Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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This is a tweet from 1 year ago and is not about the arcade support.

Yeah just saw.

Regardless even if off topic, the arcade scene is dying in general. DOA wasn't going to thrive in that environment even if it was active. If other fighting games struggle to be stable in the arcade scene, DOA is hardly any different if not worse just to get more people to actively play it. I mean again, as long as other fighting games exist, DOA will continue to struggle.


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Saw this and was posted 3 hours ago. Reddit isn't the most reliable of sources, if anyone finds an article/interview to this, post it whenever.

First one talking is Fumihiko Yasuda (Director Nioh)

- Team is supporting Nioh and Nioh 2 for the time being, but eventually is gonna move on to new Projects.

- Next titles are completely new.

- Experience with these titles will lead to an even better Nioh afterwards.

- Currently 200 people are working in three teams at Team Ninja.

Yosuke Hayashi (President)

- Team is experimenting with smartphone games and games with rpg elements for new experiences

- Still focused on making games only Team Ninja can make

- New genre like open-world are considered to widen their target audience

- Interested in making sequels to DOA and Ninja Gaiden.
So like previously mentioned, Nioh will currently be in the dormant state since people thought the series is over. New titles sound dope. Here's hoping they skip DOA6 or any upgrades idea entirely (which they might do since Hayashi apparently mentioned "sequel) and just go straight to 7. Restart the whole thing. The worst news here is anything mobile related really. Everything else seems pretty dope.

If there is "even" a sequel, then for the love of everything, KT please properly give TN actual support, and please take your absolute time TN. Do not rush that game for anyone.
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Saw this and was posted 3 hours ago. Reddit isn't the most reliable of sources, if anyone finds an article/interview to this, post it whenever.

First one talking is Fumihiko Yasuda (Director Nioh)

- Team is supporting Nioh and Nioh 2 for the time being, but eventually is gonna move on to new Projects.

- Next titles are completely new.

- Experience with these titles will lead to an even better Nioh afterwards.

- Currently 200 people are working in three teams at Team Ninja.

Yosuke Hayashi (President)

- Team is experimenting with smartphone games and games with rpg elements for new experiences

- Still focused on making games only Team Ninja can make

- New genre like open-world are considered to widen their target audience

- Interested in making sequels to DOA and Ninja Gaiden.
So like previously mentioned, Nioh will currently be in the dormant state since people thought the series is over. New titles sound dope. Here's hoping they skip DOA6 or any upgrades idea entirely (which they might do since Hayashi apparently mentioned "sequel) and just go straight to 7. Restart the whole thing. The worst news here is anything mobile related really. Everything else seems pretty dope.

If there is "even" a sequel, then for the love of everything, KT please properly give TN actual support, and please take your absolute time TN. Do not rush that game for anyone.

Hmm... This news seems quite reasonable. Of the franchise sequels, it sounds like a "Nioh 3" would be the highest based on the Nioh franchise's relatively success. So a Nioh 3 in the future is pretty much a given at this point.

Their direction on paper seems ok enough, but let's see how it turns out. What concerns me is that I don't really want them to waste any resources on mobiles games, even if it's just experimentation. However, with regards to "RPG"-like games, what are people's thoughts on a Team NINJA "Monster Hunter"-esque game? They already have their action-RPG experience from the Nioh series. I'm not a fan of open world games generally, but a monster hunter-esque game would be a bit up their alley. Team NINJA's strengths are gameplay mechanics, so they have to leverage that somehow.

I would really like a Ninja Gaiden 4 in the future, but I unfortunately don't see it being very high priority. The stenches of Ninja Gaiden 3 & Yaiba are probably still fresh.

With regards to DOA, I agree. It would be in the best interest to focus on a DOA7 and making it the best DOA that they can possibly can. If produced and promoted properly, it can succeed.


