they already have the casuals in their pocket, now they're hungry for more. They are not listening to us just because they're nice and want to do anyone a favour, they're doing it because Team Ninja knows that what satisfies casuals and what satisfies the competitive crowd doesn't overlap, so they play to both crowds to make some extra dough, there's no love lost there.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
They don't have the sales though. DOA4 and Dimensions both sold less than half a mil each. For a series that had cracked millions before, that's nothing.


Well-Known Member
In the day and age of online streams and mass viewership for gaming (100k+), it's becoming more and more important for publishers to focus on the competitive crowd to see those long-reaching sales and free advertisement that extends to the next iteration in the series in the best case scenario.

That's why Capcom supports Evo, why WB is putting a lot of money into MK over a year after it released, and one of the reasons why Team Ninja wants the game to succeed in the competitive scene.


Active Member
Besides that, a bigger competitive scene can bring in more casuals as well. Word of mouth. Competitive scene brings in the fans most of the time.

Edit: Ninja'd

Arnell Long

Active Member
Casuals contribute to the majority of sales, but they don't keep games alive at all. You want proof? Go look at fighting games that came out ten years ago and see who's still playing. It's not the casuals.

That is indeed true for games like MvC2, SF3T, CvS2, etc. But unfortunately for DOA4 it's the exact opposite, the best players are no longer playing the game, nowadays you'll mainly see people who has never played in Tournaments and or doesn't ring a bell when people call out their names. So it's safe to say it's mainly Casual players who are keeping it alive for the most part.

Deleted member 473

at the end of the day, Casuals sell more because, they are new players so they will try to pull them in first. The pros will be playing regardless. So Pros do not bring in more revenue. Period.


Well-Known Member
at the end of the day, Casuals sell more because, they are new players so they will try to pull them in first. The pros will be playing regardless. So Pros do not bring in more revenue. Period.
Pros bring in free advertisement, help sell the game, and make it last. Pros do not play regardless. Exhibit A DOA4.


New Member
Yea the "casuals" are the untapped market but if the "pros" arent on board with the game their won't be any casuals for this game to sell to. No ones going to buy or play this game if theirs no competitive scene. With the competitive scene comes streams and with streams comes viewers and with viewers comes people who have yet to buy the game getting into it. At least thats what I believe in a over simplified way.......

Deleted member 473

Well "real fans" should play doa regardless, or else why do you play in the first place? Is it for the money, or is it because you love it. Me personally I still play DOA4 to this very day. People can't accept change. Case in point... Manny.


New Member
I want DOA5 to be a top tier title. Where its played on many levels competitively and casually. DOA4 didnt have that and after playing other games and coming back to doa4 i can see why. I'm no pro player or nothing I just really like doa and I really want to see it succeed in both venues.


Well-Known Member
I still play DOA4 to this day as well, but saying that pros don't bring in more revenue is straight up wrong IMO. Oh and of course the hardcore fans will play no matter what the game has. That's a given for ANYTHING. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a fan that would buy any new DOA(except Dimensions, sorry I'm not playing a handheld).

Deleted member 473

I want DOA5 to be a top tier title. Where its played on many levels competitively and casually. DOA4 didnt have that and after playing other games and coming back to doa4 i can see why. I'm no pro player or nothing I just really like doa and I really want to see it succeed in both venues.
and why do you think that is? certainly not for the gameplay. It had got that far because the focus of Itagaki was the boobs. Now, the focus is more on the gameplay mechanics and trying to build a competitive community. Now for one time in my life after playing doa, I just hope they can pull it off too. ;)

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
Casuals exist and they are acknowledged but we have no other life in the game. There is no competitive scene at all except for the 15-20 of us that traveled consistently. We want the game to become more than just that casual game, we want it on that big stage for once.