Might DOA6 be PS4 exclusive?


Well-Known Member
Ok can everyone like shut up ? Seriously what the fuck is up with everyone ?
Tyaren you were kinda rude to nyte you could've said, "this is my opinion and you don't have to like or care about it because it's my opinion"

Nyte you could've responded more calm and not angry, just because he supports it to be ps4 exclusive doesn't mean everyone agrees with him there are plenty of people who agree with you and me. I like xbox and ps4 but I use the ps4 since I have small hands and the Xbox controller is just too big for me.

I want DOA6 for all consoles and I want that ps4 Xbox and PC are connected to one giant server so that the whole DOA community is truly United.

Antili I agree with you. Most more skilled players are usually hostile towards the newbies including me but I am hostile when they don't know the game, I beat them and they start talking shit to me just because I know how to play. Anyways i always advise newbies a few things.
Pick your main
Don't button mash
Do tutorial
Do command training of your main
Do combo challenge
And play, train and help others get better.

Anyways here's my opinion to the thread. I don't think it should be PS4 exclusive because it would only divide players. Like I wouldn't buy a whole new game system just because a game, people who do that got way too much money.
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Well-Known Member
This is a classic example of the newbies being trashed just because they are new. If it was one of the top players having that attitude with the same opinion, nobody would give a human excrement.

Regardless of whether or not he's a newcomer, he didn't have to respond to the direction of the discussion in the way he did since he outright admitted he posted in anger. I personally agree with his opinion about how the game should NOT be exclusive and was merely pointing out how he could have been more calm in tone.

Be frustrated about the discussion if you want but there's NO NEED to go about accusing others of bias and fanboyisim. It just sets things up for a flame war.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether or not he's a newcomer, he didn't have to respond to the direction of the discussion in the way he did since he outright admitted he posted in anger. I personally agree with his opinion about how the game should NOT be exclusive and was merely pointing out how he could have been more calm in tone.

Be frustrated about the discussion if you want but there's NO NEED to go about accusing others of bias and fanboyisim. It just sets things up for a flame war.

Remember this?
Ugh. I can't believe how selfish some people in here are.
I've also been quite aggressive in other statements. No one peeped. But everyone jumped on Nyte since he's new, even though his accusation was quite warranted. In any case... This is leading us nowhere.. The only last thing that I will say is that I see nothing wrong with fanboyism and bias being pointed out. In fact, in certain cases it's a must, in order to show the agenda of certain people.

I hope we can go back to objectively discussing DOA6's exclusivity, what the thread was really about. I'll repeat my statements;
DOA6 PS4 exclusive? Unlikely, but possible.
DOA6 PS4 timed exclusive? More likely.
What I want? DOA6 on PS4, XBO, Next Nintendo, PC.
What happens if it's PS4 exclusive? Less sales, less profit, smaller & divided community.

Final side note; I'm more excited about VF6 than DOA6. No DOA6 on XBO or PC = no buy.


Well-Known Member
I've also been quite aggressive in other statements. No one peeped. But everyone jumped on Nyte since he's new, even though his accusation was quite warranted..

Him being a newcomer had nothing to do with my comments against him, I responded because I personally felt he could have commented in a less confrontational tone. I would have replied to you in the same way (that's why I'm replying to you now; I feel that you're belief that its ok to be biased and a fanboy will only encourage flame wars).

But fine, let's drop this discussion. Again, I ALSO don't want the game to be exclusive to one platform and really hope this is not the case. It probably wont affect me in the end since, as I said, I plan on buying a PS4 later on anyways but I completely understand people not feeling the same way; I've been in the same situation for other games.


Well-Known Member
Ok instead of everyone going on about their opinions. Let's agree to disagree and Tyaren why didn't you make this a poll since that would've been easier


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ok instead of everyone going on about their opinions. Let's agree to disagree and Tyaren why didn't you make this a poll since that would've been easier

Because I wanted this to be a civilized discussion, not just a poll to click on and you are done.


