Might DOA6 be PS4 exclusive?


Well-Known Member
How is this thread still up? What a blatant fanboy topic, something I'd expect to see over a GameSpot. No, DOA6 will be available for PS4 and Xbox One whether you like it or not, they specifically said they would utilize the consoles to their fullest potential.


Premium Donor
How is this thread still up? What a blatant fanboy topic, something I'd expect to see over a GameSpot. No, DOA6 will be available for PS4 and Xbox One whether you like it or not, they specifically said they would utilize the consoles to their fullest potential.
This isn't a fanboy topic....It's asking a blatantly logical and reasonable question, and we are responding with our speculation.


Well-Known Member
It is biased, this is coming from someone who owns both the PS4 and Xbox One. They already stated that DOA6 will take advantage of both consoles, and the OP wishes that it was PS4 exclusive. Those games he listed are primarily catered to the Japanese market (where the Xbox has no foothold). There's no way that DOA6, which is popular enough in the west that the majority of sales come from outside of Japan, would be exclusive to a single platform.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
How is this thread still up? What a blatant fanboy topic, something I'd expect to see over a GameSpot. No, DOA6 will be available for PS4 and Xbox One whether you like it or not, they specifically said they would utilize the consoles to their fullest potential.

Being a new member here, can you maybe not be so rude? Read the OP (again) please. I think/I hope I sounded rather objective there, just stating what I noticed and why I thought there might be the possibilty of a console exclusiveness. Also, it was just a question what other forumers thought regarding this matter not an: "OMG, the Xbone sux, lol! DOA6 will be totally PS4 exclusive, right? Riiiiite?"


Well-Known Member
I read the OP and found your reasons not to be good enough. DOA5LR has already been released to PS4 and Xbox One, it would make no sense to make the sequel exclusive after the last game was multiplatform. Also, you specifically stated you wanted DOA6 to be PS4 exclusive so don't say it like that please. Also, I wasn't be rude as much as I was angry by how biased and selfish this whole topic appears to me.


Well-Known Member
Also, I wasn't be rude as much as I was angry by how biased and selfish this whole topic appears to me.

The way you're expressing your anger is a sign of being rude. You don't think the game will be exclusive, I get that, I agree with you, no need to accuse anyone of being fanboys just because they don't agree with you.


Well-Known Member
I was disappointed by his answer to it. I thought it would be "OK, topic over". But then he says it wants it to be PS4 exclusive and the topic continues, that didn't sit well with me.


Premium Donor
That wouldn't make it over. When you create a topic, the OP's opinion doesn't suddenly end it, he started it with the hopes of seeing what other people had to say alongside his opinion.


Well-Known Member
This is a classic example of the newbies being trashed just because they are new. If it was one of the top players having that attitude with the same opinion, nobody would give a human excrement.

Obviously fanboyism is quite prevalent in this thread. There's a clear bias against the Xbox here, and, certain users don't care about the ones that only have the Xbox. They'd prefer that all those people either quit the game or spend money on a PS4, so that they themselves can get better graphics.

Sorry, but I won't support this. Ever.

Nyte, I commend you for defending your point.


Premium Donor
Console personally doesn't matter to me. I'm more comfortable with ps4 but if I had to, I'd get an Xbox one to play DOA, I've done it before. The ONLY reason I originally got a 360 was to play DOA1-4 honestly. I love DOA literally that much.:oops:


Well-Known Member
Console personally doesn't matter to me. I'm more comfortable with ps4 but if I had to, I'd get an Xbox one to play DOA, I've done it before. The ONLY reason I originally got a 360 was to play DOA1-4 honestly. I love DOA literally that much.:oops:

Me too! :) I went from PS2 to Xbox only because of DOA exclusivity back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Console personally doesn't matter to me. I'm more comfortable with ps4 but if I had to, I'd get an Xbox one to play DOA, I've done it before. The ONLY reason I originally got a 360 was to play DOA1-4 honestly. I love DOA literally that much.:oops:

I was actually planning on buying a ps4 for last round but decided not to let the dlcs I've bought not go to waste so I went with an xbone. Ultimately, I ended up spending way more to get it running at home so it was probably less costly to buy a ps4. That being said, I've personally saved enough to buy a ps4 but am currently holding off until an exclusive game cpmes out (tekken 7). However, if/hopefully when TN releases the rest of the doa girls as dlc for doax3, I'll go ahead and buy a ps4 immediately and play all new doa games there.


Well-Known Member
But Tekken 7 isn't exclusive to PS4, only been announced for it so far. If it were exclusive, it would've been explicitly stated as such. It's likely that Tekken 7 is going to be officially announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC at the upcoming E3.

Personally I own both consoles and I do most of my gaming on X1 mainly because I like the controller better. That's (one of the reasons) why I don't want it to be PS4 exclusive.


Premium Donor
But Tekken 7 isn't exclusive to PS4, only been announced for it so far. If it were exclusive, it would've been explicitly stated as such. It's likely that Tekken 7 is going to be officially announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC at the upcoming E3.

