Rate your Main Character


Well-Known Member

Who is your main?

Well the J man of course. :jannlee:

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

Well being a huge Bruce Lee fan I usually tend to go to bruce lee type characters in fighters with the exception of Street Fighter. Grew up on watching Bruce Lee's movies and documentaries so I have a high level of respect for the man. Now as to why I chose Jann Lee as main aside from the Bruce Lee point it because I really like arrogant characters such as Vegeta, Grimmjow, etc. Also cause he fits my playstyle more than anyone in the game and because I like the character.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

The thing I like the most about my main is that he is a JKD fighter and has fast strikes

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

Hmmm. Thats a good question I have many thoughts on this here, but for most part I think he is fine. If there was one thing I would like changed it would be for him to have more moves in his DS. Honoka has a 4pp in DS but the main man where that move originates from doesn't get a DS 4pp. WTF man. Besides that also few crushes.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

I think my main's JKD fighting style is great and homage to the great Bruce Lee and has a lot of his moves. 66k is really one of the iconic moves from Bruce Lee which I love. The only thing I do wish is for there to be a few more new moves.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

I have a lot of favorite moves I like of Jann Lee's. My number 1 favorite? Thats a tough one but I would have to say 66k. the visual of the move is so beautiful to look at with the nice knockback.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

I would have to say 214p simply because it really slow and the advantage may be +2 but worthless since it pushesback to far to use moves like 6p or standing p. It good when using from bt but it is easily reactable in stun situations where you can hold it.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

I have never actually considered dropping this character. The reason being because I have too much fun with this character than any others in the game. I'll never betray Jann Lee

Did you have other mains in the past?

No. However back when I was playing DoA5U I was discovering who to main at the time but did main Jann Lee in DoA3/DoA4, though in DoA5U for awhile it was Mila at the time but wanted to test everyone out to see who I flow really well with and of course that is Jann Lee so decided to stick with him as my main throughout DoA5U/LR.

Though I do use few other DoA characters besides Jann Lee and they are :genfu::nyotengu: :kokoro:


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

His personality is great and some don't understand the kind of character he is. Some think he's a douchebag but he had a rough life and wants to get better and fight strong opponents and help those that are weak and helpless. He brags a lot sure, and he may come off as arrogant but he earned that right with all he had to deal with in his life. It's one of the greatest things about Jann Lee is how he overcome the difficult challenges in his life growing up. He may be the Bruce Lee type character with the shouts and all moves but I can tell you one thing their personalities are much different from each other.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

I like his appearance a lot especially with the hair. Much different from the traditional bruce lee hair look. He has the best hairstyle out of all the JKD fighters. I would love to see in future a hairstyle option for him to have a bit of longer hair similar to Hayate's hair length back in DOA3 and DoA4.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Hmm lets see here. Back in the old games like in DoA3 and DoA4, he had a really great voice and fitted the character so perfectly, but that changed in DoA5/U/LR. I don't really like Jann Lee's new japanese voice. There something about it that I can't stand. His english voice however I really like. Not good as the original japanese voice actor for old games but good substitute for him. He does the shouts really good.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

I like all of them. However Fang gets me hyped. It is his DoA4 theme. If I had to rank by preference it would be 1. Fang 2. Trip 3. Natural High

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Good sense I must say, and has great selection overall of clothing. However One costume of his has got to go lol.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

His C2 of course. I feel that it really suits his personality. I would love a reverse color of the costume. Definitely the coolest looking costume he has in the game. In future DoA games they need to make his C2 his default costume.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

I have to say I do like just about all of Jann lee's costumes, but one in particular I really dislike. That being his C11. That hideous dragon costume. It to terrible to look at. When I think of a Jann Lee costume I expect something cool looking. However this? WTF? lol it too goofy looking. Trash this costume and burn it to never return again.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He has great set of moves. He doesn't have too little of moves and not too much. Its in between just right just how I like it and straightforward with his moves. Wish there were some follow ups from few other strings though.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


This character here you don't want to be making mistakes against. If you do you will pay for it. If a character starts whiffing out moves he can capitalize on it. Great whiff punishing. He can whiff punish you with 66k, and also use 6h+k and 6p+k when you whiff. You really do not want to be whiffing against this character. Also another thing to mention you can't just rup up on him. 7k will put fear into you of bum rushing in.

How would you rate your main character in terms of guaranteed setups (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee has a lot of guaranteed set ups for quick damage like after DG you can do 66k, 236p, or p+k. Near wall you can do 66k, 46k and than follow up with 9p, 6k46k. You can get a lot of damage just from the wall alone. H+K Sitdown stun guarantees a 9k as well and when you do 4h+k and they go back turned 214p and 7k guaranteed as well and you get a lot of damage from it but you can also do something else if you want to drop the damage and go for ground set ups too. He has decent guaranteed set ups but some characters can do what he can do but better like Gen Fu, Ayane, etc.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann lee has quite a few offensive options and utilizing both options of his offensive and defensive stuff is where he will really shine. Of course his standing p pokes good for starting offense pressure of some kind with him.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee has quite a lot of defensive options that you can utilize in the game. 3k, 66k, 6p+k, and 7k good defensive tools. You have to be careful when using some of these. 66k has really good knockback. I do hate the recovery on it, but the DS version doesn't have as much recovery on it as the regular 66k does. 7k is great and although it is unsafe and throw punishable it stuns on NH and launches on CH so you can get 74+ damage depending on the weight of the character.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?



He working with a 10 frame high, 11 frame mid punch, and a 13 frame low poke. He is one of the fastest characters in the game. If in DS he has access to a 9 frame high. He has great neutral movement in the game and one of the best. Aside from that he has other fast strikes as well like an 12 frame high kick that has follow ups along with a few 13 frame moves that also have follow ups. What more can you ask for? A character that fast and has fast moves with follow ups too. 8p being a 13 frame high stuns you and also 66p stuns you.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee is pretty safe and not unsafe like Kasumi and Christie. He has pp, pp6p, 66k, p+k, 44p, 6pk, p2pk. What great is even though something like 6p unsafe you and follow up with 6pk so you are -4. There are a lot of moves that will put him in the negative where you are unsafe but it good to play it smart but you will have to take risks with this character. I want to mention DG unsafe. When it whiffs it painful to look at how long it takes to recover.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


he has great damage output especially when added with the DG. It scary how much damage he can do. So he can get from 110-155 dmg from lvl 2 and lvl3 critical stun. However the downside is he can't get quick daamge in and have decent output on them like Gen Fu can. so from Lvl1 and than launch at most he getting is 56-65 dmg...not good as what other characters are putting out in quick damage.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He has 1p+k and 7p that can evade a lot of moves that are at even hit opponents when they whiff. 1P+KP+K and 1P+K6K good for this.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He can apply pressure decent enough but he is linear and lacks really good mix ups. It one of the downsides to him. You will have to do some tick throwing. When you have the player stunned than you can apply a lot of stuff but you first have to open the player up with him.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Depending on the character he can get out of the situation without much problem. If the character doesn't have much tracking options you can utilize ssp. There are some characters that are too strong for Jann Lee to deal with up close.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


You have options like 9p, 6p, 66p, and also 4pp especially against characters like Helena who go into BKO duck.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Jann Lee can fight at long range pretty well. He has 66k, 6h+k, and also k4k, 3k4k. You can also use p6pk and 66pk. Lot of these moves pushes the Jann Lee player back from you so you can't throw punish him. At best you will be punishing with a low poke and you wouldn't want to do that either since you will be put at a great advantage so wouldn't be worth it.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


This character is great at doing it. He can knock you into objects and if close enough to the wall and your opponent already in sitdown from being hit into object than it guarantees the h+k. 214p can also throw you into a dangerzone situation as well not to mention the craziness of being put by the wall by Jann Lee which forces you into a dangerous situation. What insanity!!!!
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Well-Known Member

Who is your main?

