Say whaaaaat? What is going on here?

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
Honestly, who really cares? They're friends, so what?

I think this thread has ran its course. It's just tacky now and a bad look.

Also, why does the "N" in my account name hang on the bottom?

Looks like your name is to big lolz

This thread ran it's course a LONG time ago btw -_- (such cool faces)

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Again, you completely misinterpret anything said. Neither Rikuto nor I stated that anyone on that trip was picked because they were part of Manny's clique. You keep making up arguments and then arguing them. You have serious reading comprehension issues.

Rikuto made the point that four out of the five people chosen were part of Manny's clique, nowhere did we state or make the assumption that they were picked because they were part of said clique. Yet, this is the point you argued.

So you're blaming Master for coincidence? Or is it for circumstance? You've been, since the beginning of this thread, insinuating that Master is the one who brought them along.

Otherwise, what bearing does who they hang out with have if you're admitting to me that they weren't picked because of who they hang out with?

No you daffy bastard, what I'm pushing on you is that 4/5ths of the traveling party was Manny's clique. Even if Carl had made it, that's still a gross monopolization..

What the hell do you think he is implying grape?That Master's friends are there by happenstance?

Critical thinking grape, wheres yours?

It's ok buddy, someone will acknowledge you eventually.

So you're calling yourself a no-one? Because you're acknowledging me every-time you reply.

Julius Rage "Smarter than the average genius."


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So you're blaming Master for coincidence? Or is it for circumstance? You've been, since the beginning of this thread, insinuating that Master is the one who brought them along.
We were arguing about CGS, not this trip. The people picked for the trip were a result of their involvement with CGS, which was due to Manny's own hand.

What the hell do you think he is implying grape?That Master's friends are there by happenstance?
That Manny's clique outnumbered the opposition 4 to 1.

Critical thinking grape, wheres yours?
Are you really questioning my "critical thinking" when you've made it apparent countless times that you can't even read.

Julius Rage "Smarter than the average genius."
I'm not sure you even know the meaning of the word.


They would be if you guys would just drop it already. The entire point of FSD was to move away from doac and all that crap and to concentrate on DoA. Fact is we have been (mostly) successful with that. FSD is doing well while TKP is simply dead.

If you want to keep living in the past and keep going in circles with an argument that has been going on for 5 years then be my guest. But the rest of FSD has better things to worry about, like worrying about DoA5 and try and make it a better game. The fact that its been said that Shimbori actually visits our site means that we are making an impact as well.

The only naive people here are you and JR going back in forth like children not allowing each other to get the last word in. As for me, I'm done, this is my last post in this thread. Let the argument die already.

My.... GOD you are naive. I'm going to just sit back and laugh as history repeats itself. I'll be waiting for that apology when it happens which, by the way, wont be long now.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
We were arguing about CGS, not this trip. The people picked for the trip were a result of their involvement with CGS, which was due to Manny's own hand.

A) Chosen1 wasn't on the CGS.

B) PL was

So Master picked Vanessa for the CGS? Master demolished all of the female players for Vanessa and tricked the camera's into thinking it was her?

Master got on the CGS by proving himself in CGI, Vanessa got on because she was hands down the best female player.

So Chosen1 got on because of WCG, Vanessa got on because of WCG and CGS, PL and Master got on because of CGS and their places in the community and Swoozie got there because of CGS, WCG and his internet popularity.

You are really stupid, go back through the thread idiot and you'll see that Rikuto was insinuating that Master picked the players.

You are not mentally adroit enough to debate me - go co-sign something intelligent that Mr. Wah posts.

x Sypher x

Active Member
My.... GOD you are naive. I'm going to just sit back and laugh as history repeats itself. I'll be waiting for that apology when it happens which, by the way, wont be long now.

I bet he'd rather quit porn than apologize to, not even lol.


Not saying anything else. Just going to wait and laugh at everyone who thinks this is over with.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
This just in: Master is going to be the only character in DOA5 - because the community demands it.

All hail that magnificent son of a bitch.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Nah, he's not the only character in it, but the announcement was going to be coming out on monday that they made him as a character.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Of course not, it's an actual body and face render of him. I think they're giving him busa's old C2 costume from DOA2 last I was told.