Why is DOA such a stereotyped game?


Well-Known Member
Meh, screw everyone, the Social justice warriors, the tumblr's , The sex activists, The FGC, the complainers about the " fan service"

Meh meh meh, i love it all , the gravure, the costumes, the continued flood of DLC from TN, the combat system, the characters, the boob physics, the select voice option, the beach videos, Yup there isnt a part about DOA i dislike, aside from the fact i play Marie rose like a total derp goddess.

I Love DOA, i love this game so much, i played DOA 2 and after that i never had a chance to really get into it, my old roomate had 4 but she was always Pro xbox i was always Pro Playstation, now i have a chance, MY chance to finally embrace and enjoy DOA and everyone wants to take it from me and call me a lil perv for this and that, Welp jokes on everyone else i don't feel like a lil perv and if i am, that's Mali's business. The crybabies of the FGC will probably never accept DOA, and it will probably never be " Taken seriously" Though we go fucking ape shit when Fatalities and heads get squashed on EVO stage but a pair of nice boobies. " God forbid! that's just my lord! that's too much! Get the holy water, don't support this game for EVO main stage nope nope!.

So my response is, Let's just enjoy our game, and the fact that TN supports their fighter wth dlc keeping it fresh, i've seen to many games just stop being supported and the longevity get's turned to poop.

Have fun babes
P.S. i didnt say this to debate i really don't want to fight with anyone i just wanted to vent, and thanks to FSD i can do that <3


Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
*Looks to the left and to the right*
*Proceeds to Necro 3 month old topic I really want to add in my thoughts*
@Brute @CyberEvil You both have permission to end me for Necro'ing this thread.

I didn't really want to necro this thread...but I honestly...had to after witnessing some of the stuff for Street Fighter V when it comes to the stream chat, it's fans and otherwise but first, I want to obviously stay on the topic question for the moment:

Basically Force of Nature is right, this was NEVER meant to be a competitive fighting game till DOA5 Alpha. This could easily have been placed on the same level of Smash and that's that(and we've SEEN the hatred for Smash, it's like the sun in most FGC circles) but that changed with the Alpha and the slogan of "I'm a Fighter".
And as someone brought up...casual fans did not take to the decreased levels of fanservice(Hell I was one of them) but for me, the reason wasn't for anything pornographic, it's because I seen it as desperation and I hated it. I seen as the way of turning Blazblue into Guilty Gear(in terms of aethestics and characters) and Tekken into Street Fighter or even removing the fatalities and blood and gore of Mortal Kombat(see MKvsDC for how THAT turned out) because...that IS Dead or Alive, a game that uses it's blatant and devil-may-care fanservice as a means to get people to see what the game truly is: A damn good and deep 3D fighting game that had it's ups and downs. And even then, would there REALLY been a huge change? No because Dead or Alive's stigma has always been that way because it was ALWAYS marketed that way(it DID get worse with the Xtreme Series, but it was mainly with Xtreme 2 since again past Dimensions, this was the ONLY other DOA game for 6-7 YEARS).

Now I can and will agree that yes, The Gravure Scenes(which you still have to buy with DLC but I digress) do not help the mindset at all...but again, this problem...still really isn't a problem when most people hyperinflate how truly bad the fanservice really is...
-The Photo Mode can easily be used to get some awesome pictures(as you can easily find here, Facebook pages and otherwise) and not just perverted ones)
-The Jiggle Physics can be turned off or lowered since DOA5 Vanilla
-None of the costumes...are really all that overly sexualized(and the few that are either comes from other games, collabs or are people going nuts over certain bikinis...) and almost all of them are DLC by default meaning again, you don't even need to buy them.

Hell, I've had someone tell me that the Wet & Dirt effects are meant to be sexualized(The hell? The Wet effects I can see somewhat if someone is wearing a white shirt but really?) and that the game is somehow misogynistic(now that's worth one hell of a good laugh as someone has never played the game). But then after awhile, I just honestly felt like "What is the point of converting those that don't want to care?", I mean, is it REALLY that hard to even look up the cast of characters to see that until DOA5LR the cast had more males than females and now actually has a slight female lead? I mean isn't this what people asked for? To have a good equal level playing field for female characters with males? But because it's DOA mind...

But then a series of events happened...which shows me how hypocritical the FGC truly is...and ALL OF IT happened with SFV:
-Why is it everytime I go to a stream of SF5 ever since R.Mika and Cammy, people have going CRAZY whenever Cammy does her Round 1 victory pose and damn near everything R.Mika does?
-Ever since Laura, it's been even WORSE in that regard(to the point Laura being playable for one of the tourneys recently had streamchat going crazy like wolves)
-Why do I even see PRO PLAYERS making light of the fanservice compared to those who whine and complain about it?(Infiltration has been joking around with R.Mika and I know one pro player did the same with R.Mika and Laura in the Character Select)
-Hell, why is THIS:
A thing(Karin's was added recently but this came from a Twitter post of a SF player)
-Even the modding scene of Street Fighter V is going crazy already and ripped the models of all the characters already and I seen one which gives R.Mika even crazier breast sizes.