Personally I own both consoles and I do most of my gaming on X1 mainly because I like the controller better. That's (one of the reasons) why I don't want it to be PS4 exclusive.
It is getting exclusive content though, so that makes it more worthwhile to just get it on ps4.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This is a classic example of the newbies being trashed just because they are new. If it was one of the top players having that attitude with the same opinion, nobody would give a human excrement.

Obviously fanboyism is quite prevalent in this thread. There's a clear bias against the Xbox here, and, certain users don't care about the ones that only have the Xbox. They'd prefer that all those people either quit the game or spend money on a PS4, so that they themselves can get better graphics.

Sorry, but I won't support this. Ever.

Nyte, I commend you for defending your point.

First of all, where/how was he "trashed"? Compared to Nyte we were polite when we refuted his claim this was a "biased" and "blatant fanboy" thread that he wanted shut down. He admitted that he was angry writing his post. This thread was a calm place before, where everyone could post without being personally attacked until a couple of pages ago, when some new posters appeared in here, who apparently can't bear other people's opinions and wishes, however "selfish" (a word that was also often thrown around) they might seem. These selfish wishes don't have much if any effect on what the heads of Koei Tecmo are planning for the series by the way, so no need to freak out.
Behaviour like this isn't commendable at all. If you ecourage Nyte acting like this in more threads in this or any other forum I can promise you he will get "trashed" more often, and rightly so.

Since Nyte basically called me a fanboy. Let me refute him politely once again. If I am a fanboy, I am a DOA fanboy. (I actually have a Deviantart account that's called "Doafanboi" where I upload photos taken in DOA5LR. XD)
As I already stated, I buy the system that I can get the new DOA on and if it comes to multiple platforms I get the platform where I think the series has the best future and potential. I bought the original Xbox for DOA3 and DOA2U and I bought an Xbox360 for DOA4. I never owned a Sony console before (but apparently I am such a fanboy) until the PS4 when Last Round released and when it was very clear that Koei Tecmo was shifting their attention towards the PS4. Last Round was always showcased and promoted for the PS4 before release, it has the biggest community there, the spin off DOAX3 also releases console exlusive on PS4, the next big Team Ninja game, Nioh, is also exclusively announced for PS4, as most other Koei Tecmo games are actually. So I bought the PS4. No fanboyism involved, I am merely being pragmatic with my console choices. If I had enough money to throw out of the window I would also buy an Xbone, a powerful gaming PC, the PS4Neo and all of the upcoming VR platforms. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Obviously fanboyism is quite prevalent in this thread. There's a clear bias against the Xbox here, and, certain users don't care about the ones that only have the Xbox. They'd prefer that all those people either quit the game or spend money on a PS4, so that they themselves can get better graphics.

I actually considered getting an X1 this time, because in my eyes X360 won that console generation. As things turned out I went with the PS4 (much because of the Jpn exclusives and the whole TV-thing (Don't even watch TV anymore, unless crunchy roll on the PS4 count)). That said, if I saw any need for it I would buy both consoles. The reason for why the question was brought up, and we commenced speculation, is not because we don't want it to be exclusive (why would we want that?), but because given TK's recent track record it would be a possible thing to happen.

If X1 really didn't get it, it would always end up on PC for everyone anyways, so I wouldn't worry too much. Also, I don't get why anyone would be biased against a certain console. All I personally stated it that it is likely there is a lot more Jpn trashers on xbox than on PS4, where DoA is a Jpn game for most parts.

Also I am glad when more people can enjoy the same game, because that means we can speak about the same experiences more as gamers when we meet up. I for one Love that FF VII Remake will make it to xbox even if it is time exclusive on PS4 for this exact reason (and to educate the new generations).


Well-Known Member
Some of you can afford another console aside your current one. Great for you, but not everyone is as privileged. And yes, Nyte was obviously frustrated, but that is understandable. Especially with something like this, it only makes people more angry;
Being a new member here, can you maybe not be so rude?
That comment was made because he was new, obviously. Not unsurprising... The DOA community is one of the most hostile to new players for some reason, and I always despised that. It has improved quite a bit over the years though, but we're still far from where we need to be. I still see the same attitude towards new players and when they speak up, everyone gangs up on them to tell them that; because they're new they should bow down to the ones already here... Talk about rudeness... It's likely connected to the huge amount of arrogant online players that start insulting people whether they win or lose, but I digress.

Yes indeed, let's talk about rudeness. In fact, being 'rude' is quite subjective in certain cases. In the US you can call a kid a little bugger and it's normal. In the UK you can call a kid a little bugger, and they take offense because over there it means a homosexual. Exact same wording, and in one place it's rude, in one place it isn't. Nothing pragmatic about rudeness. Generally, calling people out for being rude/impolite/out of line/politically incorrect is used as a diversion from the topic and as an excuse to dismiss what that person has to say.

Nyte accused this thread of being a fanboy one. Maybe that was because wanting the game only for your own console was considered rude by him? Did you think of that? Yeah. You likely didn't because you are too busy focusing on what you think his attitude should be.
The first post does not reflect the thread to be a fanboy one, but many comments afterwards show bias in them, whether intentional or not. Even the mod agreed with this by making this comment;
The right console is all of them. Be a gamer, not a fanboy.

