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  • Bruh what on earth did they do to the Magician’s theme in the House of the Dead Remake? Lol it’s not bad but the original sounds wayyy better. Not a bad remake though.
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Yeah, the remake's OST is preeetty bad.
    It seems Sega never learned their lesson from Sega Bass Fishing when they changed the announcer.

    Yes, I actually play that. Don't judge me. >_>
    Yeah looking into it, apparently it’s due to a copyright issue. Still kinda sucks cause the Magician’s theme is such an iconic track from the HOTD series. He’s been in a lot of the games and his theme was re-arranged/remixed a few times over the years. I’d say it’s like the One-Winged Angel of rail shooters lol.
    If you had to choose, what are your top 3 guest character reveals that got you the most hyped? For me its:

    1) Sora (SSBU)
    2) Ezio Auditore (SCV)
    3) Akira (DOA5)
    For me it has to be:
    1) TMNT in Injustice 2 (even though I didn't play and I probably won't play the game, the trailer was quite surprising)
    2) Mai Shiranui in DOA5 and 6
    3) Akuma in Tekken 7, in which for some reason Bamco/Harada decided to make him a story relevant guest character
    1) Geese Howard (Tekken 7) A bit pissed off because I was waiting for Julia but Geese was the hype back then.
    2) Akira Kazama (SFV) - Just to confirm that Rival Schools is finally added to the Street Fighter universal canon.
    3) Pai Chan (DOA5) When Akira and Sarah was in, I was waiting for Pai and lo and behold, my VF main was in.

    Honorable Mentions - Mai Shiranui (DOA5 and 6)
    1) All VF characters (DOA5)
    2) Megaman (Super Sm4sh Bros. / Ultimate)
    3) Simon Belmont (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)

    Honorable Mentions:
    Link (Tekken Swords 3-- I mean Soul Calibur 2)
    Nicole-458 (DOA4)
    TMNT (Injustice 2)
    Akira Kazama (SF5)
    Glad I spent my money on the Ezio Trilogy on Switch instead. Do not buy KH Cloud. We need to tell Square this is not the way to go. Cloud gaming is causing a lot of Strife lol
    The Ezio Trilogy is great, I agree here.
    What concerns me is Square is investing in Cloud crap then we will see more disasters like KH Cloud here in the future. Cloud gaming simply doesn't work for most people. Only Japan is ok with this probably cause of their godlike internet. And yeah, the Switch port for the Ezio games is awesome. Brings back memories of high school playing these back on my PS3. Back when Assassins Creed was actually good lol.
    @samuraihachi: That's the best pun I've heard so far this year.
    That Nintendo Direct was lit. Lots of things I'm looking forward to. FE Three Hopes, Mario Strikers, Switch Sports, Ezio Trilogy, Xenoblade 3. 2022 is looking real nice for Switch games. :thumbs up:
    Square really dropped the ball on these Kingdom Hearts Cloud versions for the Switch. Like, why Cloud? Why not Sephiroth versions?
    From what I've heard, there were some fans that already bought the games without trying the demos out first but I don't think that many of them did, also, I don't know if they'll be willing to make native versions of those games on Switch, given the amount of time it takes them to patch certain bugs/glitches (KH2 White-coat Xemnas RC glitch) after they release (or re-release) their games.
    They might do it in the future but it might take them 3-5 years to do so (and If they want to do it of course).
    I think the only people that are probably ok with this are the Japanese since their internet is 3x faster than most of the world. So to them, it will probably feel like playing offline. Still, with the rest of the world being upset about cloud versions and only the some dedicated fans buying them; I still feel they will give us native versions since KH is one of Square/Disney's biggest cash cows.
    What’s your favorite final boss theme? This one is my personal favorite. Even after 14 years, this song still slaps. Could jam out to this all day.
    lol all these toxic posts about another anime swordsman being added to Smash yet they forget Sora won the character ballot. The public has spoken. Least Sakurai doesn’t have to deal with these people anymore. Thanks for everything, Sakurai.
    The final smash character is approaching. Been a fun ride. Anyone feel like sharing their most wanted characters and predictions on the last character?
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    Reactions: inochinagi
    I went with CT because I saw a DQ character, though I still think a Chrono Trigger character is unlikely as it's in the same situation as Sora from KH. 4-5 barriers surrounding it filled with layers and layers of contract complications and paying royalties to it's creators as it was formed off a dream team joint operation with Akira Toriyama and almost every famous member of Square's FF franchise.
    But if it's not Dante (as it just recently happened) I want it to be Vergil, but if it's not Vergil, then I want it to be Hayabusa as well yeah.
    Yeah I agree with you guys, Hayabusa would be sick. He could be the last character since his name was thrown around since the beginning of smash speculation and we haven’t gotten any ninja Gaiden stuff yet. Not even spirits.
    @DB yea Dante deserved better. I feel your pain since my boy Travis got the same treatment. I just try to make the best with the mii costume.
    No More Heroes 3 is absolutely incredible. Definitely well worth the wait for the fans. Well done, Suda51. :thumbs up:
    This is a scary thought but I think Ryu Hayabusa is going to be a Mii costume in Smash rather than being an actual character just like Travis Touchdown and Dante. I mean, the Mii Swordfighter already has a shuriken side special lol. I would be shocked if we didn't get any Ninja Gaiden representation in Smash tho.
    I highly doubt that the last dlc character of the last fighter pass (potentially) is going to be Ryu. They'll either go out with a bang by adding a very popular and very requested character, like Sora or someone that we wouldn't be expecting at all, however, we're talking about a game where Cloud, Joker, Banjo and Steve from Minecraft can fight against one another, anything's possible.
    Yeah, I think Hayabusa already lost his chance to be in Smash. A shame, cause the move set potential would be amazing. Not to mention Hayabusa is pretty much a crossover character since he's been in a lot of stuff over the years like Dead or Alive, Warriors Orochi, Warriors All-Stars and Ni-oh.
    At this point, I stopped caring about Smash Ultimate. It's an unwritten rule that if a Tekken character is in a game developed by Bandai Namco, it's 100% guaranteed a DOA/NG character will never be in it.

    Besides, the end result would be cataclysmic... total chaos, mayhem, both fanbases at their absolute worst, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!
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