Might DOA6 be PS4 exclusive?


Master Ninja
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This whole thread is about a game we clearly all love being closed off from a big group. I don't appreciate the intent behind your post, Nyte, and I very much don't like your follow up, but the point is valid that all signs point to the actual graphical leader becoming the next Xbox One model. Try to have a civil conversation about it from here.


Well-Known Member
I just didn't like implications of this topic, and the fact that he wanted it to be PS4 exclusive. I wanted to point out the flaw in his logic, since the next Xbox One is going to be more powerful, shouldn't he want it to be Xbox exclusive by the logic of "graphics > more people getting to play it"?

But I digress, I want it to be multi-platform so that everyone can play it. I own both consoles, and I'm planning to get both upgraded consoles in the future. If I post here again, I'll try to be as civil as I can be.


Premium Donor
I doubt TN will make it exclusive to even this Xbox One Scorpio garbage. Hayashi has always been more closer to the Sony while it was Itagaki who preferred Xbox. And the Scorpio being more powerful is just rumors, they just likely are saying that so they can have a bait to prevent anyone from going Neo. I'm not buying it until I, Kasumilover69, see it with my own eyes.


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May I invite you all, @CyberEvil too, to read the opening post again?

With DOA5 the DOA series was after many years suddenly multiplatform again. The PS3, PSVita and PS4 were the main developing platforms for DOA5 and it's extensions. Last Round was almost exclusively marketed for PS4. We hardly saw any footage of the Xbox One version until release. In tournaments the PS4 version is the default version. On Tokyo Game Show this year Koei Tecmo showcased and announced over 20 games, including Team Ninja games, like DOAX3 and NIOH. Not a single game of these is planned for the Xbox One. Taking also into account how much more successful the PS4 is over the Xbox One worldwide (at the moment), how big, do you think, are the chances of DOA6 being a PS4 exclusive too?

Did you read anything about graphic power or tech wars there...?
As if Koei Tecmo would switch it's support to a rumored Scorpio because of it's rumored graphical power. KT is supporting Sony/the PS4 most because it is the current market leader...with a big and actually growing gap.

If DOA6 will through some miraculous development become a Scorpio exclusive, then I guess I will have to buy that thing. Because that is what I did every console generation. I want DOA and I want it the best it can possibly run and look.
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Well-Known Member
No, you just said about it here:

I'm pretty amazed they actually talked about 6 already. o__O Damn though...I wished it was PS4 exclusive. Exclusives for PS4 (The Order 1886, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4...) tend to look a lot better than multiplatform titles that are held back by the Xbone.


Premium Donor
No, you just said about it here:
That's just his observation Nyte, it's true that game's graphics can be held back by a less superior spec console. There's no sugar coating that. If the Scorpio is really a thing, at least we now know the Microsoft is trying to up their game.


Well-Known Member
But he said he wished it was exclusive, that's when I got angry because of the blatant fanboyism and that DOA isn't a franchise big enough to be exclusive in this day and age. To say I was disappointed in his response would be making a massive understatement. They already said DOA6 would make full use of both consoles, done deal.


Premium Donor
But he said he wished it was exclusive, that's when I got angry because of the blatant fanboyism and that DOA isn't a franchise big enough to be exclusive in this day and age. To say I was disappointed in his response would be making a massive understatement. They already said DOA6 would make full use of both consoles, done deal.
Well, he can't take it back, there's no sense getting angry in it, he's just voicing his opinion. It doesn't matter much to me, as long as I can play Kasumi, Phase 4, and even Naotora in DOA6, I'm fine....I wouldn't mind some stellar graphics either. :p


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
May I invite you all, @CyberEvil too, to read the opening post again?

Did you read anything about graphic power or tech wars there...?
As if Koei Tecmo would switch it's support to a rumored Scorpio because of it's rumored graphical power. KT is supporting Sony/the PS4 most because it is the current market leader...with a big and actually growing gap.

If DOA6 will through some miraculous development become a Scorpio exclusive, then I guess I will have to buy that thing. Because that is what I did every console generation. I want DOA and I want it the best it can possibly run and look.
The original post might have started a very different conversation but it didn't go that way. Very quickly others, including yourself, started talking about graphical fidelity. As for the tech wars bit, I've touched on that any time I've posted here: you're discussing excluding those without a certain console. Intent very rarely matters online once people begin to respond.

In any case, the conversation should get back on track here. Be civil to each other. If your post isn't directly in response to exclusivity, don't post it.


