Your General Complaints about DoA and Other Fighting Games?


Premium Donor
Are you proofreading yourself when you type? This whole post sounds like it was written by a four year old. I don't mean grammar or anything like that, I mean the content of the post. "Fighting games aren't really meant to be played online." That statement has so much bullshit it would make a manure company millions.
Woah, guys let's not fight, ok? What I think Jya meant is that people online take the game too seriously. We have people spamming in desperate attempts to win, trolling players, and salty players who send hatemail to you even when you won fair and square. Lobbies and ranked matches are also hostile, with people kicking winning players out the lobbies, negative comments and taunts over the mic, and corpse beating players after they already know they lost the match. Online is pretty bad these days, and I don't think it'll stop getting worse, unfortunately.


Active Member
Woah, guys let's not fight, ok? What I think Jya meant is that people online take the game too seriously. We have people spamming in desperate attempts to win, trolling players, and salty players who send hatemail to you even when you won fair and square. Lobbies and ranked matches are also hostile, with people kicking winning players out the lobbies, negative comments and taunts over the mic, and corpse beating players after they already know they lost the match. Online is pretty bad these days, and I don't think it'll stop getting worse, unfortunately.
Then what would be the point of implementing online features? Why have it if it's not meant to be played online?


Well-Known Member
I want you to explain how fighting games aren't meant to be played online

Well for starters, I play Grapplers, slow and unsafe.... in many intsances I get my damage from punishing unsafe moves.... its kinda hard to do that online...... another example is you lose a bunch of hit confirms online due to lag.... it also throws off the timing of difficult moves like Jacky's Flash Sword Kick and Akira's Just Frame Knee....

But most importantly you can't see the misery on your opponent's face when you totally kick their ass.... thats like the best part. ;)


Active Member
Well for starters, I play Grapplers, slow and unsafe.... in many intsances I get my damage from punishing unsafe moves.... its kinda hard to do that online...... another example is you lose a bunch of hit confirms online due to lag.... it also throws off the timing of difficult moves like Jacky's Flash Sword Kick and Akira's Just Frame Knee....

But most importantly you can't see the misery on your opponent's face when you totally kick their ass.... thats like the best part. ;)

So? A game has lag? Big deal. Every game has it. It all depends on your connection at that point. And seeing the misery on your opponent's face is NOT essential to the fighting game experience.


Premium Donor
Then what would be the point of implementing online features? Why have it if it's not meant to be played online?
I don't want DOA to not be online. All fighting games should be played with players across the globe, which is why online is so convenient and awesome to use. Like anything else, there's a dark side to giving players this kind of social freedom. The only thing we can do is just tough it out, because online will never be completely clean and friendly.


Active Member
I don't want DOA to not be online. All fighting games should be played with players across the globe, which is why online is so convenient and awesome to use. Like anything else, there's a dark side to giving players this kind of social freedom. The only thing we can do is just tough it out, because online will never be completely clean and friendly.
Ah. You made it sound like you just don't want fighting games to be played online. See... If you were more clear on that, I wouldn't have had to question you and I probably would have agreed with you. You gotta make sure to make your statements clear. In this case, stating the good online has, but saying that there will be bad people online in the FIRST place would have saved us a hell of a lot of questioning.


Well-Known Member
So? A game has lag? Big deal. Every game has it. It all depends on your connection at that point. And seeing the misery on your opponent's face is NOT essential to the fighting game experience.

It is for some people. :oops:
You might maybe right.... I've never played a single game with perfect connection due to where I live.... but in other genres lag is not as big a deal, in Fighting Games its a whole different animal.... also from what I've heard Theres always lag in Fighting Games, as good as your connection theres always a noticeable difference between playing online and offline.


Premium Donor
Ah. You made it sound like you just don't want fighting games to be played online. See... If you were more clear on that, I wouldn't have had to question you and I probably would have agreed with you. You gotta make sure to make your statements clear. In this case, stating the good online has, but saying that there will be bad people online in the FIRST place would have saved us a hell of a lot of questioning.
Online has it's faults, but I find it really hard to resist, because I really enjoy playing against other skilled's like a rush. I think over time, the net codes will improve, and we'll have better no lag experiences, and it'll be alot more enjoyable for everyone, especially players like @Lulu who use grappler characters, and players who use frame dependent fighters like Akira and Phase 4.


Well-Known Member
Online has it's faults, but I find it really hard to resist, because I really enjoy playing against other skilled's like a rush. I think over time, the net codes will improve, and we'll have better no lag experiences, and it'll be alot more enjoyable for everyone, especially players like @Lulu who use grappler characters, and players who use frame dependent fighters like Akira and Phase 4.

Well we live in an era where we can stream games.... anything is possible..... but I'l always be an offline baby.... thats just how I roll, ever since I was a kid who got his ass kicked in MK2 by my big brother....