Well the J man of course :jannlee:

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

Well being a huge Bruce Lee fan I usually tend to go to bruce lee type characters in fighters with the exception of Street Fighter. Grew up on watching Bruce Lee's movies and documentaries so I have a high level of respect for the man. Now as to why I chose Jann Lee as main aside from the Bruce Lee point it because I really like arrogant characters such as Vegeta, Grimmjow, etc. Also cause he fits my playstyle more than anyone in the game and because I like the character.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

The thing I like the most about my main is that he is a JKD fighter and has fast strikes

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

Hmmm. Thats a good question I have many thoughts on this here, but for most part I think he is fine. If there was one thing I would like changed it would be for him to have more moves in his DS. Honoka has a 4pp in DS but the main man where that move originates from doesn't get a DS 4pp. WTF man. Besides that also few crushes.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

I think my main's JKD fighting style is great and homage to the great Bruce Lee and has a lot of his moves. 66k is really one of the iconic moves from Bruce Lee which I love. The only thing I do wish is for there to be a few more new moves.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

I have a lot of favorite moves I like of Jann Lee's. My number 1 favorite? Thats a tough one but I would have to say 66k. the visual of the move is so beautiful to look at with the nice knockback.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

I would have to say 214p simply because it really slow and the advantage may be +2 but worthless since it pushesback to far to use moves like 6p or standing p. It good when using from bt but it is easily reactable in stun situations where you can hold it.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

I have never actually considered dropping this character. The reason being because I have too much fun with this character than any others in the game. I'll never betray Jann Lee

Did you have other mains in the past?

No. However back when I was playing DoA5U I was discovering who to main at the time but did main Jann Lee in DoA3/DoA4, though in DoA5U for awhile it was Mila at the time but wanted to test everyone out to see who I flow really well with and of course that is Jann Lee so decided to stick with him as my main throughout DoA5U/LR.

Though I do use few other DoA characters besides Jann Lee and they are :genfu: :mila: :kokoro:


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

His personality is great and some don't understand the kind of character he is. Some think he's a douchebag but he had a rough life and wants to get better and fight strong opponents and help those that are weak and helpless. He brags a lot sure, and he may come off as arrogant but he earned that right with all he had to deal with in his life. It's one of the greatest things about Jann Lee is how he overcome the difficult challenges in his life growing up. He may be the Bruce Lee type character with the shouts and all moves but I can tell you one thing their personalities are much different from each other.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

I like his appearance a lot especially with the hair. Much different from the traditional bruce lee hair look. He has the best hairstyle out of all the JKD fighters. I would love to see in future a hairstyle option for him to have a bit of longer hair similar to Hayate's hair length back in DOA3 and DoA4.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Hmm lets see here. Back in the old games like in DoA3 and DoA4, he had a really great voice and fitted the character so perfectly, but that changed in DoA5/U/LR. I don't really like Jann Lee's new japanese voice. There something about it that I can't stand. His english voice however I really like. Not good as the original japanese voice actor for old games but good substitute for him. He does the shouts really good.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

I like all of them. However Fang gets me hyped. It is his DoA4 theme. If I had to rank by preference it would be 1. Fang 2. Trip 3. Natural High

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Good sense I must say, and has great selection overall of clothing. However One costume of his has got to go lol.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

His C2 of course. I feel that it really suits his personality. I would love a reverse color of the costume. Definitely the coolest looking costume he has in the game. In future DoA games they need to make his C2 his default costume. I

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

I have to say I do like just about all of Jann lee's costumes, but one in particular I really dislike. That being his C11. That hideous dragon costume. It to terrible to look at. When I think of a Jann Lee costume I expect something cool looking. However this? WTF? lol it too goofy looking. Trash this costume and burn it to never return again.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He has great set of moves. He doesn't have too little of moves and not too much. Its in between just right just how I like it and straightforward with his moves. Wish there were some follow ups from few other strings though.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


This character here you don't want to be making mistakes against. If you do you will pay for it. If a character starts whiffing out moves he can capitalize on it. Great whiff punishing. He can whiff punish you with 66k, and also use 6h+k and 6p+k when you whiff. You really do not want to be whiffing against this character. Also another thing to mention you can't just rup up on him. 7k will put fear into you of bum rushing in.

How would you rate your main character in terms of guaranteed setups (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee has a lot of guaranteed set ups for quick damage like after DG you can do 66k, 236p, or p+k. Near wall you can do 66k, 46k and than follow up with 9p, 6k46k. You can get a lot of damage just from the wall alone. H+K Sitdown stun guarantees a 9k as well and when you do 4h+k and they go back turned 214p and 7k guaranteed as well and you get a lot of damage from it but you can also do something else if you want to drop the damage and go for ground set ups too. He has decent guaranteed set ups but some characters can do what he can do but better like Gen Fu, Ayane, etc.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann lee has quite a few offensive options and utilizing both options of his offensive and defensive stuff is where he will really shine. Of course his standing p pokes good for starting offense pressure of some kind with him.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee has quite a lot of defensive options that you can utilize in the game. 3k, 66k, 6p+k, and 7k good defensive tools. You have to be careful when using some of these. 66k has really good knockback. I do hate the recovery on it, but the DS version doesn't have as much recovery on it as the regular 66k does. 7k is great and although it is unsafe and throw punishable it stuns on NH and launches on CH so you can get 74+ damage depending on the weight of the character.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?



He working with a 10 frame high, 11 frame mid punch, and a 13 frame low poke. He is one of the fastest characters in the game. If in DS he has access to a 9 frame high. He has great neutral movement in the game and one of the best. Aside from that he has other fast strikes as well like an 12 frame high kick that has follow ups along with a few 13 frame moves that also have follow ups. What more can you ask for? A character that fast and has fast moves with follow ups too. 8p being a 13 frame high stuns you and also 66p stuns you.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Jann Lee is pretty safe and not unsafe like Kasumi and Christie. He has pp, pp6p, 66k, p+k, 44p, 6pk, p2pk. What great is even though something like 6p unsafe you and follow up with 6pk so you are -4. There are a lot of moves that will put him in the negative where you are unsafe but it good to play it smart but you will have to take risks with this character. I want to mention DG unsafe. When it whiffs it painful to look at how long it takes to recover.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


he has great damage output especially when added with the DG. It scary how much damage he can do. So he can get from 110-155 dmg from lvl 2 and lvl3 critical stun. However the downside is he can't get quick daamge in and have decent output on them like Gen Fu can. so from Lvl1 and than launch at most he getting is 56-65 dmg...not good as what other characters are putting out in quick damage.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He has 1p+k and 7p that can evade a lot of moves that are at even hit opponents when they whiff. 1P+KP+K and 1P+K6K good for this.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


He can apply pressure decent enough but he is linear and lacks really good mix ups. It one of the downsides to him. You will have to do some tick throwing. When you have the player stunned than you can apply a lot of stuff but you first have to open the player up with him.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


Depending on the character he can get out of the situation without much problem. If the character doesn't have much tracking options you can utilize ssp. There are some characters that are too strong for Jann Lee to deal with up close.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


You have options like 9p, 6p, 66p, and also 4pp especially against characters like Helena who go into BKO duck.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Jann Lee can fight at long range pretty well. He has 66k, 6h+k, and also k4k, 3k4k. You can also use p6pk and 66pk. Lot of these moves pushes the Jann Lee player back from you so you can't throw punish him. At best you will be punishing with a low poke and you wouldn't want to do that either since you will be put at a great advantage so wouldn't be worth it.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?