It should be obvious after awhile that a good majority of those who play SF...DON'T CARE. They probably don't really even care about Dead or Alive but just don't play 3D fighting games seriously, what's actually going on is those who want to prove that their game is "super serious" and afraid of being seen as anything less.
These are people who honestly are not gamers or even Street Fighter fans if you want to be frank and really SHOULD NOT be paid attention to, if ever, for the simple fact that fanservice will not or ever kill a legit fighting game(in the same way MK9 and MKX has been fighting to be a true fighting game since ONLY UNTIL THEN, only UMK3 was tourney worthy and that series STILL gets slandered in the same way KI does)

Despite the hurdles DOA is STILL going through, there's finally a true healthy Japanese meetups since the Arcade release, we finally know the existence of freaking Korean players as well as a small European set that may have issues and it's still growing and like it or not, Dead or Alive IS getting more and more recognition by the day of NOT just being a fanservice game(Yes, people still try to deny it but it's pretty obvious that from last year till now, people ARE and HAVE been taking notice). Remember, we SURVIVED Injustice and guess what died(yes I know the reason why that game died in the tourney scene but again, DOA with it's rep really shouldn't have survived this long compared to how much exposure Injustice got) and what's still going on? Maybe i have faith because there has sadly been way too many games that fell of the cracks in the West for dumb reasons that are actually great fighting games no one gave a chance(Arcana Heart and Vanguard Princess and until recently Skullgirls).

Ultimately, I know I'm passionate as fuck about this game with the only reason of me not being able to hit any tournies is me being jobless, we know that the main reason we can't always get the huge numbers is because of travel issues. But honestly, I believe one of the main reasons of DOA being denied(seen only as fanservice) has been replaced with a new reason(People refusing to acknowledge it as a proper fighting game) and that is what people should be tackling.

Alright I'm done with this huge rant, seriously had to get it off my chest. And since I have no ideas of how necro'ing works on this site, Mods...do what you will, atleast I got this out before the thread can be locked normally.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
For reference, here's the disc to DOA1, released on 1997/10/9. There's a naked 17 year old girl and the programming code for upskirts...

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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
For reference, here's the disc to DOA1, released on 1997/10/9. There's a naked 17 year old girl and the programming code for upskirts...

If you want me to be real...judging a game into the now over how it acted in the past isn't really all that smart or make the point for people.
As we can remember, Street Fighter was pretty much a boss rush with terrible controls and OP moves before it became what it is today, If people are willing to cut that some slack, then it should be obvious for DOA.

The only difference is that again, you have people trying to act more "adult" at times.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If you want me to be real...judging a game into the now over how it acted in the past isn't really all that smart or make the point for people.
Are you suggesting that only DOA1 stereotyped sexuality? Are you ignoring 2, 3, 4 and 5? You have Nyo-Tengu avatar ffs. The series has always put its hyperized sexuality in front, that's why, and there's no denying it. Itagaki made no effort to hide it, he bragged about it... he even put it on the disc. So how am I judging the game by stating this simple fact? The topic is "why is DOA such a stereotyped game" and I simply provided some conjecture.


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting that only DOA1 stereotyped sexuality? Are you ignoring 2, 3, 4 and 5? You have Nyo-Tengu avatar ffs. The series has always put its hyperized sexuality in front, that's why, and there's no denying it. Itagaki made no effort to hide it, he bragged about it... he even put it on the disc. So how am I judging the game by stating this simple fact? The topic is "why is DOA such a stereotyped game" and I simply provided some conjecture.

Well, I think that outside the Xtreme series, in the past the DoA fighting game more sexualized was just DoA2 considering the promotion of it:


(On a sidenote I always liked to think that in this picture Kasumi was just escaped from the DOATEC captivity)


Personally I think that DoA3 and DoA4 were game very modest ouside the breast movement (more DoA2U added - or better brought back from DoA1 - the swimsuits outfits) and the series' fame would be have been even forgotten without the presence of the volleyball spinoff (if something people would have considered DoA the fighting game where the popular characters are gorgeous females). DoA5U and 5LR are instead a different matter, being definitely the games of the fighting series with heavy fanservice as one of its elements; for fairness has to be said that TN seemed seriously wish a change of tone for DoA5 (or at least for something on par with the past fighting episodes where the innovation more sexy had to be the sweat/transparent shirts) and they went in the opposite way only after receiving the fandom feedback for the Alpha demo.
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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting that only DOA1 stereotyped sexuality? Are you ignoring 2, 3, 4 and 5? You have Nyo-Tengu avatar ffs. The series has always put its hyperized sexuality in front, that's why, and there's no denying it. Itagaki made no effort to hide it, he bragged about it... he even put it on the disc. So how am I judging the game by stating this simple fact? The topic is "why is DOA such a stereotyped game" and I simply provided some conjecture.

