Kotaku: Hayashi and Shimbori comment about competitive play

In a recent article on Kotaku, Evan Narcisse asked Yohei Shimbori and Yosuke Hayashi about their thoughts of fighting games and competitive play. The responses were interesting. I've included the full article since honestly the article is so short that it really is just two quotes:


Evan Narcisse said:
When I asked Team Ninja lead Yosuke Hayashi and Dead or Alive 5 director Yohei if they'd implemented any changes to the game specifically in anticipation of its reception by the fighting game community, they answered that that's not how they approach design. "We want to appeal to all levels of skill," said Shimbori. Right now, the dev team is working on game balance, he elaborated, to make DOA5 a fun game first. Shimbori mused that any adoption by the tournament scene comes later and emerges as a happy corollary to the enjoyment average players get.

I also asked the Team Ninja developers what they think separates the competitive tournament player from someone who just plays titles like DOA just for laughs. "In a way, the pro player is there to show off," Yosuke replied. "His skill comes from a lot of practice and dedication and the best platform to demonstrate that is in competition. A casual player just wants to have fun, but the pro wants to win against other players like himself to prove his devotion. Sometimes, it's ego involved, too, because you want everyone to know how good you are."

Source: Kotaku
I don't need to read a book on playing fighting games. Is it really that fucking serious?

My point exactly...Pros go through this all the time...reading and adding up numbers and if that's not your cup of tea, then so be it, we all enjoy things differently...

Also, I'd prefer if you didn't curse in response to my post. Thank you.
I never said it's an absolutely must do that in order to be Tournament viable, this is just icing on the cake for those who are "interested" in doing so.

You are free to tackle a game to your satisfaction.
I think Pro players biggest problem with this game being for casual players is it make them a bit more equal because of it simplicity.....DOA5 Pro players don't have the mechanics that would set the above casuals

Uh, based on the E3 build? Yes, they certainly do have the tools now. Even if they didn't, they would still beat you easily. DoA4 had no real mechanics to work with, the entire game was 50/50, but the better player would still beat you. Get over it.

When someone starts playing competitively, the first thing they end up doing is learning how to curb the ego and toss out the excuses whenever possible. If they can't do that, they don't get far because they are constantly blaming defeat on the wrong things.

Casual players usually have a way worse attitude than any other kind of player. They are by far the MOST egotistical sons of bitches on the planet, and they don't have any kind of skill to back it up either.

What you are talking about, Blaze, is a complete misconception on your part. You assume because these players might be better than you, they are automatically assholes. That is the farthest thing from the truth and you are actually just perpetuating the very stereotype you are attempting to project on the competitive players.
Spend 5 minutes on the gamefaq forums or on doaworld and try to talk about core mechanics and watch how quickly you get burned by all the casuals putting you down for trying to help.

I wrote a Hitomi guide once when DoA4 was new, posted it on xbox.com and doaw. On both sites it was several pages of people putting me down for writing it. There were a few posts here and there that were thankful, but the majority of the posts were all spiteful.