This character is great at doing it. He can knock you into objects and if close enough to the wall and your opponent already in sitdown from being hit into object than it guarantees the h+k. 214p can also throw you into a dangerzone situation as well not to mention the craziness of being put by the wall by Jann Lee which forces you into a dangerous situation. What insanity!!!!
When you want to change the color of text back to normal pick "none" rather than white (dark users) or black (light users). I use light and can't read a majority of this


Well-Known Member
When you want to change the color of text back to normal pick "none" rather than white (dark users) or black (light users). I use light and can't read a majority of this

Oh I didn't see that. Thanks for pointing it out. Will be sure to edit that soon.

EDIT: And....DONE!!
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New Member
Main is Marie Rose
Love the anime theme
Very unique move set

Gameplay wise.

She needs buffs

Damage is far too low outside of combos.
Back handspring could serve a purpose if it were actually fast. Yes, it can be faster if people like ayane and hyabusa can do somersaults faster than most characters throw one punch.
Overall she is slow for a lightweight character.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This thread is awesome, i'm having a great time reading all of people's opinions and stories, real good stuff here.

This. It's kinda like these interviews but not straitened to the usual suspects. I like it because every player in the community has a story to tell, even though this one here only focuses on the main character.

Alright, here's mine:


Who is your main?

Kasumi. Yes I know, now you think "Oh, just another one".

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

She grabbed my interest back at the time were I was watching ShadeSwifteye/Swoozie tournament replays on YT when trying to collect information about which fighting game would be my first one. I was like dang, this character looks good in all aspects and got automatically rid of any decision about who to main. That was back in 2013.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Her character and whole appearance is, compared to the other females of the cast, very tame.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

I actually hate her being that popular since I usually prefer playing underdogs or supporting actors. The result of that is that she's also featuring the most awkward 'fan' creations.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

Even though it is completely unrealistic for the most part, it still does fit Kasumi perfectly due to looking graceful.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Propably :4::H+K:. Not only because it is very good gameplay wise, it is also funny to think about it as an attack. I mean, she does an overhead(!) split kick that does even bring brawny opponents like Leon, Bass or Raidou on their knees, lmao.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

This might sound weird but even though I do use taunts very very rarely, I don't like her secondary one were you have to press one direction. Imo, a taunt has to come out quickly and look dirty / perky, but she is stepping back, closing her eyes and touching her breasts which even tooks ages? Sure, she's not supposed to be the coolest, but there are characters in the game who have taunts that look way better. This is actually toooooo soft.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

I did once when Phase 4 was added to the game because she did fit the underdog role more while still having lot of similarities to Kasumi. Playing her was also more challenging at the beginning due to her limited moveset and unsafety.

That changed when TN buffed her moveset, making the most challenging thing (opening people up) too simple by adding braindead on block teleports and giving her an 11 frame mid. After that, more and more players were picking her up for Kasumi instead, so she became too much mainstream for my taste. Now, you will see actually more Phase 4's played in competitive events as Kasumi's (imo). Thus, due to the fact that there is no real difference between both girls anymore and I did not like the way TN changed her original appearance more and more (different hair colors and so on), is why I went back to my former main. In addition, I think that real Kasumi main loyalists have become very rare (in every part of the community, but especially in the competitive environment). There are a lot of players who label her as their main but actually play dozens of secondary characters they will switch to immediately once she will not work for them. This also keeps me sticking to her.

Did you have other mains in the past?

See the answer above. Beside those two, I did not have any other main.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

Of course do I like her personality. Even though she get's it, Kasumi does not want to attract much attention on herself, which I do like. She's not like Tina or Nyotengu who want to be the star of the show and try to put the focus on sexual things by rubbing her butt/boobs and licking stuff or similar which is just plain slutty and awkward. She also does not pretend false cuteness like Marie Rose or Honoka and she does not act plain stupid like Leifang or Hitomi.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

As being the (former?) cover girl, she does look very handsome for, how I would almost bet, both male and female players equally. In terms of female characteristics, I think there's nothing on her you would say "That's/They're too big / too small!" about, but of course that's always a matter of taste. I do like her hairstyles a lot, especially her new side tail. In contrast to most Kasumi players I know, the length of her loose hair also does fit my taste perfectly.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Both her Japanese and English voices are good and luckily fit her personality. There are characters in the game where this is not the case. The Japanese one is a bit more shrill and makes her sound younger. I usually prefer using the English voices, however, I also switch them when I'm in the mood.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

They are good, but there are better ones.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Haha, no one needs to argue with me that this character offers the best wardrobe in the game. Of course, she does have (almost?) the most costumes of the roster, however, it's often that quantity doesn't mean quality. This is not the case with Kasumi though, she does cover a lot of fashion styles, from traditional to casual to funky to sexy to cute to cool.

One thing I like is that TN only rarely got astray and gave her exorbitant sexualized costumes that rather focus on showing pure skin instead of actual fashion sense. That does not include costumes which most people would throw in the category 'fetish' wear. This means I don't have a problem with her wearing a maid dress or schoolgirl outfit as long as this does not obviously tries to focus on the one thing pubescent teens have in mind when hearing the word "DoA". Short said, I think even those costumes can just look good as well.

That said, compared to other females of the cast, I'm glad that her fashion style is more tamed in terms of sexuality but not in terms of flashy colors (pink!!) and female specific accessoirs (flowers, bows).

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

Her pop idol costume (C21) is kinda my all time favorite because it's just straight flashy and there's nothing funnier to imagine the face of Rig, Hayabusa and Jann Lee players online who get beaten by a girl wearing a pink dress. It's a remarkable contrast element in a fighting game.

However, her new schoolgirl strikers costume is my current favorite because it also covers many different aspects. The uniform as neat, cute and innocent part, the armor form as powerful and heroic part (while still having pink colors, haha). None of these forms is oversexualized too.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

I only dislike about five of her costumes, but the worst one is propably the ragnarok one (C27) right followed by the red polka dotted overall dress (C30). There is literally nothing that looks good on the first one, it just looks like a dumb combination of rags and the shoes she's wearing as well as this ugly grandma headscarf just hurt my eyes. And making characters not wearing undergarments is just plain slutty, btw, @TN.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Her moveset does not contain remarkable 'killer' moves like Gen Fu has 3P for example, but she has tools for all kinds of situations.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Kasumi is supposed to fish for counterhits and stuns by using string delay and string variations as well as fast counter pokes, meaning she's all about conditioning and guesses. This is where she excels in. However, she is not the type of character that can win a match by making two good reads or capitalizing on mistakes twice resulting into 50%+ life loss like Rachel for example. It usually requires more work to take the win with her, thus I'd rate it with 4.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Since offensive is usually done in close range, I'd rate it with 5. She has speed, good lows than can open opponents up quickly, (reset) throws, highly versatile strings and a lot of (quick) launchers.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3 - While Kasumi's offensive is excellent, her defense is only moderate. Many of her moves are unsafe on block and have a relative long recovery, limiting her options for evading punishment. She does have two hit type parries as well although I would say these do not compensate the fact that her holds deal very poor damage. She also does not have many reliable crushes, it happens a lot that she will get hit out of the air by lows when performing jumping moves.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Kasumi has the highest generic attackspeeds on all hit levels.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - She is one of the strikers who is highly punishable by throws and has, compared to other characters of the same 'class', very long recovery on most blocked attacks. Her amount of safe or semi-safe moves is also relatively small.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - While she deals only minor damage with single strikes and also on most quick stun > lauch combos, she has still good damage on her throws for being a striker. However, the average amount of life her attacks take is quite low compared to other members of the cast, especially on heavyweights. Those who do not agree with this just should compare the damage of one of her stun-level 2 juggles with what a single counterhit of Ayane's kicks takes.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1 - Kasumi feels like being one of the worst when it comes to evasivness imo. She does only have one reliable but linear high crush, and her low crushes have pretty weird hitboxes too. Even her special sidestepp move :4::4::P: does not help in most situations.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - She can apply pressure very well at close range, however, doing so can still be diffcult on smart opponents in general and zoners with high evasivness due to her unsafety.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Even though she's not evasive, she can still stop offensive attempts of her opponent pretty good due to her speeds. Quick counter pokes and jabs can interrupt slower characters easily.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - This is where she excels in, as I already described in the paragraphs above.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - Kasumi has some tools in her arsenal for dealing with long range and spacing situations, however, those are neither fish nor fowl when taking a look at their properties. Using them often requires taking risks or gives only minor reward.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Her environmental combos can be pretty devastating, especially in the ceiling. Having a lot of launching moves, a launching throw and an additional advanced hold increase her effectivness in that department significantly.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor


Who is your main?

