Chapstick Feb 26, 2017 "The confederate flag isn't about race it's about the civil war the blacks made it about race" "and what was the war fought over" "slavery"
"The confederate flag isn't about race it's about the civil war the blacks made it about race" "and what was the war fought over" "slavery"
Chapstick Feb 24, 2017 Nyo's wings are still broken on PS4 except only in replays :/ Play a match they're fine, save the replay and watch it they're frozen.
Nyo's wings are still broken on PS4 except only in replays :/ Play a match they're fine, save the replay and watch it they're frozen.
Chapstick Feb 22, 2017
Chapstick Feb 21, 2017 The intense pain of thinking of a much funnier version of a joke you made right after you made it and it's too late
The intense pain of thinking of a much funnier version of a joke you made right after you made it and it's too late
Chapstick Feb 18, 2017 I heard Japan & South Korea have much faster net that's also a lot cheaper. Makes sense why TN doesn't try to improve the netcode
I heard Japan & South Korea have much faster net that's also a lot cheaper. Makes sense why TN doesn't try to improve the netcode
David Gregg Feb 15, 2017 (throws Pokeball at computer screen and misses) Dang it!! This time I WILL catch you Patrick Staryu! D:<
(throws Pokeball at computer screen and misses) Dang it!! This time I WILL catch you Patrick Staryu! D:<
Chapstick Jan 26, 2017 Getting someone to try a sip of kombucha for the first time when they don't know what it is is always funny
Getting someone to try a sip of kombucha for the first time when they don't know what it is is always funny
Chapstick Jan 22, 2017 *gets thrown at r1f even though I was going 6PPPPPP* *taps my controller and holds it up to my mouth* testing one two three is this thing on
*gets thrown at r1f even though I was going 6PPPPPP* *taps my controller and holds it up to my mouth* testing one two three is this thing on
Chapstick Jan 21, 2017 Why is it you can be grabbed between hits in multi-strike moves? One time I saw Helena get grabbed between punches in 33P4P
Why is it you can be grabbed between hits in multi-strike moves? One time I saw Helena get grabbed between punches in 33P4P
Chapstick Jan 18, 2017 What kind of psychology is at work in those people that insist on having the opposite of the popular opinion on everything no matter what
What kind of psychology is at work in those people that insist on having the opposite of the popular opinion on everything no matter what
ninjaguy446 Jan 8, 2017 Just realized you're from PA. If you're near Philly, you should try and come out to tournaments!
Chapstick Jan 6, 2017 Knowing Russia picked our new president is uh... horrifying. Trump siding with wikileaks over the CIA is uh... also horrifying
Knowing Russia picked our new president is uh... horrifying. Trump siding with wikileaks over the CIA is uh... also horrifying