Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread


Active Member
First post on the forum. I wish I'd gotten here when I got the game over three months ago (didn't play vanilla). I've been on GameFAQs to this point, but this forum is a lot more in-depth.

I'm playing today (PS3) ID:(crazy, I know...I created it not knowing I'd ever go online). I'm an old-school arcade FG player from its earliest days. If you see Alpha or Zack, it's my brother, I'll try Gen Fu, Bass, Lisa, and many others. Let me know if you come across me. I'm going for 200 ranked for Lisa's last outfit, but if you guys have a lobby, I'll check that out as well.


Active Member
Won a few matches yesterday. 177 ranked matches so far-closer to the 200. Most people are better than me & have been playing DOA longer. I come from a 2D background and am better at those, but like to play 3D FGs as well.
Finally fought a lobby match for the first time. I wonder which one, if any, people here use...Oh, I'm still figuring out a main. I thought I could make Bayman or Gen Fu work, but maybe I should focus on Bass & Jann. It's hard to decide.:genfu:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Good games @JDsilva, our Pai vs Pai matches where awesome. @Dark_Ky impressive Christie!! @Genfu you are a amazing Tag partner.


Well-Known Member
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Bad game to some random player on PSN called "gearbomodo". I sent him a message after I beat him with my Rachel, who I just picked up, because he used Leifang and I'm obsessed with her DOA2 theme currently. It was a thank you message, but then he proceeds to talk shit about me on mic. So you know what I do. I let him beat me, just to get him off my back. I held back with Ayane, because trust me, an Ayane vs. Rachel match would have had me as the victor.


Well-Known Member
gg @ToKyo PewPew . always apleasure to play with you. i eager to fight your kas again. but i need to improve my defense, one error and you slice me like butter. and it was the first time i could read some of your attack, i really enjoyed our games after this small break.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's fine anyways, thanks for the match i just realize how much work i needed
You're doing good, man. Defensively, just try to work on not low holding so much. Can be a nasty and addicting habit if you get hooked on it. Offensively, just be conscious about slow-escaping. If you can, lead into a CB with a lift stun so your opponent can't shake out of it.

but ggs!