Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Well-Known Member
So, I know this is totally off topic and I am really new here like, new car smell new, and it's cool if my "main character" changes frequently because I'm pretty indecisive on who should maintain that title since I play with a lot of characters. Or I could just get rid of that title altogether because it's not required? Is it?

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Tina's Shining Wizard NEEDS to be an OH, her new SS throw too.

Does it need to be an OH? I dunno, Tina could do with some buff's but I'm not sure how to make her better without her becoming too much like other characters or without making her more of a striker than a grappler.

More frame advantage via more force techs would help but that's Bass' thing.
More + frames on block would make her too much like Lisa.
Faster pokes aren't suitable for a grappler.
Giving her a side step OH could work but that is Mila's unique tool, maybe make the grab cause a sit down stun? Instead of making her SS grab easier to use the pay off for landing it should be increased. Currently it's not worth getting HC blown for.
Maybe make her 1P +1 on NH?

I'm not sure how to improve her, without sacrificing her individuality.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Tina's Shining Wizard NEEDS to be an OH, her new SS throw too.
I kinda like it as a throw mix-up. That way if someone tries to throw out a hold anticipating your options, you get HiC. Kasumi's running T is the same way.

So it's not as easy/safe as it would be as an OH, but it's higher risk higher reward and that's how I like my grapplers.


Well-Known Member
Could be nice if Lisa could have a air throw connecting during her running stance (you know what I mean) ? That would make a awesome combo.. Like :

random combo (the ennemy is in the air) . 7K . 6T (air throw)

Don't know how it could look like.. it would look impressive.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
All I really want in DOA5U is for Eliot's :4::K: launcher be the move that connects with the previous attack that has him facing backwards like :4::P: for example.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I think making it an OH would be much better. None of Tina's running attacks are scary so people know they can interrupt both her strikes AND Shining Wizard by striking her when she's running. She having an OH would actually make a running Tina good.


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure how to improve her, without sacrificing her individuality.

Ok that word has barely any meaning in this game and i wound only give it merit just as a technicality but yeah, from Kasumi, Kokoro,Hitomi to Christie pretty much every character has either a chain throw, almost half health damage on hi counter, or low damage but left standing on neutral pressure, jeez i mean Christie even has a throw that on wall eliminates wake up.

And as far as Tina goes she already lives on 10 hit combos with throws as punishment, making her faster is just the buff she needs to make her more effective without losing her "individuality".


Well-Known Member
Yaknow what...screw it.

Since they added Power Launchers, Leon should be able to do this.

Why not, since they adding something as silly looking as the power launchers, they might as well go all the way led you be able to turn them into high flying combo grapples.


Well-Known Member
Grappler means having a 4-frame throw and offensive holds, as well as aerial or grounded throws and throws that can be executed from strikes. Not having super strong or combo throws.


Well-Known Member
Grappler means having a 4-frame throw and offensive holds, as well as aerial or grounded throws and throws that can be executed from strikes. Not having super strong or combo throws.

I figured it meant "Characters who focus on grapples as their primary offense". Not just a character who has a good grab. (Keep in mind, I'm not referring to how players use them, I'm referring to the characters themselves)

Like, Tina is a wrestler. Ergo, Grappler. Same with Bass and Bayman and arguably Lisa. Mila I see as more of a "Brawler" in that while most of her moveset revolves around linking into her takedown...I still see that as just a straight "beatdown" than a full grapple maneuver. Plus that's her ONLY worthwhile grapple. Like Ryu is all about his Izuna Drop, but I wouldn't classify him as a "grappler".

Anyways, that's how I see it. Like how Alex in Third Strike, I see him as a grappler due to his style being about wrestling and him having like 8 different grapples beyond the standard "grab". But I wouldn't call Guile a grappler, just because he has a powerful air grab that I primarily use alongside his standard grabs.

Darth Lotonic X

Active Member
I think making it an OH would be much better. None of Tina's running attacks are scary so people know they can interrupt both her strikes AND Shining Wizard by striking her when she's running. She having an OH would actually make a running Tina good.

I also agree with it becoming an OH. That move only works on players unfamiliar with Tina. As of right now, you can just jab at a running Tina and you will win the exchange almost every time.


Well-Known Member
I read about a week ago you can remove her headband but are you saying she also has a new style on top of that? Link to original Japanese if you can
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