Release 6++ Gameplay Overhaul - Skies Of Vengeance 4.1 hotfix


Active Member
I have some very rudimentary animation editing now, via some conversion tools and blender stuff i barely understand:

tamaki's 4k with an second extra (non-mechanical, but adding a second set of active frames would be easy enough) kick that doesn't look very good because i was sloppy


tamaki's arm moving differently during 4k for a few frames because i only made one edit and the blender process adds a shitload of keyframes automatically i guess

these don't look like much but the important part is that i'm importing an animation with jacked up rotation of joints and new keyframes, not just an official .g1a in a different slot or from a different koei game like previous examples.
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Premium Donor
I have a question, so if you want to keep the mod but if you feel like disabling it for a normal doa6 play through and going back and forth, what's the easiest way to do so, or at least the files again so I can cut and paste them to like a ++ folder and then bring them back at a different time?


Active Member
in the doa 6 game folder, rename d3d11.dll to, windows will yell at you but it's fine, and then un-rename it to turn the mod back on

edit: going to have a more user-friendly way to do this with 2.5 in a few days
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Active Member
update 2.5 is live, made some collider edits and tweaked hayate's new stuff a little.

changed pushcapsules on everybody, fixes various issues changed neutral hurtcapsules on most light and midweights to probably be like doa 3 changed hayate 6pp back hit to not apply to stun (might extend this to everyone, or just characters who can chain them from easy resets) changed stun applied by hayate h+k/ppk to accomodate new stance/ changed critical interval may affect other moves but probably not fixed momiji izuna camera corrected an error with ceiling hits that i don't think anyone ever saw

and you could just look this on your own in the file but here's my low-effort batch script that renames the .dll for you if you want to switch between retail and modded. it sounds like the .lnk thing doesn't work but the .bat is fine, so just right-click create shortcut i guess.

ren d3d11.dll start DOA6.exe :loop tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DOA6.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DOA6.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( timeout /T 10 >NUL goto loop ) else ( ren d3d11.dll )

leifang pp6kk etc will get the updated 6h+k collider when they get the string followup in update 3
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Premium Donor
update 2.5 is live, made some collider edits and tweaked hayate's new stuff a little.

changed pushcapsules on everybody, fixes various issues changed neutral hurtcapsules on most light and midweights to probably be like doa 3 changed hayate 6pp back hit to not apply to stun (might extend this to everyone, or just characters who can chain them from easy resets) changed stun applied by hayate h+k/ppk to accomodate new stance/ changed critical interval may affect other moves but probably not fixed momiji izuna camera corrected an error with ceiling hits that i don't think anyone ever saw

and you could just look this on your own in the file but here's my low-effort batch script that renames the .dll for you if you want to switch between retail and modded

ren d3d11.dll start DOA6.exe :loop tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DOA6.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DOA6.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( timeout /T 10 >NUL goto loop ) else ( ren d3d11.dll )

leifang pp6kk etc will get the updated 6h+k collider when they get the string followup in update 3
Any preview patch notes for update 3??


Active Member
Any preview patch notes for update 3??
nothing super specific. i worked out how to make phase 4 have all three teleports from every tp move but it's probably unbalancable

some more new old moves i didn't get to yet, tamaki probably needs a couple more moves, maybe a 1pk or 4pp using momiji stuff she has access to if it looks ok. Diego needs some refining and maybe another move or two. Nico ought to get... something besides that pp2k de-nerf. momiji has some wall 7p-only amakake moves i can put in. Phase 4 3-ways are broken but what about 4-way teleport?.

system wise i want to look into the bounce launch nerf they did (i'm sure you can think of some combo routes kasumi lost between 5 and 6), figure out what makes sense to do with launch heights more generally (if anything) because i'm getting old alpha-only juggles on lightweights and i'd like for at least light-mid-heavy to matter. Probably can't make all eight subclasses matter or mechanically justify making nico, kula, and marie feathers and raidou and bass super-heavy. Probably too silly to take the models and do some kind of materials science physics simulation and have every character a unique weight. Killy wanted tina's taunt launcher to launch higher but how launch height works is weird and complicated.

