DOA5LR 2015 Halloween DLC information


Well-Known Member
Can Honoka's hat be toggled-off? I know she's a mad hatter but i just noticed that in-game she doesn't have her side ponytail, while in the original design she does xD


Well-Known Member
i can't download the catalogues LR17 and LR18 for PS3 on EUR PSN. Does Anyone have the same problem ?
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Well-Known Member
a story of bees, bear and flower:


game 2015-10-14 00-39-14-49.jpg

game 2015-10-14 00-39-36-62.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mila's costume fits her and isn't ugly. I just wished it was black and yellow instead of brown and yellow. But still, I've been waiting for this kind of outfit for a while.

I agree it suits her in terms of not being to revealing and it being bee themed. I prefer Mila as the average girl who doesn't wear crazy outfits like Tina and such and sticks to tomboy like outfits even though they pretty much abandoned that characterization of her instantly.


Active Member
Out of curiosity, have all the winners who are on this forum been determined & posted? (I've looked through this & the DLC topic).
So far I know of Kodachi (3 winners, right?)
Maybe someone from here did Momoji's
Someone on GameFAQs did Ayane's
Thanks for any info-


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, have all the winners who are on this forum been determined & posted? (I've looked through this & the DLC topic).
So far I know of Kodachi (3 winners, right?)
Maybe someone from here did Momoji's
Someone on GameFAQs did Ayane's
Thanks for any info-

Could be wrong, but I think only Kodachi (Lisa & Rachel) and indieanimator (Gen Fu) won on FSD.
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Well-Known Member
the DLC is out at U.S psn but as a season pass owner, leifeng costume still price $1.99 meanwhile the others are free

weird mistake


Well-Known Member
Anyone watch the trailer and notice that Gen Fu and Eliot pose on Haunted Lorelei? It's not a tag stage though? Whoops?


Well-Known Member
Wait, you actually like Leifang's confirmed trash Halloween costume? Something's wrong here...

I wanted just mean that the final outcome of the costume in game appear to give me a much better impression than the one given me from the drawing (at least the front side, even if I'm not too much fond of the giant pumpkins symbols. I've to admit that there are many other outfits of Leifang's vestiary that appear to me more anonymous or not interesting, more the nostalgia effect of this costume having some appearence similarity with her devil one from DoA1 made the rest. But this doesn't meant that having the possibility to select the fan costume for her I would have used this design, just the opposite: no offence for the artist but there were other entries that I saw for the character and that I preffered (included the alternative Dragon Yellow version of the same author).

Kronin confessed that he's naughty in my polling back then.
#naughtyworld #whosnaughty #kronin

Ahahah! No, the skimpiness of the outfits has really nothing to do with what I meant.

omg i'm crying at the end of that trailer it just shows bayman like "oh man we forgot about him just shove him in last minute"

It's a Kappa, the official (mythical) animal of the FGC. That's probably the most important costume in that set.

Like d3v said it's actually the opposite, the appearence of Bayman is at the end just because treated as one of the most significant costumes of the pack. However I don't think that the emoticon kappa of the web has something to do with it at all (to be fair I could never say if Japan knows it), this is much more likely related to the popularity of the mythological creature in the Japanese folklore. Loving it or less (personally I really like it, it has really a fearful feeling imo), it's my opinion that TN didn't create that outfit for making sarcasm of the character.

Thank you, it's cool. I'm sorry for Rachel xDD Kasumi, Phase and Ayane got the cool ones this time.

You're welcome, by the way I've to say that I likoutfitR=322]@Kodachi[/USER]'s pirate design for Rachel (it's nice to get a - proper, not as Sarah's version - nice pirate female outfit), it's just that your idea it was definitely my favourite one for the character =)

Thank you Kronin for your support.

No problem and I'm glad to see that you was finally able to overcome your technical problems with the forum access =)

Yeah it does. While second checking that it did I watched her in it on the beach video and jeez do these outfits clip like crazy or what!

Sigh, TN had ABSOLUTELY to avoid a such typo on the costume, overall when that was the only word to add :(

I checked the original design and in defense of TN has to be said that "I" it was not perfectly recognizable from the original text of the drawing being so much close to both the letters "R" and "N" (it could easily misunderstood for the first part of the letter "N"), overall considering that we are talking of a foreign language for a Japanese person making use of different symbols (it would be the same if we should recognize an hardly noticeable kanjii). So effectively the mistake is understandable and the problem is also partially of the not great clarity of the design (but of course English should be the international language).

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Well-Known Member
I think TN picked that generic simple design for Rachel due to time/production constraints 'she's not the most popular character so why give her something elaborate' is what I think their thought process was it's unfortunate, your design was immaculate.

