Injustice: Gods Among Us

Forlorn Penguin

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Can't say I'm really excited about getting a demo for this game since I already know I'm getting the game day one, lol. Also, of the only three characters available in it, Wonder Woman is the only one I'm even remotely interested in. I'll probably still download it anyway, though. To me, the best thing about getting this demo is that metagame discussion can already begin for these three characters.

Still, this is great news for those who were on the fence about buying Injustice. I just hope that the small and not very diverse demo roster doesn't discourage them. They really should have bumped it up to four characters and tried to cover more ground on the different playstyles. I'd probably have chosen Batman (all-around), Solomon Grundy (grappler), Catwoman (rushdown), and Green Arrow (zoning).


Well-Known Member
Day 1 here too, but I'm interested in how the game will feel. It looks like it plays similar to MK9, but it does look like it's faster and flows more.


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Anyone play it? I think it's super fun. The only thing I don't like is the way the rounds work.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Anyone play it? I think it's super fun. The only thing I don't like is the way the rounds work.

Yeah, I was upset when they announced how the rounds would work many moons ago. I'd much rather it be the standard first to 2, or first to 3 format instead of this dumb two life bars thing, but I'll get used to it. We all will.

I haven't messed around with the demo too much yet. I'll have to keep screwing around to get used to the mechanics. It's been roughly eight months since I stopped playing MK9, so I have to relearn the whole clunky NRS thing again, lol.

I don't understand why we can't use training mode. That really irritates me.


DoA is the only fighting game that I've ever played- and I'm probably going to be picking up a copy of Injustice. So just asking, what is the difference between the MK9 style controls and the Street Fighter style controls? :confused: and what do you guys think about the demo so far, and how the rounds work?

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
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DoA is the only fighting game that I've ever played- and I'm probably going to be picking up a copy of Injustice. So just asking, what is the difference between the MK9 style controls and the Street Fighter style controls? :confused: and what do you guys think about the demo so far, and how the rounds work?

MK9 used limb-based controls like Tekken does. Based on which way your character was facing, you'd press 1 to attack with your front arm, 2 for your back arm, 3 for your front leg, and 4 for your back leg. Injustice won't do that and will just have light attack, medium attack, heavy attack, and your character trait. Character traits are different for each character, as the name would suggest. For example, Wonder Woman's trait is for switching between her Lasso stance and her Sword stance. I don't remember which buttons are for which attack in Injustice, other than that 4 is the character trait.

And by 1, 2, 3, and 4, I'm referring to the Xbox 360/PS3 face buttons.

1=X or Square
2=Y or Triangle
3=A or X
4=B or Circle

As for the rounds, in every other fighter, the first player to win 2 rounds wins the match. In DOA's case, the first player to win 3 rounds wins the match. At least as far as official tournament rules go.

In Injustice, there are no rounds. Instead both players have two life bars. When a player's first life bar is depleted, there is a brief resting period (about four seconds) before the fight resumes. When a player loses their second life bar, the match is over and that player loses.


Well-Known Member
By MK controls and SF style controls, they mean the different in direction inputs. MK uses cardinal directions only, so you have :2:,:6:+:P: for Sub-Zero's freeze. SF style uses circular motions, so you have :236:+:P: for Ryu's fireball. Injustice will apparently have an option to switch between these two (not in the demo).

Also, Injustice button layout is based on airdash/doujin fighters/marvel 3 - Light, Medium, Fierce, Trait.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
By MK controls and SF style controls, they mean the different in direction inputs. MK uses cardinal directions only, so you have :2:,:6:+:P: for Sub-Zero's freeze. SF style uses circular motions, so you have :236:+:P: for Ryu's fireball.

Oh, that's right. I forgot about those.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
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It certainly feels really awkward at first if you're coming from DOA and nothing else, but you'll get used to it. I only played DOA before I got into MK9 and shortly came to find MK9 to be more enjoyable than DOA.


Well-Known Member
A couple a weeks ago, I started playing MK9 again in preparation for Injustice, but to tell you the truth it doesn't really feel like MK at all that much. I would even go as far as to say it feels more like SFXT with less strict button execution, than it does Mk. I think it's the animation that give people the impression.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
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I'm sure it does, but I haven't played a 2D fighter in a while and MK9 was the one I spent the most time with, so that's how I've been relating the similarities. I really need to play this demo more to get used to it, but I don't like any of the characters, lol.


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I'm still waiting to see who I'm wanting to play with. I have a variety of characters I wanna try right now. Though the most impressive 1 Imo right now is the Green Arrow.