Akira :akira:

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

His overall approach to the game fits for me. Been using him since vanilla.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Epic moves, epic damage and epic GBs.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

214P+K CH into 666P for guaranteed damage on "any" stance, but overall no.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

Past generation Baji Quan, more direct to the Chinese route than modern. His also include custom moves he made himself (Well according to his VF bio.)

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

:H*+K:. Because Knee.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

:214::H+P: ~ (Throw is almost pointless and can be stepped + provide little advantage)

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

I did at one point in vanilla, but then I saw the light when I seen some footage of his VF counterpart and wanted to see if I can adjust to make something similar in DOA style.

Did you have other mains in the past?

In the past: :hayabusa::leon::tengu::spartan:

Now: :akira: - Sub: :hayabusa::hitomi::leon::cyborg::bass::pai::nyotengu::jacky::genfu:


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

As a 3D character: 7/10. He carries the straightforward main character vibe with a bit more serious tone (Similar to Ryu from SF or many main characters that has the feel of becoming the strongest and obvious choice to be highly noticed as the winner of all.)

Other games besides 3D fighters (Project X Zone, Dengeki Bunko etc.): 9/10. He seems more open to the plot at hand and expresses himself more. Much more epic.

What do you think of your main character's appearance?

Cool. Almost similar to Ryu in SF but overall different in view. He looks pretty strong.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

I think my game is glitched! no sound comes out for ENG! (......................lol.)

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

Well played....I will get you for this.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Cool. I like his usual top 2 which shows the classic feel and just seems something Akira would wear.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

I don't have a favorite one since I use different ones from time to time. Although if I had to really pick one, the outfit me and Ghosty-J made submitted to TN. C1 all the way to C5 is possibly the outfits I used the most.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

Blue Chef, Ninja and Santa...I find these not Akira at all. Neutral with Samurai and white side mask, but it's still not something Akira would wear for his character tone. Not a big fan of stereotypical outfits.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - Still fluid and epic...hard as hell to use though.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. - No OH, still epic though.

How would you rate your main character in terms of guaranteed setups (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. - 1 ~ 2 moves is stance specific so it is a pain, but overall....still epic.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - You block, it gets broken or guaranteed. You place an attack and choose not to block, you get CHed. (Not string heavy so 4)

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - Always have to make reads.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. - 10/12/12 - Moderate and strong, it's standard but nothing better and nothing less. Good.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - Situational moments of recovery and semi-safe options. Advantage that can force or condition the opponent to do certain things.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. - Come on now.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - Moderate movement and few pushback range attacks.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. - Conditioning.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - Situational reads and keep outs such as 2P.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. Not string heavy, but can lead to 1-guess scenario or condition them to predictable SS or attacking.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. - (Character dependant and environmental situations along with proper inputs at the right time. Wrong inputs will create a 3 getting you whiffed punished. Depending on moves you used, one may have quicker recovery or slower.)

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. Damage and guaranteed off the wazoo.

I purposely added gifs to make posts bery epic.


(Does GBoD and flies away)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ahaha I mean in DOA since none of his themes are there. Although it would be cool if we could get TN to at least remix a theme instead of actually paying for the rights to include his actual themes in the game.
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Well-Known Member

Who is your main?

Tina aka the "Teen" (I know shes 24).

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

I'm ashamed to admit that I chose Tina for her big bouncy tits. :p

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Shes super simple.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

Yeah.... longer Stuns Please.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

Pro-wrestling isn't my thing..... thats it. Seriously... I only chose Tina because of the way she looks.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Running:H+P: (Shining Wizard). Because the thrill of running up and doing a risky move is just too great to ignore.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

Uhm I'l have to go with :2::H+P: on Face Down Head Torwards Knocked down Foes. I just don't like the animation.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Yes.... and I have. Because I was curious about other characters.

Did you have other mains in the past?

Tina was my first my love.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

Uhm I don't really like Tina's personality... its hard to say why. Maybe its because I don't believe she can compare to Bayonetta.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

Shes kinda short. I don't like that. I don't like her Fighting Stance either but I really like her idle stance.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Its no secret.... Tina's Japanese voice the worst. Her english voice is interesting though. I'm a sucker for Texan Accents.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

I really don't like her DoA5 theme. All her themes from the previous games are much much better.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

I suppose if this was WWE Divas she would fit right in but I personally don't like her Fashion Sense.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

The second one, specifically with the bienie on. Shes just looks so bad ass wearing it. However I also really like her other outfit. The one with the Black Leather Ass-less Chaps and the Black Cowboy Hat. LoL how can you not like that ? ;)

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

The Bunny Furry Bikini Outfit..... all the Generic Black and White Bunny Outfits suck massive Donkey Balls.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.9. I get that shes a grapplee but her Throws aren't that satisfying either. Using Tina requires alot of Guess work.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.0. Shes got faster punish Throws but so she can punish unsafw moves more often. But beyond that.... shes the one whos going to be spanked for making mistakes.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.0. Tina rarely ever gets the oppertunity to attack first. Despite having no defensive tools she still has to play Defensively.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.0. Yeah its that Bad..... she does have a mid crush but she can't use it at point blank range or from too great a disadvantage.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.2 Shes not all that slow at 11-13-13 but she will get counter hit like crazy because even though her limbs aren't super short. She makes no effort to really reach out and hit her opponent. She does pretty fast throws though.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.1. She's not particularly safe at all but she has a few strings that end with Guard Breaks. So that helps.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Her throw damage particularly good.... its just not the best among her Grappling friends...... infact her Dad and all the other super heavy weights all out damage her. Her Strikes are obviously weak... however her Strike Critcal Damage is unusually high.... making pulling off Critcal Combos very cumber some because of her short stuns.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1.5 Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad. Shes actually alittle better at it than Mila since she has a quick low crush and a significan't faster Freestepping speed. But damnit shes got a very fat hurtbox (its actually perfectly average) so she can't escape certain situations the same way Christie can.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1.0 Tina's Pressure is 100% guessing games. She doesn't have fast enough guard breaks...... fast strikes...vortexes or long strings with Mix Ups natural pressure.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1.2. All Tina can do is Block and hope the opponent gets greedy and uses unsafe moves. Beyond that her defenses will be penetrated relatively quickly.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.4. Even though Tinas not fast playing her nice and close is pretty much the only way you can play her because her range is terribal.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

0.4. Yeah her long range game is pretty much non existent. She will get murdered by Momiji and Ayane.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Well..... its not the best but she not worst at it either. I'l give her a 2.0 because she lacks good knock back juggles.

Boom. Guess who made two of these. ;) ME !!!! HAHA !
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Active Member
I'm ashamed to admit that I chose Tina for her big bouncy tits. :p

You're ashamed that you liked her for the tits?


I'm not ashamed at all i would smack Honoka and Helena's titties left right and centre if i could. Do they add more value than just tits? well yeah, otherwise we wouldn't have favourites and likes and dislikes.

I still love the tits though, Honoka and Helena allllllll day, 10/10 would slap and watch them jiggle in "OMG" mode. Don't be ashamed because that means you give give a **** about what people think and that ain't right.

