Free Step Dodge

It would personally hurt me a little on the inside if DOA didn't continue. I'm too far gone as a fan to accept the end. That being said, I love just about anything Team NINJA creates. They are my favorite studio for a reason; and they know what I want as one of their dedicated players and have for years.
DOA already has a cast of characters that people love for whatever reason, so to leave that behind for a fresh start would be pretty upsetting. And it's not like TN needs a new IP to get rid of the stigma (hell, to some it may seem like they gave up on DOA), they just need to have less of a focus on fanservice, I guess like how DOA5 vanilla was being treated.
Project Bokuho
Project Bokuho
DOA6. What I hope for, along with the game, is a better netcode.
DOA5's netcode was always fine for.. I wouldn't want a spiritual successor, story is not finished either. But a AM2 + TN collab would be cool.
Why choose ?

I want both !!!

I'm just joking... I honestly prefer new IP... cause DoA5 is still awesome.

LoL... I honestly wouldn't mind 3 mores years of waiting.... mostly because I won't actually be Waiting.
@Lulu serously???
Awww come un!!! This game is F old!
Everyone boring to play this game anymore...
6 because like Radiance said the story is not finished yet.
I prefer they have a second IP while continuing the first. Having a second fighter can do justice where you can provide specific content on aspects.

You can make a sequel, but I strongly believe TN can make huge movement with a second fighting game IP backing up the first too. A game that isn't Itagaki-made.
DOA is a game that no matter the outcome, it will never prevail against it's issue and stigma centered around it. Some people prefer to embrace it simply because that's all they can pretty much do but yet that still leads you to absolutely nowhere. Perhaps this second game can drop a million copies. Who knows.
Just saying here but Tom back at NEC did say that him his team like the idea of having a different fighting game, you can ask people that were there at the bar with us. Whether the team will do it or not however is a mystery.
To Me personally I would prefer to see DOA6, after all I would want to see the next evolution of DOA (without Itagaki). This whole DOA stigma really isn't just a DOA things, its anything that involves sexual content which people tend to have problems with.
Coming from an Eventhubs member and checks around the comments. If I were to represent the image of video games, people might still feel embarrassed about sexual content. Having a new IP would be best for appealing a different demographic, while DOA series should still be its flagship title like Sonic Team's Sonic The Hedgehog titles.
To Me personally I wouldn't want anything to be tone down, this stigma is more of a society problem.
As a heads up, the primary attribute of DOA that turns off the FG is actually the "critical hold" mechanic (I.e. "The ability to counter hold while stunned"). The overt sexuality is the second turn-off, though "sexual content" is accepted a lot more in this gaming climate and a lot of people will overlook that if they're cool with the gameplay.
So in the decision to release a DOA6 or a New IP successor, Team Ninja/Koei-Tecmo will need to consider how to handle any sexualized content in the game along with how to handle the overall game mechanics. In a DOA6, I would prefer for TN to go in a direction similar to DOA5 Alpha with a focus on exciting looking fights and reduced emphasis on sexuality.
Whenever comments mentions DOA its usually the content (even though it has no effect on gameplay) when other games does something similar or some doesn't want certain title to be like DOA (which only refers to a name, even though SNK should've gotten a mention while their at it), "critical hold" mechanic is a topic I rarely hear when mentioning DOA. After all, I'm dealing with random internet comments.
DOA6: The exciting fights is going to be a mandatory job which gets people interested into a new installment along with a follow up from DOA5 (with the current team of TN), and sexuality is something after the game is released (along with people enjoying the new installment) should continue from DOA5-LR after all they manage to make profit from all that DLC (plus contest & third-party).
New IP: This where Team Ninja/Koei-Tecmo could just do something completely new and take this title to whatever direction they see fit.
But again, the mechanics being an issue was from the competitive players. Not once did players who played the game casually complained about the game mechanics simply because they don't need to or don't know anything about it. We cannot compare the competitive players with that of the casual players aside from aesthetic point of views and taste of the game.
However, the aesthetic portion of the game also provides the game with the wrong first impression because the way the game looks. Regardless of the outcome, the first impression of things can be also considered important despite the game being good. Doesn't matter how clean state you can get out of, you can always leave the wrong impression based on how they view things or how you handle yourself.