Characters Guest Characters you'd like to see in DOA


Well-Known Member
Her fan does oddly teleport from hand to hand throughout various attacks, or even just disappear completely, but she still never actually attacks with it. Even with P+K. The fan is always in her attacking hand with P+K, but she's just smacking with her fist.

LoL... oh thats what you meant.... thats just a minor Detail. Think of the fan (Ice Cream) as a roll of Quarters used to increase the amount of Ooompf in her Punch. Or like Brass Knuckles.


Well-Known Member
Is this Rock Lee person a melee type only person?
Yep.... They call it Taijutsu. Unlike the other Ninja's who's special powers border on Magic like being able to Duplicate themselves or Shoot Trees out of their Wrists.

Rocky Lee is incapable of pulling off such trickery. So he focuses his efforts on Hand to Hand combat with the occasional use of Shurikens (which he's not very good at either). The 8 Inner Gates I mentioned earlier is merely a technique he uses to Augment his speed up to Super Saiyan 10 Levels where he's too fast to see (in the actual game its pretty lame, His master does it better). Beyond that he's basicly a Bruce Lee mini me rip off.


Premium Donor
The Ryona I mean is the one from Senran Kagura, the QUEEN of the whole series.;) But back on topic, she uses her guns at close range and doesn't appear to use actual melee aside from her swan lake plie's and waltzs, but TN probably could find a way to implement it if they wanted to add her.


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Standard Donor
I should stop going off topic.

Alright it doesn't matter who joins as a guest at this point, as long as the roster does not cater to one particular side of gender likeness or gender bending characters. What I mean is, I don't want the game converting the entire cast as males only. That's just stupid. Nor converting the entire roster to females only which is just as stupid (Which there are a few in the forums who's trying to do that in some sense of indoctrination and being far too happy about it.)

So have both, that is all. Now for being a troll, I would like a playable dolphin. Thanks TN, i'm sure you can make it work.....somehow.


Well-Known Member
So have both, that is all. Now for being a troll, I would like a playable dolphin. Thanks TN, i'm sure you can make it work.....somehow.

LoL... would this Dolphin even move ? Hmmmm. I suppose it would be interesting to have a Big Fish who who's mobilty only improves in areas that cause Slip Stuns.


Active Member
Here as list of who I'd like to see

(My top 2 Tekken favorites)

Street Fighter:
Chun Li
(Would love to see them done in DOA style graphics)

Street Fighter Ex Plus Alpha:
Doctrine Dark
(Would like to see his wire integrated into the move set)

King of Fighters/Fatal Fury:
Terry Bogard (I always liked his look)
Geese Howard (Would fit well in DOA since he's already well known for his reversals)

Virtua Fighter:
(These characters were pretty fun & interesting to play in VF though I never got any good with Aoi)


Well-Known Member
How do you guys think a punch focused character (like Steve from Tekken) can hold up in DOA? :naotora: has some hand strikes but she is clearly a kick based character so we know they can pull something like this off.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys think a punch focused character (like Steve from Tekken) can hold up in DOA? :naotora: has some hand strikes but she is clearly a kick based character so we know they can pull something like this off.

LoL.... if you're talking about Exclusively a Punching or Kicking character then wouldn't that be like playing with one hand tied behind your back ?

I mean the game uses a 4 point hold system meaning the offensive player has a 75 percent chance of not getting held. If a character can't use kicks or punches (specifically mids) then one of the mid holds are no longer neeed by the Defensive player.... it becomes a 3 Point Hold System and the Offensive Player's odds of not getting held dropped down to 67%.

I think any character like that would immediately plummet to the bottom of the Tier List.... but if that's what you want.... go for it.


Active Member
Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)

Segata Sanshiro? lol (if VF6 is announced, he should be in that game as well)


Wolf Hawkfield

Aoi Umenokouji

Jean Kujo

Guan Suo

Naoto Kurogane (Blazblue)


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Standard Donor
Don't be surprised if it turned out to be Tekken characters. Yosuke did meet with Harada at a table one time and had a chat during Ultimate days. Having those characters is the ultimate rub on Itagaki's face and a sure way to say "We brought the characters of the game you didn't like Itagaki. Now you truly dislike us."


Premium Donor
Nintendo wouldn't let their godly characters into a game like DOA
True, but then again it could be possible. KOEI TECMO I think developed metroid other m, and included the geothermal Samus power plant stage and a samus cameo and ridley in DOA dimensions as a sort of collaboration, who knows if they could do something like that again XD


Well-Known Member
True, but then again it could be possible. KOEI TECMO I think developed metroid other m, and included the geothermal Samus power plant stage and a samus cameo and ridley in DOA dimensions as a sort of collaboration, who knows if they could do something like that again XD
DOA dimensions was rated teen... so was metriod other m


Premium Donor
DOA dimensions was rated teen... so was metriod other m
Yeah, but they had to tone down the DOA content for it, plus the ESRB overlooked several revealing outfits, language, and that camera mode that allowed you to ogle and upskirt and look in the crevices of the girl's clothers.


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Standard Donor
Correction. Nintendo wouldn't let their characters touch a Sony/Microsoft platform period, no matter how much TN would try to get Nintendo characters in a game. This is not a TN problem, this is 3rd barrier rights problem, which is not winnable unless they open up to each other.

Which is never.


Well-Known Member
Don't Forget About Hyrule Warriors !!!

If Naotora can join then you honestly never know..... but which of the Zelda Character's style is best suited for DoA ? I've never played a Nintendo game other than the Original Super Mario Brothers so I don't know.


Well-Known Member
A Nintendo character won't appear in DoA6 to be played on Sony and Microsoft consoles as that Nintendo exclusive property. Only way is if DoA6 appears on a Nintendo console and for a character like Link to be exclusive to play on the Nintendo version for DoA6.