Doa offers incredible fighting (and from DOA 5 personally some of the best fighting, gaming has to offer) and the best looking women in gaming, it wouldn't be the same without it and the game was intended for you to ogle and get sexy. (although you don't have to)

Holy hell, the curves , tits and asses on these woman are amazing, Japan gave us gifts and tasty treats, it would be a dishonour not to fall in love with some of these girls.

In fact it's stuff like that which always drives me to get better because i want to aim to be the best player of a character i love. We call that "Dedication".



Premium Donor
You're ashamed that you liked her for the tits?


I'm not ashamed at all i would smack Honoka and Helena's titties left right and centre if i could. Do they add more value than just tits? well yeah, otherwise we wouldn't have favourites and likes and dislikes.

I still love the tits though, Honoka and Helena allllllll day, 10/10 would slap and watch them jiggle in "OMG" mode. Don't be ashamed because that means you give give a **** about what people think and that ain't right.

Doa offers incredible fighting (and from DOA 5 personally some of the best fighting, gaming has to offer) and the best looking women in gaming, it wouldn't be the same without it and the game was intended for you to ogle and get sexy. (although you don't have to)

Holy hell, the curves , tits and asses on these woman are amazing, Japan gave us gifts and tasty treats, it would be a dishonour not to fall in love with some of these girls.

In fact it's stuff like that which always drives me to get better because i want to aim to be the best player of a character i love. We call that "Dedication".

No chill! XD


Active Member
No chill! XD
Never did and never will.

I embrace everything DOA offers me. Although i'm not usually like that i just went overboard to prove a point and stamp on public opinion and people who shun. It's more to show that people shouldn't be worried or ashamed like it's wrong.

I keep it to myself most of the time though, hahaha xD


Well-Known Member

Who is your main?

Sarah :sarah: "Yiiiyaaaaah"

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

After things didn't work out with Momiji (despite all of Hajin's help) I decided to latch on to Sarah because shes easier.... thats right .... I said easier. BOOOYAAAAAA !!!!

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Her crazy long juggles. She can juggle anybody for days.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

Yeah.... her Hurt Box size. Its seriously huge. I want it to be thinner.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

According to Virtua Fighter 5. Sarah's style is "Martial Arts". However in the previous games it used to be JKD just like her Brother, :jacky:. However she has picked up so many moves and has so many tools that the JKD Label just couldn't contain her. So they just called it Martia-..... wait was the question again...... Oh what do I think of it ? I guess its cool. Jacky's is way cooler though.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Stepping :426::H+P:. Its got a start up of 47 Frames. Making it the most impractical offensive Hold in the Game..... however getting this to land on Hi-Counter is the ultimate satisfaction because of how rare it happens. ;)

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

:6::6::K: Stilleto. This move is actually good for wall splats and knock backs...... in the stun game however its easily Stagger Escapable.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Yes.... and I have. Sarah was always a temporary main to me.

Did you have other mains in the past?

Tina and Mila.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

I know very little of her personality. And I doubt what we see during intros and win/lose outros says much about who she is. Shes pretty cool though.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

Tall, Blonde and Beatiful.... whats not to love ? She's Hot but she aint no Skank. Thats a classy girl right there.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Well Sarah has no Japanese voice. Her voice doesn't sound right.... just like all the VF Characters. I wish they would fix them.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

I have never played the Previous VF Games so I know didly squat about what her theme is....... however when I think of Sarah the song that comes to mind is the on on VF5FS in the Stautes Stage. I love that song. In DoA5 I set her theme to the Same theme has the Lorlei Stage..

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Its important to not that in VF5 You could customize costumes.... her fashion sense in DoA5 is average. She wears alot of Boots.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

The white Long Sleeve Shirt with a Pink Bra underneath... and Blue Denim Jeans. I like that one the most. I love it when she wears Casual Wear. Its perfect for her.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

All of her Bikini's. I don't know but Sarah just can't rock a Bikini right. Poor Girl, hows she gona have fun at the beach ?


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.2 Sarah's got lot of moves..... and sge would be perfect if all her best tools didn't requires changing stances.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.7. If there's one person capable of baiting and scoring counter hits..... its Sarah because her Flamingo Stance is Frame Trap Central. Other than that..... nothing special about Her Whiff punishment and blocking unsafe moves.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.5. Sarah's offensive is really really good. But even though Rig is slower he is much better. Still though, shes a counter hit queen and a master Stun Launcher. I say that makes her very formidable.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0. Sarah's defensive is pretty good.... she's got parries and Sabaki's and a Freestepping Side Step.... and all kinds if mobility to help avoid trouble..... but only for tiny disadvantages. At -5 or more its safer to just guard.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.6. Sarahs not only fast on Start Up with 10-11-12 moves but her Jabs recover faster than Kasumi's too.... the only person faster than her is Pai. Sarah does infact, have an i9 Jab, she just can't whip it out willy nilly because its range is short, it causes her to turn around and its input command doesn't allow for immediate execution :4::4::P:.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.0. Sarah has plenty of safe moves from normal stance..... but she can go on step further and make her self positive on block using her Flamingo Stance.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 Sarah's damage is slightly below average. Her throws and holds are really really weak. She doesn't have much in the way of guaranteed damage but shes a menace in the neutral game.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.7. Sarah has a bunch of evasive moves but they require a change if stance to use.... meaning she can be very evasive just as long as shes mot at too big a disadvantage.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.7. Being a Frametrap Character with good mix ups and fast strikes makes Sarah very pressure heavy. And she has natural combos and a safe force teck option.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 Being a fast character herself she can easily deal pressure just by trying to retailate using a poke. She has a i12 Frame Sabaki that will deflect all high and mid strikes.... which she doesn't need because she has a i11 Mid.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.9 She very good at fight up close because she can go toe to toe with the fastest characters In the game.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.1. Despite having long legs her long to medium game is not that great because she doesn't make the effort to extend her feet pretty far like Mila. Luckily she can use her Sliding Stances to shoot in and out if the situation calls for it.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.3. Sarah's environmental game is highly situational.... she can get pretty good stage combos depending the placement and orientation of the stage gimicks. Shes got a fantastic wall combo.

Thats my last one. I play a few more other characters..... just not as well as those three.

You're ashamed that you liked her for the tits?


I'm not ashamed at all i would smack Honoka and Helena's titties left right and centre if i could. Do they add more value than just tits? well yeah, otherwise we wouldn't have favourites and likes and dislikes.

I still love the tits though, Honoka and Helena allllllll day, 10/10 would slap and watch them jiggle in "OMG" mode. Don't be ashamed because that means you give give a **** about what people think and that ain't right.

Doa offers incredible fighting (and from DOA 5 personally some of the best fighting, gaming has to offer) and the best looking women in gaming, it wouldn't be the same without it and the game was intended for you to ogle and get sexy. (although you don't have to)

Holy hell, the curves , tits and asses on these woman are amazing, Japan gave us gifts and tasty treats, it would be a dishonour not to fall in love with some of these girls.

In fact it's stuff like that which always drives me to get better because i want to aim to be the best player of a character i love. We call that "Dedication".


LoL.... what can I say.... I'm a closet perve. So much shame. :oops:
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

Who is your main?

Zack - The "Badass Joke Clown Teletubby DJ Man"

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?
I honestly chose him because he was the only black character in the game, and he was on the front cover of DOA1 for PS1, and being a 3/4 year old, I was all "ew girls!" So Zack was my man, but I thought he was a woman for a swift minute.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?
Fighting style or maybe even his costumes Pre-DOA5

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?
For him to maybe not get joke costumes now and get costumes similar to his DOA2U days. It's getting tedious out here.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?
Muay Thai, mix ups, quick threshold limits. What's not to like?

