Alpha-152 general discussion

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
@Alpha 222:

Try not to double or triple post!

I totally get what you're saying, but it is what it is, we just have to make do. So, Alpha's tele-porting is real? Interesting! (Btw, Phase 4 is an upgraded Kasumi a - "Kasumi a Phase 4" is her full name and she has been upgraded twice! She came back as Alpha 152 in DOA4.

Alpha herself is a hybrid: Kasumi + Ayane + Helena. It's not as blatantly obvious with Phase 4: Kasumi, Ayane, Ryu, Hayate and Alpha (though not much - fast 3-in-1 and the powerblow kicks). The end of story mode just put it out there - raw as ever!

EDIT: It's been awhile! We should play again, sometime! I've gotten better, too! XD

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
Similar moves =/= hybrid

Not in the concrete sense, but with Phase 4, how can you deny that? Look at Alpha! Who did not say Alpha was Kasumi 2.0? (and Phase 4 being Kasumi 3.0)? here's the irony: Until people figured out that Alpha and Phase 4 were NOT Kasumi ... I bet this still happens!

I can understand the final product obviously being different as whole, but again, they took Kasumi's DNA and just threw in some more stuff (not to belittle Helena or Ayane) ... happened with Phase 4, too; however, they didn't exactly throw in what was "lying around" (ie: Grab shit from the remaining boss ninjas).

Alpha is just kicks and throws, ya know - raw shit! Phase 4 is just flash! (a Kasumi who can uber-teleport and interweave such between strings) If Alpha could snapback every two hits, then BURST to finish (BURST is a two-part throw; of course, delaying or canceling would be required) ...

But I find that funny, given how Ein/Hitomi (DOA3) are literal copies or Leon/Bayman (from DOA4)

Alpha 222

New Member
Leon and Bayman have different moves in DOA4 the only game Leon and Bayman have the same moves is in DOA2 and that's only in the originally DOA2 there also different DOA2U there still a little similar though

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
Hey have you checked alpha's wiki lately looks like some people changed it don't know how accrued it is though they seem to think Alpha is deceased

Until more is known, she is! I think I read that the Phase 4, we fought at the end of Vanilla was Alpha. Did you notice "Kasumi" the green eyes (irises)? (Someone as that as an avatar). I know Lisa said: "Phase 4" when we destroyed the lab (and unfortunately, Lisa's "presumed" dead as well). But, what more can they do? Alpha was indeed the prototype if you will.

If she's not playable in 6 - and I have no idea why she would be - we still have all the iterations of 5! It's probably for the best anyway!

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
I thought was Alpha 152 was Phase 4 that's what Lisa said at listes at the end

She did, but come to think about it:

We had Kasumi-Alpha who came back as Alpha 152 in 4; therefore, if what you say is correct, we've been dealing with Kasumi-Alpha the entire time. IOW, they just gave her a different name! (Phase 4's full name is: Kasumi a Phase 4)


Well-Known Member
So while cleaning out my laptop I noticed I drew a fuckton of Alpha fan art over the last year and I don't think I shared most of it so here it is. Some of it is weird, some contains guro. Most of these are pretty old, the only recent one is the top one and that's generally my style today.



New Member
Is there any content out there for Alpha. At most I can find somethings for her in ultimate but I'm unsure if that is up to date or can be used in last round. I'm starting off green with this character so any guidance would be appreciated. :cool:

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
^ Outside of asinine combos? Sadly, no! Take in stuff here, but really, you'll just have to experiment! You will endure alot of saly/hate if you accept this challenge! (And it is definitely a challenge! Anyone who says otherwise is clueless!)


Well-Known Member
good alpha players dont post much any more. It sucks but at the moment it feels like hey look at what i found =nerf. Your best chance is to get games online with others.

@synce im stealing one of your pics for my avatar lol

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
good alpha players dont post much any more. It sucks but at the moment it feels like hey look at what i found =nerf. Your best chance is to get games online with others.

@synce im stealing one of your pics for my avatar lol

Can you blame us since that's all they know to do with her! And online? You know everyone's belief with that! gtfoh!


Well-Known Member
you can get good match with other alpha players. I use to play alpha mirrors with people online all the time. I never get any offline play. No one lives close. I only get online practice with the rest of the west coast players. Granted i have plenty offline experiences with tournaments. But playing with friends online can help. They can point out do and donts.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
you can get good match with other alpha players. I use to play alpha mirrors with people online all the time. I never get any offline play. No one lives close. I only get online practice with the rest of the west coast players. Granted i have plenty offline experiences with tournaments. But playing with friends online can help. They can point out do and donts.

Same here! No one plays offline with me; yet, I get criticized more than taught online (imo); yet, everybody seems identical: "Just go!" The thing is, there aren't that many of us - Alpha players in general of all skill level, you know since our character is universally hated, of course! But what's worse - hating a bad Alpha or a good one? (Of course, there's this misconception of what a good Alpha actually is; therefore, many players are drinking the Kool-Aid - Offline and Online)