might look at how the fireworks relaunch interacts with the "apply ground interaction" operations in the animation controllers with the idea that maybe they can be made to only launch on knockdown but not after a juggle

and for my own personal bullshit, i hate snap-180° hit reactions so i'm slowly figuring out how i can make all those back-hit launchers make them stay backturned and then you juggle them in a floating bt state like in doa++ but i'd rather not manually replace hundreds of assignments so i need both the move IDs to be swapping around and little actual programming so it'll be a while.


thinking about some tamaki strings, not likely to do all of them:

6pp/6p+k ->p a mid or high punch, maybe like the end of pppp (6pp8pp looked ugly and felt weird)
pp4p /4p -> p an unused tracking mid knockdown punch she has, or
4p+k ->p that unused tracking mid knockdown
1p -> 2k unused low sweep (the obvious 2h+k doesn't animation blend good enoug)
pp 9p etc, feels a little weird
6k 4k
4p 4p+k (but i don't think i'd make a pp4ppp)
deliberately avoiding the obvious pp6p since ppp6T and 6p6T need to coexist
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New Member
Hi there, I love the passion in this project. I love DOA so bloody much.

Just a (maybe) quick request. I've always thought Hayate in DOA6 had so much potential to be a cool character, but he's lacking the teleport options.

But this isnt about his teleport. Its about what he lost from DOA5.

Any chance you could make his 6P+K , K refloat instead of flip? Like it used to? It made his combo's much cooler. :)


Active Member
Hi there, I love the passion in this project. I love DOA so bloody much.

Just a (maybe) quick request. I've always thought Hayate in DOA6 had so much potential to be a cool character, but he's lacking the teleport options.

But this isnt about his teleport. Its about what he lost from DOA5.

Any chance you could make his 6P+K , K refloat instead of flip? Like it used to? It made his combo's much cooler. :)

that probably doesn't do anything too crazy. might leave 4h+k flipping since it's way easier to get though.

since you like teleports, I do think I have a fair implementation of 236H·66 for him


New Member
Hawwo, thanks for all the great work you are putting into doa6++. Its been a blast to rediscovering the game.
I have a few suggestions, that id like your opinion on. These are gathered from playing with friends:

Request: Add more ground tech or force techs in the game to add more flow like in doa4-5 (And more guaranteed ground grab options for those who have em) add Helenas PP2KP (from doa4). Some chars have limited options regarding force techs, Im still trying to find a good tamaki setup PKP unfortunately doesnt knock down to force tech.
Buff: Buff Mila's counter damage
Nerf: Helenas BKH 2P+K properties - feels like the DOA6 sidestep properties
Bug: After Marie rose's back turned grab guaranteed 4p, 6k, 4p the 7K launcher dosent work on some characters e.g Tamaki and Christie but works on other midweights like Helena

i'd like to hear your thoughts :3


Active Member
Hawwo, thanks for all the great work you are putting into doa6++. Its been a blast to rediscovering the game.
I have a few suggestions, that id like your opinion on. These are gathered from playing with friends:

Request: Add more ground tech or force techs in the game to add more flow like in doa4-5 (And more guaranteed ground grab options for those who have em) add Helenas PP2KP (from doa4). Some chars have limited options regarding force techs, Im still trying to find a good tamaki setup PKP unfortunately doesnt knock down to force tech.
Buff: Buff Mila's counter damage
Nerf: Helenas BKH 2P+K properties - feels like the DOA6 sidestep properties
Bug: After Marie rose's back turned grab guaranteed 4p, 6k, 4p the 7K launcher dosent work on some characters e.g Tamaki and Christie but works on other midweights like Helena

i'd like to hear your thoughts :3
Thanks, glad you're having a good time.