1. Putting words in my mouth there man...

2. What I was getting at was the fact that it shouldn't be based on how it tried to market itself IN THE PAST. DOA is still an obviously sexualized fighter, no getting around that at all. My point is that TN IS trying to go in a whole different marketing direction for DOA as a whole(outside of spinoffs) then they did before and the TN with Hayashi on board is different than Itagaki on board(hell, we would have had a far less sexualized DOA if it wasn't for people voicing their displeasure at it, thus the resurgence at DOA5U)


Well-Known Member
1. Putting words in my mouth there man...

2. What I was getting at was the fact that it shouldn't be based on how it tried to market itself IN THE PAST. DOA is still an obviously sexualized fighter, no getting around that at all. My point is that TN IS trying to go in a whole different marketing direction for DOA as a whole(outside of spinoffs) then they did before and the TN with Hayashi on board is different than Itagaki on board(hell, we would have had a far less sexualized DOA if it wasn't for people voicing their displeasure at it, thus the resurgence at DOA5U)
Yeah before there was just some promotional bikini pics and....that's as sexualized as it got. Which is pretty damn tame.

Now its pure sexualization in every nook and cranny

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Yeah before there was just some promotional bikini pics and....that's as sexualized as it got. Which is pretty damn tame.

Which was the same in past DOA games...so basically nothing new.

And tame in the fact that it only pertains to certain new DLC outfits as even the ones that became free with the purchase of the game is still pretty tame compared to overall female costumes you would see in other fighting games.


Well-Known Member
Which was the same in past DOA games...so basically nothing new.

And tame in the fact that it only pertains to certain new DLC outfits as even the ones that became free with the purchase of the game is still pretty tame compared to overall female costumes you would see in other fighting games.
Um no.

Again, in past doas the only thing sexual was a few bikinis and pantyshots here and there. Some arcade endings were risque too. That was IT. Other fighters if the time were far worse in this regard. Come doa5...

The level of sexualization in 5 compared to previous entries is like the level of aggressive marketing between Gatorade and power thirst.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Um no.

Again, in past doas the only thing sexual was a few bikinis and pantyshots here and there. Some arcade endings were risque too. That was IT. Other fighters if the time were far worse in this regard. Come doa5...

The level of sexualization in 5 compared to previous entries is like the level of aggressive marketing between Gatorade and power thirst.

Yeah you are exaggerating it completely.
DOA2 Hardcore had a gallery to check out the girls in 3D renders just like DOA Dimensions as well as well as the age-breast jiggle too.

The only thing DOA5 has that's in abundance is the DLC outfits as DOA already had a good chunk of those features before 5 came out and even then, you are overblowing the fact that again, you don't need to buy the overly sexualized DLC and the ones that is free isn't anymore sexualized then any other game.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are exaggerating it completely.
DOA2 Hardcore had a gallery to check out the girls in 3D renders just like DOA Dimensions as well as well as the age-breast jiggle too.

The only thing DOA5 has that's in abundance is the DLC outfits as DOA already had a good chunk of those features before 5 came out and even then, you are overblowing the fact that again, you don't need to buy the overly sexualized DLC and the ones that is free isn't anymore sexualized then any other game.
Oh no. A model viewer. How scandalous.

Soul caliber 2 had that as well with bouncing boobs. On top of visible nipples and cameltoe, dominatrix and bondage, face sitting attacks, etc. That's what I mean by DOA being tame by comparison (though now 5 has all that too).

Where's a past DOA had a basic model viewer, 5 has gravure mode, selectable panties, a CONSTANT stream of fetishwear and bikinis, and all promotion and advertising for the game is HAVE WE MENTIONED THERES HUGE BOOBIES?! And with the dlc characters it now also dips into the anime girl fetishes, with the Loli, big boobed moe school girl, and lecherous noblewoman. And now we have clothes exloding right off the girls like Senran Kagura and Soul Calibur. Wouldn't be surprised if they added SKs photos hoop and molestation modes by doa6.

Again, past doas had some token fan service, yes, but nowhere near the extent of DOA circa last round.

Past do as were solid fighters with some obligatory fan service. Doa5 is pure sexy fan service that happens to be a solid fighter.