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?
Probably Duck to Sway. Because you can use it to either bait your opponent to running to you or bait a hold when you have stunned your opponent.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?
46K. It's almost useless. All of Zack's moves can be useful apart from that move. It's too slow to ever use.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?
I did in DOA5 Vanilla because he was trash at the time. He had barely any opportunities to get plus frames on regular hit and he relied too heavily on counter hits and/or P+K.

Did you have other mains in the past?
I had other mains. Which consisted of every character in the game, so I still have knowledge of other characters, besides Kokoro. Haven't touched her yet, though I probably should.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

Yes! That's why I started playing him. I don't like his joke character in DOA5 though. He needs his DOA2-4 personality back.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?
It's mad. Though I kind of want him to lose his eyebrows (weird request)

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.
(Japanese) This is what makes Zack Zack. He wouldn't be the same without this voice, imo. Zack's voice is as iconic as Hayabusa's and that's telling you something. The OGs of DOA right there.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?
Beastly besides his DOA4 theme, as I felt it was too boring for a zany character like Zack (see what I did there? The theme is "Zany Zapper")

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?
One of the best for males in the game (Not referring to DOA5, as his best costumes are the Legacy and LR Fan Costume by blazeincarnated and kodachi)

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?
Legacy. It was my favorite costume for him from DOA1 PS2, and it was in DOA2/U. I was also the person who suggested to TN that they should have used the legacy costume for him in the pack, and I was extremely happy when they both liked and recreated the costume for DOA5U.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?
The goddamn orange clown costume. OMG stop. The red one with the white afro doesn't hurt me as much as that other one.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

I would say 4 because Zack has great mix-ups, moves to get you into the fight like 9PP, and moves to push the enemy away, like 6H+K, which also equates to having good spacing and poke attacks. Mixing all of these aspects together is what makes Zack very effective and unpredictable. However his throws are quite slow but deal high damage, but his holds deal the least damage in his movelist.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
2-3. He's got adequate holds, and good throws, but however regular whiff punishment isn't Zack's forte, as he searches for a good space to counter, and not many of his fast pokes activate the stun threshold, which is a bummer, but I'm used to it.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. We all know the struggle of fighting a good Zack (besides myself because I know this nigga and his players like the back of my hand).

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
3. It's not brilliant but it's not bad either. But being defensive isn't Zack. His KBD is quite lacking as well. Zack does need some more defensive moves that bring him back as well. Like his DOA2 7P. It made him sway quite far back, and then comeback in with regular P which could be stringed into other moves. It stunned on NH too, which is what Zack needs. If that move had a Sabaki in DOA6... Oh lord.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. Need I say more?

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4. Zack is relatively safe in DOA5LR now. However in DOA5 Vanilla, he was one of the most unsafe characters in the game and for what? No one used him back then.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4 - Strikes and combo damage: 5
Throw damage: 4.5
Hold damage: 3

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. When utilizing his Duck and Sway moves, you can dodge quite a bit of moves. H+K dodges lows. 4K has long reach and can hit whiffing opponents.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. This is Zack we're talking about bro.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
3. When under pressure, there isn't much Zack can do besides try and sneak in a 10-12F attack, get a good hold in, or throw punish. His sidestep attacks are OK but they can be easily countered so...

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
3. I'm not sure that I want to say this again, as I have too many guides on this forum that explain this. :(

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. Zack is the environmental king. You can extend your combos when next to a wall when using Sway > PP6PP-type combos and use wall bounces to increase your damage. You can deal 40-50% combos with him, which is great as he could barely reach 30% in DOA5V.

Kind of want him to get a costume like this again.


Active Member
Who is your main?
The one and only Nyotengu. :nyotengu:

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

I've been using her since the day she released in DOA5U. I loved her design and appearance and well you could say I've always had a thing for these types of girls. lol

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Hard to say. Everything? She looks really good and out of all the other characters in the game I just have a lot of fun playing as her.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

If we're not talking about gameplay changes, nothing. Nyotengu is perfect the way she is to me.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

It's really fun and I guess gimmicky. lol I like it a lot. It's so easy to troll people with her when I want to.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Favorite move? Madoi-Nowaki (:4::P+K::h:) lol I don't think I have to explain for this one.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

Hmm don't really have one, but I had to choose it would be BT 4P I guess.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Never. And, I never will. She's the perfect character for me playstyle wise and again I just love the character too much. lol

Did you have other mains in the past?

Ein starting in DOA2. Kokoro in vanilla DOA5. I used both of them along with Momiji in DOA5U until Nyotengu came. Completely dropped all 3 of them for her.

How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

20/10 I love it.

What do you think of your main character's appearance?

She's very beautiful. For me, perfect in every way. One thing for me is I really like dark blue hair and purple eyes. In the past, whenever I'd create a character on a game (mainly if it was female) they would ALWAYS have to have these features, so I was pretty shocked when they made a character with these things.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Both of her voice actresses sound great. But, if I had to choose which one I liked more it would definitely be her English voice. It suits her personality and appearance so well.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

Oiran Drive is a good theme for her. One of my favorite themes in the series, but it could have been better.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

I like it a lot. She's the only character where I actually like pretty much all of the costumes they have.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

Showstopper Encore (Leifang's dress). This is my main costume and the one you'll see me use 99% of the time. lol It looks great on her.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

The Senran Kagura outfit and her ninja costume. The only costumes I won't buy since I just don't think they look right on her.

How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Going to try to keep this section short and not write too much.

4. She's a lot of fun to play with. Only thing is she's slow, but that's not an issue for me at all. She has good tools, good damage output, GBs etc. In my opinion, she's good.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Well, I think no matter what character you use, this would depend on how well the player can capitalize on mistakes with their character. I would say 4 for me.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2. Doesn't need much explanation. She's not that fast, but she's got some good crush moves and guard breaks, and also an OH.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)?
Why did you choose this number?

5. Her defensive options are really good in my opinion. She can do a lot to keep her opponent out.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1. Well, she is the slowest character in the game. lol

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. She's okay in terms of safety in my opinion. Not overly unsafe with her moveset.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. You don't need to do much with her to get a ton of damage. Stages like Danger Zone and Lost World are the best. 1 or 2 hits or just 1 good juggle and they're off. Also, that 1T...

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. Nyotengu's pretty evasive. She has a lot of nice crush moves.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. She can apply pressure well in certain situations or if you know how to get it going especially with the use of GBs and if your opponent's back is to the wall.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. She's just ok at it.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1. Easy. She's too slow.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. Some of her moves like PP and 6K have a lot of reach.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. She can get good damage off most things in the environment, but there's some she can't do a lot with.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Who is your main?

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

I'll share it more elaborately on the next question, but I've played the character casually since 2001 and competitively since 2006.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?
Gotta keep it PG, so...

She reminds me of my ideal woman I met IRL at the age of eight years old... a college-prep senior high school student who goes by the same name. She had an affinity for motorsports in general, was very pretty for a grease monkey, and held a strong influence in my childhood for the better. I can find some traits of hers in the DOA character (non-assassin traits, of course), particularly in her looks. So you could say that in a sense, I'm dedicating myself to playing this character in her honor, if that makes any sense.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?
Story-wise, I want her to ditch working for Victor Donovan, break the fourth wall, and work for the player, lol. Poor masked bastard doesn't appreciate hard workers anyway...

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?
Reminded me of Lion Rafale's at first. Incidentally, at the time when I was playing VF, I cycled around Lau Chan and Lion. So I guess it was a sign that the character was meant for me as far as comfort is concerned.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?
No... and I have no plans on ever doing that.

If I did, I'd lose the only good thing that's been consistent about me since I joined the DOA community.

Did you have other mains in the past?

Casually, yes. Competitively, no.

