Fiend Busa
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  • Hey everyone, I got a 360 today, is it worth getting 5u on 360? I currently play it on the ps3!
    yes it is. Alot of high level players play on 360 so if you want to get truly good at the game it will be helpful.
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Ok thanks, I totally forgot I have to buy live too >.>
    sorry about missing you earlier. was just adding someone to my friends list (and deleting someone, since apparently I've maxed out on friends).
    Man Im having so much fun playing NGB, all the nostalgia!
    • Like
    Reactions: Brute
    I'm probably gonna pick it up soon. Been meaning to for a while, so it would be a good time to do so
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Best games ever!
    anyone good with msword? wanna help me with my mid term lol :)
    Msword as in microsoft word? What exactly do you need help with?
    My agency lost my cheque for $127 and keep lofting on paying me!
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Don't know if you care but I still haven't got my money, they keep telling me to call back so today I sent them an email telling them im taking them to labour of ministry court and they called my ass real quick saying they'll write me a new cheque hehe
    sounds like they're jerking you around. I hope you don't have to file legal action against them to get your money
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Hopefully not, i just want my money
    Hey guys, I bought ryu and hayate halloween costume but can't select them in doa5u, anyone else having this issue?
    Anyone who lives in Brampton/Toronto/Mississauga Need A job? 5am-2pm working at an airport cash job
    Thinking of buying an xbox 360 just for NG2, anyone know where I can get one for around 50-$100?
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Hey I managed to get a 360 with a 60gb hard drive 2 wireless controllers the power for $80 and $30 shipping :p, might try out doa5u on the 360 as well
    Nice dude! Let me know how it is. PSN netcode is painful with anything less than 4 or 5 bars.
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    will do
    For Ryu players! Don't you think it would be awesome if you can swap ryus weapon slot with weapons like bota,tonfas, scythe, lunar etc..
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Just like how the girls can change hair and add glasses but with Ryu you can change his weapon slot (DS) to NG weapons

    He would look badass with the BOTA!
    they should make it like Hayate/DoA2U where a different costume had a different weapon.

    Like Classic Blue use to have Ninjato and Ninja of the Future had that laser blade.
    even Hayate has a different weapon with His C3
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    I think the NInja of the Future should be defaulted with the plasma saber & plasma saber MKII and the rest of the costumes could have any weapon they want
    I think someone is trying to break into my house >.>
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    We would get in trouble for that to lol ;d
    Really though is a mugger or intruder actuallu going to report you to the police if you use keys or some sort of weapon on them xD

    "I was trying to mug this guy and he scraped me with his keys!"
    "Let's go get that son of a bitch"
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Well someone will hear the noise and call the police lol
    Like if you think Ryu Hayabusa is the most badass ninja ever created!!
    • Like
    Reactions: MrMoon360 and Brute
    I absolutely agree. I don't even equate the two at any level in any way to be compared. There is no comparison, in my opinion. Hayabusa is the Singular Super Ninja of this generation...... IZUNA DROP!!!
    Fuck, and I forgot to make the second post to my first statement on badass ninjas. Some notable mentions in badassery; Kenji from Red Earth, Bakuryu from Bloody Roar, Hotsuma from Shinobi, Guy from Final Fight/SF, of course Stryder, Raven-Kunimitsu-Yoshimitsu. These all do it for me.
    Lmao. I was just kidding sheesh. Who would believe Naruto to be better than Ryu? He is but I'm just saying. TROLOLOLOLOL
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