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Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I like them. Good designs. But yeah, the trailer is stupid, the overlay really ruins everything.
A lot of clipping as usual with these kind of costumes, but it's nice.
I believe DOA6 will have a fantasy art direction in opposition with DOA5 which was more urban at first. The last DLCs make me think they want to "Japanese" the game a bit more. Good thing!

It's like Team Ninja is begging to sleep with my wallet. But I can't refuse this masterpiece :( lol
@Pictured Mind @GreatDarkHero


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You know what makes me cringe?

1. Just like in SK collabs, this pack has cool Christie costume imo. But why can't Team Ninja take references and produce something original for her instead?

2. Alternate color are always welcome. But this kind of hair color is what I would expect to come from amateur modders, not the actual developer. Color + hair model just don't match imo.


Personal rating: I think Christie's, Momiji's, Nyotengu's, Kokoro's look good and tempting. But then this is a collaboration and I don't know about the participating title. So I'll pass this up, as usual.
The fur on christies costume, gives me an idea of how my Halloween costume will look on lisa. Looks more like paper.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The fur on christies costume, gives me an idea of how my Halloween costume will look on lisa. Looks more like paper.

Fur with longer hair generally looks bad in DOA5. Like torn paper stripes. On the other hand characters' hair looks really good. I wonder, why they don't use that tech for the fur also. :/

You also seem to pretty sure, that your costume will be included. :) Did they already confirm it? Your design is also shown again at the end of the new trailer...


Well-Known Member
Huge disappointment from me, not in regards to the costumes themselves but the falcom games selected and the complete lack of male costumes.

I mean no Adol or Dogi outfits?! The dudes are practically the face of falcom, not to mention that the majority of the costumes were from the legend of heroes series and of the games they took outfits from Ys origins was the only Ys representation. This is completely ridiculous.

I fear the tatsunoko pack may go the same way, this sucks.


Well-Known Member
im not even disappointed because i knew about 3 months ago that i wouldn't care about this pack
thank god the next one is the Halloween pack, these summer packs have been a headache to sit through.

Team Ninja, really, in all honesty, just need to take all those contest entries from all the contests, group similar submissions and release packs that way.


Well-Known Member
im not even disappointed because i knew about 3 months ago that i wouldn't care about this pack
thank god the next one is the Halloween pack, these summer packs have been a headache to sit through.

Team Ninja, really, in all honesty, just need to take all those contest entries from all the contests, group similar submissions and release packs that way.
I agree

I actually like this pack, but still no dudes? Come on >.>

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Overall outfits look decent (haven't bought DLC in ages though and it looks like I won't again XD). Nyo's looks really nice.

The hair recolors look pretty bad though (except Nyo's) which is a shame b/c TN usually handles unnatural hair colors well.

I guess I'm not one to talk though as evidence by my avatar. :p

Number 13

Well-Known Member
LMAO male characters got BTFO again and this pack was one of the few chances the males had for a decent one on top of that. Oh well KT want that $$$. Anyway yeah that trailer was terrible for that overlay obscuring the characters. I had to slow down the video to get a good look at them. A lot of these outfits were actually one of the better ones the females got. Nice that some got hair color change, but that has mixed results. I expect blue hair MR getting the most sales in that pack lol.

What is next? Halloween? Yeah not expecting much from that either since putting aside that their mixed quality the Halloween costumes always had to stick with a 'costume party' theme gimmick which means I wouldn't pick those outfits except for maybe one month a year like the Christmas ones. Their only saving grace is it guarantees a male costume. Doesn't help the last two for Ein was a bust for me.


Well-Known Member
As a huge Falcom fan, I really love this pack and will be buying the whole thing. A few of the costume choices could've been better (But that's nothing new, we say that about almost every pack), my only real disappointments were the lack of Ys costumes (though I am glad they threw in Brandish, at least) and not tossing in even just two males like the Deception pack (Adol and Dogi would've been perfect. Adol in particular is far more popular than most of the girls represented here. Come on TN...)

If I'm not mistaken, the trailer indicates these are dropping tomorrow. So... if they'll have already released them, what exactly are they doing with these costumes at TGS now?


Well-Known Member
I am probably the only one but this could end to be one of my favorite packs, I find them all really good!

I love them me too, honestly I'm surprised to see that it seems not get the appreciation of the people here. I know that I said the same for the the Tamiki Wakaki pack, but while in that circumstance the outfits were objectively a repetition with variations of three models, while this time the appreciation could come even from objective elements as the creation of outfits so different between them.

For me the only bad thing that I see is that the male characters weren't considered at all, for the rest this pack is on par (and for my tastes better) than the Senran Kagura one: maybe what penalize it is that the Falcom games are not famous in the West (while are hugely popular in the East) so there was a little wish for them, more that with the SK one everyone was expecting no males, while here there was an big chance to get some outfits even for them (so in some cases there is a delusion component that influence the judgement).

But it's ok, after all it's a good thing to share different tastes and not the same =)

I fear the tatsunoko pack may go the same way, this sucks.

I don't think so, the characters used for the early promotion pictures end always to be even the one to get a cosplay in the actual DLC pack, and for Tatsuno we already saw male the depiction of male characters.

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