Premium Donor
If they move immediately to DOA7, just be prepared for new rushed stuff and possibly an even shorter story mode and content. Doa7 is cool but 6 has only been out two years, I think a 7 is too soon especially when they don't even know what they want to do with the franchise anymore. I think what's best is just a final fixed up definitive DOA6 version that fixes everything wrong with the game and continues onward for about 5 years or so or until they've built upon a major story leap for the game. If they drop 7 now, it's likely not gonna be as good as people think, I hope by sequel they mean a follow up to 6 and make it what it should have been, they've had numerous months and a year of feedback to know what fans and players want. Doa5 was technically active and improved from 2012 to 2017 so it'd be weird imo to just up and move on forcibly to another big expansion so soon with no real foundation.

I don't expect a NG4 anytime soon, they got a remaster collection they can sit on for a while since NG is a big franchise, and I'm not surprised they're gonna continue the Nioh series if they do, they know what their big money maker will be xD


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What concerns me is that I don't really want them to waste any resources on mobiles games, even if it's just experimentation.
This. I think DOAXVVBBQSPALSH is a cash cow for money return vs development cost, and I wouldn't be surprised if KT tries to pressure them into similarly vacuous ventures.


Well-Known Member
Still focused on making games only Team Ninja can make

Like more action games?

Interested in making sequels to DOA and Ninja Gaiden.

If there was to be a sequel for DOA, I really hope the next DOA game will follow DOAX path from its release (only Japan/Asia), available on PC (DOAXVV) & Switch (DOAX3 Scarlet), and make the game more risque in terms of costumes & possibly features (like DOAX3 & DOAXVV did). For a new DOA game, it would probably be best to make a spinoff standalone game (like Tekken Revolution, Soulcailbur Lost Swords, & DOAXVV) before planning on doing a DOA7 to experiment to see if there is still interest for a fighting game.

What concerns me is that I don't really want them to waste any resources on mobiles games, even if it's just experimentation.

Mobile games would be a prefect idea for KT profits if you consider this interview right here:

Plus Japanese gamers are more likely to be on mobile devices instead of console games.


Well-Known Member
i think they're going to copy yakuza type games but like honoka and marie rose adventure in the city, that's what they mean by open world
Yes I'm sure a game similar to Yakuza, games where for the most part you're kicking thug ass in violent ways, is exactly what they have in mind for Marie and Honoka... it's not like they censored their Break Blow in DOA6 or anything :rolleyes:


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Dude, they had marie and honoka killing thousand of troop in warrior all stars

Yes, in 2017, WAY before TN stripped them from all kind of potential they had as characters (at least Marie) and turned them into their beloved bland ass gravure idol icons. :nyotengu:


Premium Donor
Tbh TN has treated the girls as "gravure idol icons" since they made the extreme series, and Kasumi and Ayane have been killing since their debuts, plus there's quite a couple of DOA girls who have pulled out a gun on another girl at least once, yet they're still all trained fighters which imo shouldnt make a difference


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Yes, in 2017, WAY before TN stripped them from all kind of potential they had as characters (at least Marie) and turned them into their beloved bland ass gravure idol icons.
I hope the implication here isn't that Honoka had some great potential hinted at in 5LR that was sabotaged later.


I wish that Mr.Yasushi Nakakura, the leader character artist of DOA2~DOA4's anime-styled, I want him to come back to the superviser of character modeling.


Premium Donor
I wish that Mr.Yasushi Nakakura, the leader character artist of DOA2~DOA4's anime-styled, I want him to come back to the superviser of character modeling.
That's probably not gonna ever happen tbh, the game she'd the anime style for a new realistic look and it'd probably be a step back and wouldn't be well received to go back to the older models. I'd rather them just remake/remaster the older games in a collection and just use the improved facial expressions that dimensions introduced since the older models looked a bit too dead and artificial and all of the girls looked the same besides different hair and skin and maybe the occasional change to eyelashes xD


Well-Known Member
I hope the implication here isn't that Honoka had some great potential hinted at in 5LR that was sabotaged later.
No???? What I meant is that even if they barely had any to begin with, TN fully stripped them of having any potential at all the more popular they got thanks to X3 and VV ultimately turning them into nothing but the faces of Xtreme. Hence why I especially said "at least Marie", because if we being realistic, out of the 2 she at least had some real connections to already established characters like Helena and Elliot since her introduction, while Honoka was a who since the start and then 6 happened and TN shoehorned her into being Ayane's half sister God knows why.