Ground game: I think the sweet spot for forcetechs is 1.5 ground hits... but that's impossible to do. 6's ground game was bad in part because the double guess situation was weighted too much in favor of the player on the ground, but at the same time, easy 1-hit tech ups are potentially too much pressure in a game with no break hold, no slow escape, and the "locked in if you don't tech" patch 1.19 oki. It's probably bad if turns never end on their own, e.g. if it costs the attacker no damage to get strong oki and continued pressure.

one-hit techs also never coexisted with the juggle bound, and introducing them on high-damage lows as i did created an option select on about half the cast which is concerning, but conveniently it was mostly not 9-framers and I think it's good that the characters who are (on paper anyway) the best at pressure don't also have the best ground game.

One thing that people may not have noticed is that I put the vulnerability back in for a lot of situations so like a tamaki juggle of p+kp 214p will hit on the ground if they didn't get up and for some combinations of moves this feels like the 1.5 hits thing i was going for. She does get a knockdown bound if PKP overloads stun and can OS 8PP instead of juggling (realistically dash up close hit), but maybe you meant she doesn't have something for that patch 1.19 juggle knockdown that PKP does? I could maybe see 214p teching in one hit but the intent behind my true forcetechs was that they be 30+ frames and that turned into 30+ damage because damage was far easier to detect in the code.

I'm also looking to add vulnerability to more "bounce off the ground a little" situations like phase 4's 8k if the second kick hits, it's not forcetechs but it should create more situations where not teching means getting hit.

Helena PP2K is -11 on block and putting a followup on there is quite the buff that would need to be justified. bkh 2P+K properties i'd need a situation where you think something should hit and doesn't, i'm hitting the training dummy doing 66k2 8p+k with linear mids if i do them late. if you put the move info box on page 3 p2 side you can see sidestep evade flash 'GOOD' sometimes and get hit anyway.

MIla's hold damage? offenseive hold damage? maybe. Damage hasn't been touched on much of anything yet, i think most of the numbers are within reason but we need to get a feel for the juggle scaling change before making naked changes to other things unless you've got really specific ideas like bass's tfb b used to do 50% life on hi-counter and they didn't update the damage on it when they increased default life to 300 or raijin should do more damage than juggling 426T because the inputs are harder.

Marie 7k whiffing there is a collider thing you can look at by pressing Control+Shift+1+2, quite a few highs miss entirely on limbo stuns, i'm considering some other things like manually preventing limbo chains or changing the universal hurtbox of the limbo stun. There's room for character specific juggles and doa 6 always had a little bit of a height-class situation going on but if it's too disruptive to have to remember to do 8k or something instead and it doesn't get swept up by something else i'll address it directly.


Active Member
Alex figured out stage-select mods, which is probably more of a "for later" thing than a now thing since the memorial isn't very good and the other "sub-stages" are full of no-collision geometry, slopes that are too steep to play well, and objects that fully block the camera because they don't occlude.

douglass memorial from story mode:

middle of the ocean, basically slip-stun dojo/tatami:

some APO room with bad geo and stuff:
(full vod because clipping breaks idk)

I think memorial and that ocean thing are the only maybe usable ones, but idk if we want slip-stuns dojo. Maybe it's "better road rage"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nah the texture glitching would probably make some people get a headache or motion sick.
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Active Member
update 2.75 (or later) obsoletes this, get the latest build at the beginning of this thread.
here's a non-gameplay partial update: Partial command training drop-in files for 2.5 EDIT: now also rachel, lisa, leifang, rig, raidou, and a .g1t file for redelbe users to put in [REDELBE\ScreenLayout] changing the icon i used in the command lists to point out moves I added.

put the files into your /mod/replacements folder, didn't cause any problems online when i tested but if you get desyncs let me know and just replace with the files from the beginning of this thread.