Actually this is something that should be got in consideration too: an outfit too much elaborated could make problems to the realization making necessary huge changes (see Queen of Hearts) overall if the subject is a character not very popular. I think that Rachel is far from being the character that get less consideration from TN (even Kodachi's outfit is actually well realized under details and texture povs, and we haven't to forget that the she "stole" Kasumi's winner and third most voted outfit in the previous contest, something truly unexpected), but one of the most popular female characters has high chances to see reserved a treatment of favor for the creation of an elaborated costume.

By the way I say all this as someone that recognize it and again looked for creating elaborated costumes for very risky characters under this pov: I made relatively complex outfits - of course a "complexity" very far from the level of details of your Rachel, I talk just relatively to the character's fame - for Ein, Alpha and Raidou, so my designs were just a very big bet. Again, just like I suppose you did @Shiranui, I wanted try to go with them because I wished give to them - especially Raidou and Alpha's costumes, being my original ideas from scratch - a chance to get an outfit as I wished without going with compromises that wouldn't have satisfied me (so as a transparent skin for Alpha or a different monster idea for Raidou). In the end Ein and Alpha got effectively some very simple costumes - maybe TN thought that the one for Ein was the more fitting, but I'm sure that at least with Alpha they weren't eager to spend too much time on her - but on the opposite Raidou got what is maybe the most highly detailed costume of the pack (and I'm pretty glad for his fate).

However I agree with Kodachi that your design Shiranui is great: it's very singular, creative and even smart being and in relation with the serpent theme behind Rachel. Between all the entries that I was able to see, it remains what I believe to be the best costume of the contest.
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Well-Known Member

I think TN picked that generic simple design for Rachel due to time/production constraints 'she's not the most popular character anyway so why give her something elaborate' is what I think their thought process was... it's unfortunate, your design was immaculate.

Actually this is something that should be got in consideration too: an outfit too much elaborated could make problems to the realization making necessary huge changes (see Queen of Hearts) overall if the subject is a character not very popular. I think that Rachel is far from being the character that get less consideration from TN (even Kodachi's outfit is actually well realized under details and texture povs, and we haven't to forget that the she "stole" Kasumi's winner and third most voted outfit in the previous contest, something truly unexpected), but one of the most popular female characters has high chances to see reserved a treatment of favor for the creation of an elaborated costume.

By the way I say all this as someone that recognize it and again looked for creating elaborated costumes for very risky characters under this pov: I made relatively complex outfits - of course a "complexity" very far from the level of details of your Rachel, I talk just relatively to the character's fame - for Ein, Alpha and Raidou, so my designs were just a very big bet. Again, just like I suppose you did @Shiranui, I wanted try to go with them because I wished give to them - especially Raidou and Alpha costumes being my original ideas from scratch - a chance to get an outfit as I wished without going with compromises that wouldn't have satisfied me (so as a transparent skin for Alpha or a different monster idea for Raidou). In the end Ein and Alpha got effectively some very simple costumes - maybe TN thought that the one for Ein was the more fitting, but I'm sure that at least with Alpha they weren't eager to spend too much time on her - but on the opposite Raidou got what is maybe the most highly detailed costume of the pack (and I'm pretty glad for his fate).

However I agree with Kodachi that your design Shiranui is great: it's very singular, creative and even smart being and in relation with the serpent theme behind Rachel. Between all the entries that I was able to see, it remains what I believe to be the best costume of the contest.

Thank you guys. I tried my best, but it's obvious is not what TN wanted for Rachel. Maybe it looks too phantasy for a DOA costume. I have the feeling that TN prefer Halloween costumes you could find in any real Halloween costume shop, other than costumes that could appear in League of Legends, lol. Don't take me wrong, @Kodachi , I think your Rachel's concept is really good. You are a fine artist. Is just I don't feel appealed for pirates. But I think your Lisa's design is the best design of this pack.
About my work, can you even belive I was searching visual references for all Rachel's attacks to work on this costume? LOL, I spend so much time and efforts that I feel a bit silly right now xDD All her attacks have names of mythological creatures, most of them dragons and giant snakes. I thought it was a cool idea to work on. But maybe I went to far with that tail. Now I regret to do not remove it. But anyway, I agree with @Kodachi , I think TN don't care enough about Rachel to give her something like my designs. They prefer something less ellaborated for her. Her Last Round new costume proves that, i think.
Maybe next time I'll participate with Hayabusa or Kasumi. Team Ninja seems to be more open to phantasy costumes with ninjas.