Well-Known Member
There was no drama for over half a year until a couple of people came to this topic... But enough of that.
I don't get why you posted this thread anyways since it's irrelevant. DOA6 isn't even out yet or announced so I don't see the use of this thread. It's like a combo thread for a character that hasn't released yet. I hope the moderators can close this thread. @Brute @CyberEvil


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Fanboys? On a DOA community website? How could this have happened?

People are not required to apologize for stating their opinion. Some of the posts in here have been uncouth, but I haven't seen anything that would qualify as "hateful," "bigoted" or excessively "abusive." So while I could close the thread for being tediously banal, that attitude would leave a rather dead forum in its wake.

I'm leaving it up for now. Consider it an exercize in prioritizing strategy over emotional knee-jerks.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Don't quote me from posts made months ago. That's obnoxious.

If you can't behave, I won't lock the thread. Brute and I will take a banhammer to a few of you and call it a day. The thread is fine and was always going to encourage people to come in and take up the side of their favorite massive corporation. Be civil to each other or the mods will get to play.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Since some folks are discussing why they moved to x or y console, I thought I'd share too. I personally own both and Xbox One and PS4, but I prefer playing on PS4 because almost all of my friends here in the DOA community (and other parts of the FGC in general) play that particular system.

Now about the exclusive topic. I don't really want DOA6 to be exclusive to only one console, whether it be PS4 or Xbox One, because one of the groups might end up missing out for a while.

Side comment: Call me strange, but Ayane somehow looks...older in NG2 than she does in DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Side comment: Call me strange, but Ayane somehow looks...older in NG2 than she does in DOA5.

Haha, ye. She kinda looks in her 30s or 40s at times in some of the old games. In reality she was 16 in NG2 I believe (and almost all the other games), but became 18 in DoA5.

I just came to think of an issue towards the main discussion though. If it would end up as a PS4 exclusive, why would peeps believe that to be the case?

As I stated before I would believe there could be a potential of the political climate to turn Shimoneta if there are several years until DoA6 comes. If it comes later this year, or next year (which considering how good they are at supporting their current game, and the ways of SF, it wouldn't be unrealistic) then I would definitely think it is multi platform and free of censorship.


Well-Known Member
Question to the OP: Now that it's been revealed that the Xbox One Scorpio will be more powerful than the PS4 Neo, do you think DOA6 should be Xbox One/PC exclusive so that "the graphic limitation of the PS4 won't hold back the game"? You seemed to want it to be exclusive to PS4 for that reason, but there's a shift in power that's about to happen. Do you still want it on PS4, even though it will now be the one holding back the graphics?


Not trying to be a fanboy here, but I'm just using the exact same logic the OP was using, only against him.


Premium Donor
Question to the OP: Now that it's been revealed that the Xbox One Scorpio will be more powerful than the PS4 Neo, do you think DOA6 should be Xbox One/PC exclusive so that "the graphic limitation of the PS4 won't hold back the game"? You seemed to want it to be exclusive to PS4 for that reason, but there's a shift in power that's about to happen. Do you still want it on PS4, even though it will now be the one holding back the graphics?


Not trying to be a fanboy here, but I'm just using the exact same logic the OP was using, only against him.
XBOX ONE SCORPIO?????!!!!!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Question to the OP: Now that it's been revealed that the Xbox One Scorpio will be more powerful than the PS4 Neo, do you think DOA6 should be Xbox One/PC exclusive so that "the graphic limitation of the PS4 won't hold back the game"? You seemed to want it to be exclusive to PS4 for that reason, but there's a shift in power that's about to happen. Do you still want it on PS4, even though it will now be the one holding back the graphics?


Not trying to be a fanboy here, but I'm just using the exact same logic the OP was using, only against him.



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I did at least try to explain myself to you before in this thread. But it seems you are not just rude but also a dimwit. Hereby you are blocked! Way to go for a newcomer to this forum. :)