Includes ayane, bass, bayman, brad, eliot, hayabusa, hayate, helena, hitomi, honoka, jann, mai, nico, tamaki, tina, and zack.

note that hayate, mila, tamaki, and zack have some preview moves that you can't do yet, generally the command training AI demo will still work but a couple of the tamaki moves don't have their followup interval so e.g. pp4pp just looks like pp4p but you can pass it by doing 4p+k and her 1pk isn't modified to mirror correctly like "the dev build". Christie's stance demos have some visual bugs, and i didn't do the stance entries for her "unique strikes" page yet. edit: and tina's pp3pp uses correct doa 4 IDs in the demo so you won't be able to complete it even though it looks about the same, more info on that in the future patchnotes.

preview moves will of course be enabled in the next gameplay update coming soon™ and we may or may not distribute the stage hacks before the gameplay update since you actually don't need to both have those for stage select to work... but the modifications to enable boss raidou touch the same file so it'll be down to how much duplicate effort that is to separate out and whether we can add things nicely to the random filter.
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New Member
middle of the ocean, basically slip-stun dojo/tatami
This one is actually kinda cool. On one hand, I get not having slip-stun dojos, but we've had worst (situationally speaking) in older DOA titles. We've had slip-stuns and hard wall splats that forced 50/50s lol. This ACTUALLY ain't that bad, all things considered.


Active Member
This one is actually kinda cool. On one hand, I get not having slip-stun dojos, but we've had worst (situationally speaking) in older DOA titles. We've had slip-stuns and hard wall splats that forced 50/50s lol. This ACTUALLY ain't that bad, all things considered.
yeah it seems playable at least, and it wouldn't even be the worst stage in 6.

the texture weirdness also seems less bad in real play than in training mode where i was deliberately making the biggest mess i could in whatever buffer it doesn't clear properly.


Active Member
Any patch notes on the recent changes?
no gameplay changes today, which is why it's not getting edited into the first post. the most recent critical stuff is just the supplement in the first post.

The listed characters from earlier today should have their new moves listed in the menu and command training mode (except christie's reenabled strings to stance like bt p+k2 or whatever they all are) and a few that aren't available. I think i talked about some of the tamaki stuff upthread.

we can also make new combo challenges but it's a separate set of files so those can also just be uploaded randomly and don't need to be updated along with the gameplay changes. i'd be ecstatic to have somebody else do them, hit me up if you want to copypaste and lightly edit some javascript.


Active Member
version 2.75 is up on the first post, no gameplay changes but command list entries for all the new moves are in (except some of christie's stance transitions from retail strings) and as a bonus/out of laziness I also added preview entries for the new moves I will be adding in update 3. Please grab the new .dll and .ini files if you want to pick the NEW STAGES because those are needed for technical reasons to do with Alex's recent updates to his tools. (also doa quest and most of the tutorial is de-loaded with the mod active but it's restored when you turn the mod off and restart)

Stage clips here

<removed obsolete images>

the two new selectable stages are douglass memorial from story mode and the middle of the ocean on seaside eden for some reason, with slipstuns, or "in memoriam" and "seafood" respectively due to how text strings work with the game. You can pick them against people on version 2.5 and everything works both with (ugh) stage picking and in random. enabling music selection would cause some edge-case problems so i decided not to.

we're somewhat unlikely to be able to do the stage names and thumbnails on the select screen nor the thumbnails on the filter page so hopefully it's easy enough to tell that the added ones are the second instance. If your opponent is on 2.5 instead of 2.75 their stage selection will simply not move when you go from colosseum to memorial and then proceed scrolling to whatever the next stage is when you scroll past memorial, and so on with seaside and seafood.

i remembered to include the quick guide to alex's hitbox visualizer and training mode enhancements so check that out if you haven't, a bunch of great stuff for the lab.

for redelbe users i've also included a ScreenLayout texture mod that replaces one in-game icon with a 6++ logo to make the command list entries/command training look nicer.

and speaking of command training, again almost all of the new stuff is in there and works, but there are some preview moves for update 3 that won't work so if it's not in the update 2 patchnotes don't worry about it. diego 3k6k is being deprecated so that's missing on purpose.
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