In DOA1, believe it or not, I started off playing Gen Fu. Then for a while in DOA2, Helena caught my interest. Due to the fact Christie was not in DOA2 Ultimate, I had an "affair of sorts" with Helena again until DOA4 came out. I felt awkward about it at first, but it couldn't be helped. I wanted to experience playing fighting games online with the community I had just joined. Needless to say, I learned a valuable lesson from a specific player (who unfortunately has moved on from the community) which would motivate me to keep up with the community in the 7th generation.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

Story-wise, there is still quite a lot to be desired. The audience still doesn't know anything about her apart from the fact she's a top-ranked assassin from Europe who killed Helena's mother and has continued to stalk her ever since. Wouldn't be surprised if she was connected to one of Fame Douglas's many, many mistresses though... I'm kinda lookin' forward to what direction they take her.

Christie's personality is befitting of not only a cold, calculated assassin, but a natural pro-domme from a fetishistic perspective. But I won't dive too much into that because PG, that's why.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?
Smokin' hot, hello!

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.
Japanese: I'm not gonna lie. My mind was blown when I found out Christie's Japanese voice - Kotono Mitsuishi - was ironically well known for voicing one of the most recognized anime/manga characters of all-time, Sailor Moon. Aside from that, she was also known for voicing a lot of bright and cheery characters like Excel from Excel Saga, Misato from Evangelion, and the hamster Ebichu from the titular adult comedy of the same name. But to be fair, she has also voiced Boa Hancock from One Piece, where the similarities in tone seem to align with Christie.

English: April Stewart's always gonna be THE voice of Christie IMO, but I'm not gonna take away from Laura Bailey's talent either.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?
They're befitting of the character, but they can be better. Personally, I want Yuzo Koshiro to help compose the music for future titles and breathe life back to them like the good ol' days of DOA2 and DOA3.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?
She can melt her way into a kinky man's heart, I'll say that much.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?
The red trenchcoat from DOA3. Everything about it embodies her character as a whole, perhaps even moreso than the white jumpsuit with black trim fans are more accustomed to, and here's my opinion on why.

First off, it's a London-style women's trenchcoat, which is telling of her nationality right off the bat. While she also has a black trenchcoat and it's her favorite color, I feel the red trenchcoat suits her better because she is essentially working for blood money. Lastly, the fact she wears a trenchcoat is telling of how mysterious she is.

Additionally, since I've first heard of Jubilee in the X-Men franchise as a kid, I have since been attracted to women who know how to wear one.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

I'd prefer not to say.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4. She has all the offensive tools she needs to open up an opponent's defense in DOA5, but her one weakness is in her holds and - to an extent - her throws.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
3. She can definitely bring it on the offensive and has decent pokes, but defensively she's rather average, lacking in sabakis, parries, and the like with no real guaranteed follow-up. Her back-turned options leave something to be desired compared to others. She's also not a grappler and doesn't have offensive holds, so her throw punishment game's weak outside of the wall.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5. She's among the few with a 9-frame jab, great pokes, a simple but effective throw mixup near the wall, and a variety of guard breaks to keep the opponent on their toes. And if that's not enough, getting your opponent to fear 66t or rolling t near the wall makes you feel damn near invincible sometimes.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. Like I said earlier Christie is IMO not exactly at her best when playing defensively. While it's certainly possible to play her this way, you have to really heighten your senses of fundamentals to get the most out of her limited options on the defensive... at least when you compare it to grapplers and those who specialize in holds and evasion.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4.5. And that's mainly because of her overall speed with her pokes, not her throw speed.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.5. She has about an average amount of safe / semi-safe moves.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.5. She can dish out good damage against midweights and up, but with heavyweights she can't rely on launches and air juggles as much. She would instead need to open up their defense and remain as safe as possible while dealing damage (preferably near the wall) when she can.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.5 - 4.0. While not quite up there with Marie Rose and Ayane, her special sidestep JAK also evades highs and allows a backstep. Many attacks can be performed while in this stance. JAK can be stuffed out by tracking lows, mids, and low offensive holds however.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Same answer as offensive options.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Same answer as defensive options.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

Same answer as offensive options/speed.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. Limited in variety and power, but fairly quick.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4. Same reasons as offensive options.



Who is your main?


Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

Since her reveal trailer, really. It's awfully important for me to land a character whose design, personality and playstyle match my tastes; So it basically came down to loving her personality and voice, and liking her capability to rushdown opponents. Since this is the first DoA entry I'd actually own, I felt right at home with a character as new to the series as I am.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Hmmm, where to even start...if I had to choose one single factor, it'd be how fast she can destroy an opponent with good enough pressure.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

I'd like her to stop getting nerfed, to have a little bit better game against zoning, and to be a bit faster too. >.<
What I'm saying is, I wish I was a little bit better with her, without changing the bsic rushdown of my playstyle.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

MMA has never looked as great as when it's getting through a ninja's best defenses.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Ground pounds. All day everyday. My most damaging combos usually end with the move, and it's so satisfying to finish a match with it.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

H+K. I don't I've ever successfully used it in a match.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Sometimes I consider dropping the game in itself; the non-FSD community is awful and the balance choices border on the ludicrous. Damnit Christie.

I sub Bass too. ;_;

Did you have other mains in the past?
I liked using Ein, and when he wasn't available, Hitomi in the past.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

10/10. She's energetic and cheerful without really going over the top, she has a clear goal and constantly works towards it. In random matches, she's polite and sporty, and yet furious in combat without ever feeling downright cruel. She does it for the sport, and does it with passion and sportsmanship. Lovely girl.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

This is part of the reason I chose her. Short hair with a bit of flair in the highlights. Practical outfits that fit her personality---other than the bikinis. I mean have you seen the girl wearing a black biker's outfit? She's very attractive in all the ways a healthy person is attractive, without excessive fanservice (As far as DoA5 does, anyway) and honest to goodness good looks and unique style. No one else would have brought a simple plaid shirt and jeans, or even sweatpants and made it work. The bee motif is fantastic as well, anytime it pops up.

...and well, quite frankly, people are right.. she -does- have a great rear....

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Her English voice is an essential part of her charm. Great enthusiastic victory lines. Energetic, fierce grunts on her most powerful strikes and throws, and a fearless, determined declaration on her regular chain throws. I love her voice and I die a little everytime I remember we don't know who provides it. I pray she's back for DoA6 and beyond.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?
Ok, this, this was a disappointment. Absolute meh.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

It's unique and for the most part nonpandering. It's usually not flashy (except the halloween ones), but it works.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

The Biker outfit. Pays homage to her personal idol, shows off her badass side. Looks amazing.
Honorable mention for last halloween's bee outfit. Shut up, she looked great.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

Casual wear: "plaid fur-lined coat over white turtleneck, white leggings and shoes". What is that? We already know what Mila wears when she dresses casually: She actually dresses casually in a plaid shirt, tank top, jeans and sneakers. No way she's gonna wear those heels and that furcoat.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4 - This is due to the fact I'm not remotely close to mastering her, but ugh, spacing tools.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Screw up, your health goes kaput.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Frames and Feints are good, most of the time.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - Fast-attacking shenanigans without much of away to get through... Christie, Ein, basically.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4 - Some glaring issues but otherwise a great package.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - It's hard to punish most of my screwups.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Highest damage in the game, I hear? If I can land it, that is.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - I believe you'd best ask a better player than me, but I'm counting her ability to dodge and counterattack effectively in a single manuever, not quite spacing alone.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - She does great if the opponent isn't a teleporting, superfast powerhouse. ...so she can stay on half the cast, maybe.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3 - bleh.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - The issues she has with speed are overtaken byt he absurd damage and stups she can get off one or two good reads.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1 - Haha, fudge me, this is part of why I don't play as much anymore.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Ground throws help a lot, especially the aforementioned pounds.


