deathofaninja Mar 13, 2014 When I have dreams of having closure with my first love I wake up and freak out. How do I explain that to my current love next to me?
When I have dreams of having closure with my first love I wake up and freak out. How do I explain that to my current love next to me?
deathofaninja Mar 11, 2014 Final Round XVII pools:
deathofaninja Mar 10, 2014 I'm skynet now as well. Since my Internet is doing better, send me an invite if you want to play.
deathofaninja Mar 4, 2014 If you have access to the SCR '14 please upload them to Youtube and add them to our media archives.
deathofaninja Mar 3, 2014 For the first time in a while I'm highly anticipating RAW. I hope Cena and Antonio have a rematch... that shit was money.
For the first time in a while I'm highly anticipating RAW. I hope Cena and Antonio have a rematch... that shit was money.
deathofaninja Mar 2, 2014 "I'm just trying to kick start the DOA community again and show them some love. BigE Gaming cares about the Doa community." -- Eric Small
"I'm just trying to kick start the DOA community again and show them some love. BigE Gaming cares about the Doa community." -- Eric Small
deathofaninja Mar 1, 2014 Props to David Gregg for the amazing Tengu work. Didn't mean what I said about Eliot.
deathofaninja Feb 25, 2014 Now that I'm renting and no longer have fiber optics, I see why people are complaining about the netcode. lol This is not cool.
Now that I'm renting and no longer have fiber optics, I see why people are complaining about the netcode. lol This is not cool.
deathofaninja Feb 20, 2014 Which competitive player should I interview next? You can nominate yourself if you want.
deathofaninja Feb 20, 2014 The Tengu missing from DOA5 thing may have started off as a joke to some people, but it has gotten serious, and us Tengu's face depression.
The Tengu missing from DOA5 thing may have started off as a joke to some people, but it has gotten serious, and us Tengu's face depression.
deathofaninja Feb 20, 2014 Tengu has a sense of humor. Marie Rose is into horror movies. Who the fuck cares?