Well-Known Member
Aren't games that are optimized for one system's hardware generally the best looking? (ones on a large budget that is) Meaning a multiplatform game is technically held back by all included platforms from looking its best on any of them


Master Ninja
Staff member
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Aren't games that are optimized for one system's hardware generally the best looking? (ones on a large budget that is) Meaning a multiplatform game is technically held back by all included platforms from looking its best on any of them
Not necessarily. See Guilty Gear Xrd for a great example.


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I don't really get these Playstation 4,5 & Xbox 1,7 and so on. Are they trying to turn into PCs where the newest and best games only got their peak graphical and performances available for those who got the latest hardware?

By all means, if this means DoA6 can push their limits even further, then I am all for it, it just seems kinda weird.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how the Xbox One Scorpio has been announced and is capable of 4K gaming, I really don't think they should make it exclusive to PS4.


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The jury is kinda out, nobody even knows if people will buy these "new" consoles. I mean it is only really over the last year that a decent amount of good games has started rolling out on the new consoles (exclusively), so to swap it again seems kinda strange. It's kinda hard for game developers that want to hit the "fresh" generation, because if DoA6 is already in development, then it's probably for the old speccs.


Standard Donor
Most exclusives are usually only done because a particular company pays a lot of money to make it happen. I used to work as a manager for a game chain so I used to often get invited to insider screenings and launch events as well as Microsoft and Sony 'education' events for managers. The majority of the time it has nothing at all to do with the power of a console and they only use that as media spin, that is why you often see timed exclusives, the companies just pay a heck of a lot of money to have a game restricted, it is really that simple. In the end it will all just come down to money, does the payment coming from Microsoft or Sony outweigh the benefit of selling it on both platforms or not? The rest is just spin, you can't really just openly come out and say "yeah, Microsoft paid us a heck of a lot of money to only have Halo on the Xbox so we all decided to go buy new cars, also it really cuts down on our overheads only having to develop for the one platform".


Well-Known Member
I actually hope Team Ninja jumps on the "Play Anywhere" bandwagon that Microsoft is pushing. Buying the game once and being able to play it both on Xbox and PC would be awesome.


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Most exclusives are usually only done because a particular company pays a lot of money to make it happen. I used to work as a manager for a game chain so I used to often get invited to insider screenings and launch events as well as Microsoft and Sony 'education' events for managers. The majority of the time it has nothing at all to do with the power of a console and they only use that as media spin, that is why you often see timed exclusives, the companies just pay a heck of a lot of money to have a game restricted, it is really that simple. In the end it will all just come down to money, does the payment coming from Microsoft or Sony outweigh the benefit of selling it on both platforms or not? The rest is just spin, you can't really just openly come out and say "yeah, Microsoft paid us a heck of a lot of money to only have Halo on the Xbox so we all decided to go buy new cars, also it really cuts down on our overheads only having to develop for the one platform".

If that is the only reason, then why is there such a heck of a lot Japanese PS4/PS Vita exclusives? I think I saw dualshockers front page one day had 20 of their 30 front page articles posting a different Sony exclusive game. I doubt all of those games got payed a lot of money to stay on the PS-train, there has to be another element to it surely.


Well-Known Member
If that is the only reason, then why is there such a heck of a lot Japanese PS4/PS Vita exclusives? I think I saw dualshockers front page one day had 20 of their 30 front page articles posting a different Sony exclusive game. I doubt all of those games got payed a lot of money to stay on the PS-train, there has to be another element to it surely.
Playstation is more popular on japan than Xbox one, by a large margin, simple as that.

My opinion on the subject.

I wouldn't want this to happen, this would even in a small scale, private current DOA 5 LR players to play a new game in the series. But honestly? I can see this happening.

NiOH is a ps4 exclusive, most Koei games are focused on playstation, and DOA x3 was also exclusive in sony platforms, so, there are chances.

Again, i don't want this to happen. Also, is confirmed that the new versions of ps4 and xbox one will actually affect performance and will receive titles that will only run in those consoles versions?


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Playstation is more popular on japan than Xbox one, by a large margin, simple as that.

The Xbone is actually practically dead in Japan. 70k were sold there in total, whereas the PS4 sold about 3 million consoles. Which is by the way also not that great, considering in the rest of the world 37 million have been sold.

Again, i don't want this to happen. Also, is confirmed that the new versions of ps4 and xbox one will actually affect performance and will receive titles that will only run in those consoles versions?

Both Sony and Microsoft went out of their way to stress that there are not going to be PS4 Neo or Xbox Scorpio exlusive games. Every game will run on both the standard and the "deluxe versions". Both the new consoles are there to improve VR performance, a higher and more stable framerate and most importantly 4K output.
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