Obviously the further replies went on to say they are not a fanboy... But.. Things are quite clear here... Nyte is seeing something you're not. And behavior speaks louder than words.

In any case...Back in the day, releasing DOA3 only for the Xbox Original was a trashy move towards the loyal fans that had a PS2 before. They should have released it for both. Arguably, the Xbox was significantly more powerful which maybe made more things possible in terms of gameplay. This could have been an argument against releasing it on both back in the day, although I still disagree with it.

But right now this simply is not the case. The main difference is graphics between the consoles, not computational power that will influence the gameplay. Hell even the 3DS with DOA Dimensions had a robust fine working fighting engine. Why would the Xbox One limit the PS4? In fact, with this thinking, let's make all games just for the PC that only run on graphics cards that cost over $1000. That will definitely give us the best experience possible! How shallow are we really..?
A boost in graphical effects is the least of a developer's worry. So much so that if that's the only difference, they can easily port a game, especially if it's the same CPU and GPU architecture. There is no reason at all to not release on both. None of the versions will suffer.

Also, remember Ninja Gaiden Sigma? The one on the PS3 that everyone said it was exclusive because the Xbox 360 couldn't handle it. It became a much better game because it was just released on the PS3? Well... Compare the original Ninja Gaiden II with the 'superior' exclusive PS3 game Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2...

This obviously reflects design choice. For Sigma, gameplay was sacrificed for graphics, for NG2, graphics was sacrificed for gameplay. People easily confuse developing choices with power of consoles or being able to get more out of a console if it's exclusive.

Be careful what you ask for.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This is a classic example of the newbies being trashed just because they are new. If it was one of the top players having that attitude with the same opinion, nobody would give a human excrement.

That comment was made because he was new, obviously. Not unsurprising... The DOA community is one of the most hostile to new players for some reason, and I always despised that. It has improved quite a bit over the years though, but we're still far from where we need to be. I still see the same attitude towards new players and when they speak up, everyone gangs up on them to tell them that; because they're new they should bow down to the ones already here... Talk about rudeness... It's likely connected to the huge amount of arrogant online players that start insulting people whether they win or lose, but I digress.

You seem to have an issue and some persistent preconceptions about the DOA online player community that you might want to discuss in an other thread. This is not the right place to be all up in arms about this.
I could care less if Nyte or anyone else was a new DOA player or how good he was at playing the game, lol. For your information, I don't even play DOA online, I never have. I'm just in it for the single player fun, pretty girls and graphics. Don't paint me or KasumiLover and P2p1mbs as some elitist snobs just because we speak up against rudeness, thank you.
I made the "Being a new member here, can you maybe not be so rude? Read the OP (again) please." comment because he is a new member to this forum and was attacking people he doesn't even know. It should be common courtesy for every newcomer to not rock the boat when arriving at a new place.


Well-Known Member
I actually considered getting an X1 this time, because in my eyes X360 won that console generation. As things turned out I went with the PS4 (much because of the Jpn exclusives and the whole TV-thing (Don't even watch TV anymore, unless crunchy roll on the PS4 count)). That said, if I saw any need for it I would buy both consoles. The reason for why the question was brought up, and we commenced speculation, is not because we don't want it to be exclusive (why would we want that?), but because given TK's recent track record it would be a possible thing to happen.

If X1 really didn't get it, it would always end up on PC for everyone anyways, so I wouldn't worry too much. Also, I don't get why anyone would be biased against a certain console. All I personally stated it that it is likely there is a lot more Jpn trashers on xbox than on PS4, where DoA is a Jpn game for most parts.

Also I am glad when more people can enjoy the same game, because that means we can speak about the same experiences more as gamers when we meet up. I for one Love that FF VII Remake will make it to xbox even if it is time exclusive on PS4 for this exact reason (and to educate the new generations).
I understand your point. But I wasn't exactly referring to people choosing PS4 over the XBO or vice versa. I was referring to the reasons people give for the game to be exclusive. I was referring to comments like this;

I wished it was PS4 exclusive. Exclusives for PS4 (The Order 1886, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4...) tend to look a lot better than multiplatform titles that are held back by the Xbone.
The Xbox One is not holding anything back. That comment is sheer ignorance on how games are developed. Uncharted for example, always looked good because it's as linear as a game can be. Since the player is so constrained, a lot of details can be put in there. Something like Assassin's Creed can never be expected to look as good as Uncharted in the same generation, because being open world limits the amount of details that can be put in. It has nothing to do with being multiplatform.

Take a look at MGS. Prior MGS games were only on the PS3 and not on the X360. At the time it was one of the franchises used as a graphical marvel to show how the PS3 is superior to the X360, and how the X360 would have held it back if it was released on both.
Jump to the present...
MGS:V was released on both the PS4 and the XBO. Is it inferior because it is on both the Xbox One and the PS4? No. In fact, it's one of the best scoring games this generation, and one of the best looking ones. In fact, it was released on four consoles instead of two... So... I really don't get where those arguments are coming from. Well maybe I do, but if denial is what's coming anyway, shown by Tyaren's last post, silence is golden.
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