Well-Known Member
This. It's kinda like these interviews but not straitened to the usual suspects. I like it because every player in the community has a story to tell, even though this one here only focuses on the main character.

Alright, here's mine:


Who is your main?

Kasumi. Yes I know, now you think "Oh, just another one".

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

She grabbed my interest back at the time were I was watching ShadeSwifteye/Swoozie tournament replays on YT when trying to collect information about which fighting game would be my first one. I was like dang, this character looks good in all aspects and got automatically rid of any decision about who to main. That was back in 2013.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Her character and whole appearance is, compared to the other females of the cast, very tame.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

I actually hate her being that popular since I usually prefer playing underdogs or supporting actors. The result of that is that she's also featuring the most awkward 'fan' creations.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

Even though it is completely unrealistic for the most part, it still does fit Kasumi perfectly due to looking graceful.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Propably :4::H+K:. Not only because it is very good gameplay wise, it is also funny to think about it as an attack. I mean, she does an overhead(!) split kick that does even bring brawny opponents like Leon, Bass or Raidou on their knees, lmao.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

This might sound weird but even though I do use taunts very very rarely, I don't like her secondary one were you have to press one direction. Imo, a taunt has to come out quickly and look dirty / perky, but she is stepping back, closing her eyes and touching her breasts which even tooks ages? Sure, she's not supposed to be the coolest, but there are characters in the game who have taunts that look way better. This is actually toooooo soft.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

I did once when Phase 4 was added to the game because she did fit the underdog role more while still having lot of similarities to Kasumi. Playing her was also more challenging at the beginning due to her limited moveset and unsafety.

That changed when TN buffed her moveset, making the most challenging thing (opening people up) too simple by adding braindead on block teleports and giving her an 11 frame mid. After that, more and more players were picking her up for Kasumi instead, so she became too much mainstream for my taste. Now, you will see actually more Phase 4's played in competitive events as Kasumi's (imo). Thus, due to the fact that there is no real difference between both girls anymore and I did not like the way TN changed her original appearance more and more (different hair colors and so on), is why I went back to my former main. In addition, I think that real Kasumi main loyalists have become very rare (in every part of the community, but especially in the competitive environment). There are a lot of players who label her as their main but actually play dozens of secondary characters they will switch to immediately once she will not work for them. This also keeps me sticking to her.

Did you have other mains in the past?

See the answer above. Beside those two, I did not have any other main.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

Of course do I like her personality. Even though she get's it, Kasumi does not want to attract much attention on herself, which I do like. She's not like Tina or Nyotengu who want to be the star of the show and try to put the focus on sexual things by rubbing her butt/boobs and licking stuff or similar which is just plain slutty and awkward. She also does not pretend false cuteness like Marie Rose or Honoka and she does not act plain stupid like Leifang or Hitomi.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

As being the (former?) cover girl, she does look very handsome for, how I would almost bet, both male and female players equally. In terms of female characteristics, I think there's nothing on her you would say "That's/They're too big / too small!" about, but of course that's always a matter of taste. I do like her hairstyles a lot, especially her new side tail. In contrast to most Kasumi players I know, the length of her loose hair also does fit my taste perfectly.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Both her Japanese and English voices are good and luckily fit her personality. There are characters in the game where this is not the case. The Japanese one is a bit more shrill and makes her sound younger. I usually prefer using the English voices, however, I also switch them when I'm in the mood.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

They are good, but there are better ones.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Haha, no one needs to argue with me that this character offers the best wardrobe in the game. Of course, she does have (almost?) the most costumes of the roster, however, it's often that quantity doesn't mean quality. This is not the case with Kasumi though, she does cover a lot of fashion styles, from traditional to casual to funky to sexy to cute to cool.

One thing I like is that TN only rarely got astray and gave her exorbitant sexualized costumes that rather focus on showing pure skin instead of actual fashion sense. That does not include costumes which most people would throw in the category 'fetish' wear. This means I don't have a problem with her wearing a maid dress or schoolgirl outfit as long as this does not obviously tries to focus on the one thing pubescent teens have in mind when hearing the word "DoA". Short said, I think even those costumes can just look good as well.

That said, compared to other females of the cast, I'm glad that her fashion style is more tamed in terms of sexuality but not in terms of flashy colors (pink!!) and female specific accessoirs (flowers, bows).

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

Her pop idol costume (C21) is kinda my all time favorite because it's just straight flashy and there's nothing funnier to imagine the face of Rig, Hayabusa and Jann Lee players online who get beaten by a girl wearing a pink dress. It's a remarkable contrast element in a fighting game.

However, her new schoolgirl strikers costume is my current favorite because it also covers many different aspects. The uniform as neat, cute and innocent part, the armor form as powerful and heroic part (while still having pink colors, haha). None of these forms is oversexualized too.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

I only dislike about five of her costumes, but the worst one is propably the ragnarok one (C27) right followed by the red polka dotted overall dress (C30). There is literally nothing that looks good on the first one, it just looks like a dumb combination of rags and the shoes she's wearing as well as this ugly grandma headscarf just hurt my eyes. And making characters not wearing undergarments is just plain slutty, btw, @TN.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Her moveset does not contain remarkable 'killer' moves like Gen Fu has 3P for example, but she has tools for all kinds of situations.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Kasumi is supposed to fish for counterhits and stuns by using string delay and string variations as well as fast counter pokes, meaning she's all about conditioning and guesses. This is where she excels in. However, she is not the type of character that can win a match by making two good reads or capitalizing on mistakes twice resulting into 50%+ life loss like Rachel for example. It usually requires more work to take the win with her, thus I'd rate it with 4.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Since offensive is usually done in close range, I'd rate it with 5. She has speed, good lows than can open opponents up quickly, (reset) throws, highly versatile strings and a lot of (quick) launchers.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3 - While Kasumi's offensive is excellent, her defense is only moderate. Many of her moves are unsafe on block and have a relative long recovery, limiting her options for evading punishment. She does have two hit type parries as well although I would say these do not compensate the fact that her holds deal very poor damage. She also does not have many reliable crushes, it happens a lot that she will get hit out of the air by lows when performing jumping moves.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Kasumi has the highest generic attackspeeds on all hit levels.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - She is one of the strikers who is highly punishable by throws and has, compared to other characters of the same 'class', very long recovery on most blocked attacks. Her amount of safe or semi-safe moves is also relatively small.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - While she deals only minor damage with single strikes and also on most quick stun > lauch combos, she has still good damage on her throws for being a striker. However, the average amount of life her attacks take is quite low compared to other members of the cast, especially on heavyweights. Those who do not agree with this just should compare the damage of one of her stun-level 2 juggles with what a single counterhit of Ayane's kicks takes.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1 - Kasumi feels like being one of the worst when it comes to evasivness imo. She does only have one reliable but linear high crush, and her low crushes have pretty weird hitboxes too. Even her special sidestepp move :4::4::P: does not help in most situations.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - She can apply pressure very well at close range, however, doing so can still be diffcult on smart opponents in general and zoners with high evasivness due to her unsafety.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Even though she's not evasive, she can still stop offensive attempts of her opponent pretty good due to her speeds. Quick counter pokes and jabs can interrupt slower characters easily.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - This is where she excels in, as I already described in the paragraphs above.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - Kasumi has some tools in her arsenal for dealing with long range and spacing situations, however, those are neither fish nor fowl when taking a look at their properties. Using them often requires taking risks or gives only minor reward.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Her environmental combos can be pretty devastating, especially in the ceiling. Having a lot of launching moves, a launching throw and an additional advanced hold increase her effectivness in that department significantly.
I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna single out the part I'm replying to but when I read the question about evasiveness I took it to not just be physical moves but all the flips too. So I'd include 7P, 9P, and 9P+K in there which can get you blown up but when used well can be annoying as hell for opponents.