Premium Donor
Well we live in an era where we can stream games.... anything is possible..... but I'l always be an offline baby.... thats just how I roll, ever since I was a kid who got his ass kicked in MK2 by my big brother....
When I play online, I almost never use my second main Phase 4, because the lag screws up the timing of her teleport cancels, and her just frame teleports I can't do at all online. It's pretty fustrating, but at least I got my little sister to play me online whenever the struggle gets real:p


Active Member
My complaints about fighting games will be very mild. I'm just thankful to be alive, and have stronger complaints about other stuff.

Moves that have incredibly difficult inputs in this game & others that I'd at least like to be able get to complete a character's command training, etc.

Combo challenges that are insanely difficult. I actually managed to do all of Leon's after many months, but for most other games, finishing them all for a character is impossible for me. KOF13 is the craziest, where even the 3rd challenge is impossible to me for some characters.

Games that have a huge gap between top & bottom tier. Updates help with this, and player skill makes difference. Ideally game testers catch this, though, no matter what the roster size is.

P4AU's odd color card leveling system. Your color only goes "up" if you win 10 matches of the same color card as you. Beating people higher than you won't help. Lose 10 matches vs. the same color & the color goes down, even if you've won 100 matches vs. higher colors. Ha, maybe this'll be fixed in an update.
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Well-Known Member
I'm also happy they merged the ground attacks from DOA2 and DOA4 into one. The original DOA2 ground situation was boring, because there were no force techs, you could only use light or heavy ground attacks.
That's something else.

I DESPISE Force Techs and wish they'd go back to only allowing down attacks (The ones where you jump on them) and other lows that didn't force the opponent up. Its stupid that you can force people back up by just continuing to attack, that's removing their options, which is stupid. I coulda sworn you used to be able to do low Holds while on the ground in past games, to prevent this. I thought I remembered always Holding zacks flurry kicks when I was downed.

He's right ya know.... Fighting Games aren't meant to be played online..... especially DoA..... in its current state.
Actually they've been meant to be played online for at least the past decade, if not a little longer.


Well-Known Member
That's something else.

I DESPISE Force Techs and wish they'd go back to only allowing down attacks (The ones where you jump on them) and other lows that didn't force the opponent up. Its stupid that you can force people back up by just continuing to attack, that's removing their options, which is stupid. I coulda sworn you used to be able to do low Holds while on the ground in past games, to prevent this. I thought I remembered always Holding zacks flurry kicks when I was downed.

Actually they've been meant to be played online for at least the past decade, if not a little longer.

You make a very good point.... you can punish everything else in the game...... why not let downed opponents punish force techers ?

And since we're on the subject I'm going to say something and I don't know how people are gonna react to it: my other complaint about DoA is a combination of Unholdable Stuns and the Stagger Escaping mechanic. Everything in this game is punishable and counterable using mind games thanks to the Triangle System.... I feel like Unholdable Stuns and Stagger Escaping is the exact opposite of what DoA has conditioned me to believe it is.....
Now I'm not against the environment causing Unholdables.... its only when the characters do it that it starts bugging me.


Well-Known Member
There is not a single fighting game that is built around playing online. The feature is put in there because it's good but takes away from what the game is in some cases if done wrong. The right way to do online is like Killer Instinct and GGXrd has very good netcode. Everyone wants it in there because it's better than playing the AI and lets us play with friends even tho we aren't slappin hotpocket's into the other's mouth after 13 hours of straight playing. The wrong way is like DOA online and MKX(all netherrealm games really). It'll ruin framedata, timing that is in our muscle memory, and most of all we normally don't know who we're fighting or what they're like. The anonymity of the internet (I feel like an old fuck saying this) causes us to get upset and talk shit about the other person. Imagine if you were playing next to them at a tourney or on your couch. Would you do it then? Slap them with your stick? In all seriousness though in every online game no matter the netcode, there is always something called online shenanigans. That's also something bad about online for fighting games.

TLDR; Online is a feature not foundation.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yes amazing research done right.



Well-Known Member
My gripe is the same as always

Fighting games as a whole, have too much emphasis on execution and combo memorization, not enough on combat finesse and being able to adapt to/fight your opponent. To me that defeats the point of "fighting" in a fighting game. That's why most players are just trying g to spam guaranteed setups they looked up online, and not actually learning how to fight.

There's almost no emphasis on fundamentals and mind games like an actual fight, with DOA being the closest, which is why its my favorite traditional fighter.
Confirmed to have no idea how high level play works.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed to have no idea how high level play works.

Confirmed to be using the same copout high level players like using instead of explaining how high level play works.

You do realise noobs don't like it when yall do that.


Well-Known Member
High level play explained!!

I watched that.... it explains nothing.
Besides Max is known for his Killer Instinc videos.... KI isn't known for having a high execition barrier.... other than Manel Combos (Just Frame Links) ofcourse...... and thats the problem, both noobs and high level players agree that fighting games are actually about patterns and strategies, but where they disagree is about about why the execution barrier is so high ?

Nobody is scared of practicing and putting in the effort of learning how a particular character or game should be played.... nobody is asking that you turn complex combos into single button presses. I just wanted to get that out of the way before the inevitable "you want easy one button DP's and Hurricane Kicks, git gud bitch" type of extremism.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
My complaint is that I have no complaints.

And if I do, it's mostly self-imposed.