Premium Donor
Honestly, without the DLC in the equation, DOA5 would be pretty tame.
Oh no. A model viewer. How scandalous.

Soul caliber 2 had that as well with bouncing boobs. On top of visible nipples and cameltoe, dominatrix and bondage, face sitting attacks, etc. That's what I mean by DOA being tame by comparison (though now 5 has all that too).

Where's a past DOA had a basic model viewer, 5 has gravure mode, selectable panties, a CONSTANT stream of fetishwear and bikinis, and all promotion and advertising for the game is HAVE WE MENTIONED THERES HUGE BOOBIES?! And with the dlc characters it now also dips into the anime girl fetishes, with the Loli, big boobed moe school girl, and lecherous noblewoman. And now we have clothes exloding right off the girls like Senran Kagura and Soul Calibur. Wouldn't be surprised if they added SKs photos hoop and molestation modes by doa6.

Again, past doas had some token fan service, yes, but nowhere near the extent of DOA circa last round.

Past do as were solid fighters with some obligatory fan service. Doa5 is pure sexy fan service that happens to be a solid fighter.
DOA2U also let you choose underwear color by changing the females hair style as well.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Oh no. A model viewer. How scandalous.

Considering how you act that we can move the camera around during a victory pose or during Battle Theatre...yeah, it's pretty much the same thing(and again, you ignore that's just one way to use it)

Soul caliber 2 had that as well with bouncing boobs. On top of visible nipples and cameltoe, dominatrix and bondage, face sitting attacks, etc. That's what I mean by DOA being tame by comparison (though now 5 has all that too).

Um...you do realize that SF5(and even some past SF games) has those elements too minus the character viewer right?
Chun-Li has visible nipples in SFIV, Poison is pure dominatrix and was made as pure fanservice, R.Mika's main usage uses her ass(including rubbing it if she lands/whiffs a Heavy Special with it) which now includes an aerial grab that has her sitting on a characters' face and Cammy clearly has cameltoe...
KOF has the same elements in certain female characters with the same subtext(Mai, Hotaru, Angel, Shermie) and Tekken is almost there itself(Anna alone is pretty much on the level of Nyotengu by the time of Tekken 6 and TTT2 isn't helping at all)

Where's a past DOA had a basic model viewer, 5 has gravure mode, selectable panties, a CONSTANT stream of fetishwear and bikinis, and all promotion and advertising for the game is HAVE WE MENTIONED THERES HUGE BOOBIES?! And with the dlc characters it now also dips into the anime girl fetishes, with the Loli, big boobed moe school girl, and lecherous noblewoman. And now we have clothes exloding right off the girls like Senran Kagura and Soul Calibur. Wouldn't be surprised if they added SKs photos hoop and molestation modes by doa6.

1. DOA has a DLC Gravure Mode. You are not forced to buy any of them at all nor does the game forces you to buy some.

2. Constant? Um, there have been plenty of DLC packs from before and even now which has options that makes far less fetishy and more of something you would see on the street(which again, you have to buy the DLC)

3. So Marie Rose and Honoka is pandering right? So...what makes Sakura, Karin, Cammy, Juni, Juli and R.Mika at SFA3? What makes Talim and Amy at SC? What makes Xiayou, Lili and Asuka in Tekken? And this isn't me even bringing the ACTUAL fanservice heavy characters that really are meant for pandering...Dead or Alive is NOT AT ALL the only FG that panders to those who like fanservice as Juri and Laura alone in SF proves that as of recently but this is me pointing out that other FGs is not exempt from what you accuse DOA of(as all the characters I mentioned? Was definitely 16-17 or younger)

4. Clothing Damage? You mean like KOF still does in 3 installments AND the Art of Fighting series(King and Yuri)? While DOA only did it recently as a collab and it's still ONLY available as DLC(not to mention disable by not using DOA and Above for Jiggle Options)?

Again, past doas had some token fan service, yes, but nowhere near the extent of DOA circa last round.

Past do as were solid fighters with some obligatory fan service. Doa5 is pure sexy fan service that happens to be a solid fighter.

And honestly WHY is that a problem? Shouldn't it being a solid fighter matter more than cosmetic options that you can actually ignore or you gotta pay for? And again let me give you a piece of advice:

You know how most games usually show a character with their defaults? If DOA is so ridiculous with their outfits, then why is almost all the characters' defaults(NOT counting DLC or Last Round hand-me-downs, strictly stuff from DOA5) pretty wholes are honestly barely show little in comparison to other fighters? Please point me out a default costume that is as blatant as Poison's or Juri's WHILE being made specifically to titillate? Hell I'll give you 2 wrestlers Tina's DOA2 costume and Lisa's Wrestler outfit. Can you give me some?