DOA5U wanted Costumes

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
I think these two are best for Helena...


Looks sexy, sophisticated and something the aristocracy would wear... minus the dress part.
Great hair style (though thats a separate matter), gloves, stockings and jewellery.
The sword is really cool too and hopefully something Helena could wear it, like Rachel does on her black latex outfit. As long as the sword isnt too long, there probably wouldnt be too many clipping issues.


This one is a bit more elaborate - maybe too much so? If TN toned down the cape, streamers and the big round thing on the upper arm, the outfit would be awesome. Its super sexy and colorful. I could see Rachel wearing something like this too.


Well-Known Member
Casual DLC grants the liberty for some of the characters to look OOC every once in a while and though this may have fitted Leifang (since Hitomi and Kokoro already got Casual DLCs) more due to how cutesy the shirt is. I prefer to see this shirt on Helena. I just fell in love with the simplicity in the multi-colored macaron prints and modern look it has.


Funny thing is that I had actually happen to stumble upon this shirt IRL from someone in front of me on the line while getting copies of my brother's birth certificate from the National Statistics Office.

View attachment 4569
Some Tekken guys are handsome, especially Lars. He's hella sexy in my purple butterfly outfit!

Best not to waste talking to this guy as he utterly has no care for any game's male character and finds them all ugly and disgusting.

Is this your art by the way? I love how all 4 of them looks like, especially Lee.
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Well-Known Member
Nope, it's no mine, but it's so amazing that I had to show it.

It definitely is but there is a difference between fan art and the actual character models themselves. Usually fan art tends to beautify (depending on artist's ability) the character models and may not look exactly how they look like on the game while the actual character models themselves appear as they are.


Well-Known Member

casual idea for my tina :)
I think these two are best for Helena...


Looks sexy, sophisticated and something the aristocracy would wear... minus the dress part.
Great hair style (though thats a separate matter), gloves, stockings and jewellery.
The sword is really cool too and hopefully something Helena could wear it, like Rachel does on her black latex outfit. As long as the sword isnt too long, there probably wouldnt be too many clipping issues.


This one is a bit more elaborate - maybe too much so? If TN toned down the cape, streamers and the big round thing on the upper arm, the outfit would be awesome. Its super sexy and colorful. I could see Rachel wearing something like this too.

The second one actually looks rather nice, literally minus the torso segment. Town down the details? Fuck no, CRANK EM UP! That stuff should be on the torso too, underneath the gold trim she's wearing now!

The first one just looks like a victorian street hooker.

*submits Tekken guys for drug/ steroid test*

Nope, Bryan Fury WINS the steroid test.

View attachment 4569
Some Tekken guys are handsome, especially Lars. He's hella sexy in my purple butterfly outfit!

I can't see Lars without a) remembering him in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, and B) thinking he looks like Cyborg 009.

Unfortunately the Cyborg 009 guys thought so two, so multiple characters in C009 were redesigned to look identical to Tekken characters, which is just one MORE reason to hate Tekken.

Jet Link redesigned without his signature hair or nose, and now just has that boxer guy from Tekken's head. the german cyborg guy no longer looks like him, now just having Bryan Fury's head. Great Britain was redesigned as a bishounen.


Well-Known Member
Right after he bought urine from Kunimitsu or the doctor that administered the test.

Bryan is the poster child for gynecomastia. Look it up, it fits him perfectly.

I'd be okay with something like this for Helena (note this is body paint)

And once again, the joke flew right over your head.

I don't really wanna hafta sit there and spell everything out for you all the time, so moving on.

On topic.

I think Momiji should get a full Miko outfit, since she IS also a priestess.



Active Member
And once again, the joke flew right over your head.

I don't really wanna hafta sit there and spell everything out for you all the time, so moving on.

That one you should have at least given me a hint. Don't forget: I spent 16 1/2 years not playing these games, but yes, Bryan Fucker or whatever his last name is is the poster child for gynecomastia. Guy needs to spend less time with the needle and more time buying shirts.


Well-Known Member
No, unfortunately Argentus said the joke flew over my head twice. Pretty soon he'll be like a broken record. It's a shame really.

Shame that you can't think things through before responding and we have to actually spell everything out for you all the time, sure.

You are way too fast to respond for being so slow on the uptake, Mane.

That one you should have at least given me a hint. Don't forget: I spent 16 1/2 years not playing these games, but yes, Bryan Fucker or whatever his last name is is the poster child for gynecomastia. Guy needs to spend less time with the needle and more time buying shirts.

For example.

a) Bryan Fury's a cyborg. So that's not steroids. Also, you can just get that ripped through a strict workout regiment.

b) You said he would fail the steroid screening. I said "No, he would WIN the drug test". Its a joke that he's on so much that he's gone from it being a bad thing, full circle to it being a good thing.

You aren't familiar with charlie sheen are you?

c) if you spent 16 1/2 years not playing these games, then don't talk about them lol.


Active Member
c) if you spent 16 1/2 years not playing these games, then don't talk about them lol.

Jack-6 looks more like a cyborg than Bryan Fury, or is that just me "being too slow on the uptake" again?

I really should tell you my story. You might relate to it. Ah screw it. I'll post it on the casual thread so you can look at it.


Well-Known Member
Jack-6 looks more like a cyborg than Bryan Fury, or is that just me "being too slow on the uptake" again?

I really should tell you my story. You might relate to it. Ah screw it. I'll post it on the casual thread so you can look at it.

Jack is a full on robot. Just like the pink haired robot girl. Not a cyborg.

So yes it is.