Community (Poll)So which version is everyone getting?

Which version or versions of 5LR are you getting

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Number 13

Well-Known Member
Why would anyone buy a PS4? Seriously, I don't get it. Disappointed with the answers I've seen so far and it's too bad I'll likely be playing in a wasteland for DOA.
Not much of a difficult question. With the amount of high profile system seller games coming to PS4 soon this might be the excuse to finally upgrade. Sucks that this will split an already small community even further, but what can you do can't force people to play on the console of your personal preference.


Active Member
Definitely PS4. Preordered my TE2 last night. Hoping Hori announces a FightingEdge for ps3/ps4, and then I'll be set for the generation.

Why would anyone buy a PS4? Seriously, I don't get it. Disappointed with the answers I've seen so far and it's too bad I'll likely be playing in a wasteland for DOA.

Because I like doing what I want with my money.
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Well-Known Member
Why would anyone buy a PS4? Seriously, I don't get it. Disappointed with the answers I've seen so far and it's too bad I'll likely be playing in a wasteland for DOA.

because its exclusives are actually exclusive and don't come to other platforms later(DR3/Ryse), more powerful, and not to mention the obvious favoritism TN gives sony over ms (patches always release first on PS3, core fighters exclusive to ps3,direct youtube uploading exclusive to PS3 etc so expect the same for last round)


Why would anyone buy a PS4? Seriously, I don't get it. Disappointed with the answers I've seen so far and it's too bad I'll likely be playing in a wasteland for DOA.

It is a graphically superior piece of hardware with a D-Pad that isn't sunken in, making it a better choice for fighters that are cross-platform releases. Sony also has cheaper and faster patch deployment support, as well as a better monthly online plan offering more free games every month across multiple systems. Sony also historically has better support for the JRPG, Arcade, and Indie markets giving it a much broader library across the board. Sony also lacks a closed-network policy which opens cross-platform online gaming up with PC vs PS3/PS4/Vita.

Xbox is a slightly graphically weaker platform with a worse controller and better shooter exclusives, which haven't really changed much at all in the last decade. In the short term I would say the Xbox has a lead simply due to exclusives, which as shown by the Tomb Raider debacle is Microsofts core strategy -- make up for bad press by purchasing timed exclusives and boring the Sony fans to death as they wait for games to be released.

In the long run, I bank more on the PS4 simply because it IS a stronger system overall with a better controller, and nothing is stopping people from releasing good games on the PS4. Deep Down, Blood Borne and Guilty Gear all look to have amazing potential. Halo looks like another Halo, and I'm sure it will be fun... but that's one horse we've been riding for a long time now.

Now, I would like to ask you a question in return. What are your reasons for wanting a weaker system with a worse controller, aside from the few exclusives? The common reasoning I hear for people wanting to play DOA on an xbox platform is "That's where it was born, that's where the community is" which is entirely untrue. And even if it was, it would be like the mentality of "Everyone is jumping off a bridge, im going to join them because i want to be with everybody".


Master Ninja
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Judging by every game I play online, even Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate (which is better on Xbox One thanks to Challenges) there are tons of people online. KI is also very well populated. DoA won't be a wasteland on the Xbox One.

And I happen to think the Xbox One controller is better than PS4. Opinions.


Your tune might change on that if you were actually forced to use the thing.

Having a stick saves your ass considerable trauma.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I play pad for DoA only. All other fighters I use stick. My TE2 is amazing for KI and season two starts next Tuesday. I am excite.


Active Member
I didn't take the question as a console war question; I thought the poster meant, in general, why would anybody buy a "current gen console," with PS4 outed since it's currently leading the poll.

The game is more likely to be deserted on last gen consoles than either PS4/XB1.


Well-Known Member
With how many people are going sony, I wonder how many more sales they would have had in the past if they didn't go microsoft exclusive for 12 years.


Active Member
Wouldn't have made much difference on PS3, I'd guess, especially since it was a launch title on 360. DoA3 could've been more popular with a ps2 release, certainly. But then it would have been pared back to work on ps2 and that is lame.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Sony was behind most of last gen. They're enjoying a huge wave of popularity because MS fucked up royally at their unveiling and for months after. It's definitely not due to games yet. Multiplat games are selling well on both though.


Sony can get me excited by unveiling a decent wipeout game. That would do the trick. and none of those small tracks from the last game. REAL TRACKS DAMNIT.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't have made much difference on PS3, I'd guess, especially since it was a launch title on 360.
People that never bought a 360 (like me) could have bought DOA4 on PS3. Then DOA could have started building up an online community on PS3 too earlier than 5.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Sony can get me excited by unveiling a decent wipeout game. That would do the trick. and none of those small tracks from the last game. REAL TRACKS DAMNIT.
I would buy the hell out of a current gen Wipeout.


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I don't notice the graphics being better on PS4, if I want great graphics I'll just play games on my power house PC. I care about the games, and I believe that Sony's newer properties are not great, or competitively enticing to say the least.

The front runner is Uncharted... the second one was awesome no question. Don't really care about it anymore. You got Infamous, LittleBigPlanet and some more bullshit that drains people of life. You guys had free online but don't have it anymore. You guys have absolutely no games. I like the indie support, but really I don't see myself playing those kinds of games for long periods of time.

I have Gears of War, which is a far superior game to Uncharted in every possible level other than exaggerated colors; I have Halo which is far better than any shooter on Sony, and I have Killer Instinct which is far better than... wait Sony doesn't have a fighter yet. Right? But that's the premium choice for fighting games.

Microsoft took all my reasons to buy PS4 and took a giant shit on them. No MGS exclusive, no Final Fantasy exclusive... not even fuckin Kingdom Hearts.

Personally I like the One controller better than PS4 because of my small hands. And I have the ability to adapt to any controller anyway other than the original xbox duke controller (which a lot of people like).

I will be chainsawing locust with Lancers, you will be searching for an AK47 in the jungle that has hardly any ammo in it.

I was a big fan of Sony with the PS2 and PS1, but I hated the PS3 and Microsoft clearly won that battle with SUPERIOR online gaming that I had a lot of fun with, and Microsoft trumped Sony's library of games and quite literally screwed it up the behind.

Disappointed I was. Oh, and the Sigma games were also weaker than the NG games on XBOX, and overall Microsoft promotes the competitive scene far better than Sony does.


Well-Known Member
Only getting PS4 version but not before fall 2015. Until then the only exclusives I want are Oneechanbara and The Order, everything else is on PC.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Alright, let's do a breakdown of PS3 vs Xbox
-Uncharted and GoW are hard to compare because they really feel like different genres to me, but for what it's worth, GoW is better at putting me to sleep than Uncharted is, since Uncharted has prettier graphics and animation. Not too concerned about the gameplay since neither of them sport anything special in that department.
-DOA5 and other TN products generally get better and faster support with patches, DLC releases and other features. It's very obvious that current TN prefers PS3 over 360, or that Sony is easier for them to work with.
-PS3 has free online. Whoo!
-Halo is better than Killzone
-Black is way better than Sigma
- NG2 and Sigma 2 both have pro/con tradeoffs. Neither is really superior, imo

Now, let's compare Xbone with PS4
- Shitty games. Shitty games everywhere.
- Something about Killer Instinct being Xbox exclusive.
- TN still probably favors PS4.
- PS4 has better graphics.

So, there you have it. I guess if you're a big fan of Killer Instinct, Xbox One might seem like a good choice for you.