New Costumes of Last Round

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Well-Known Member
Then it's about time we get a Duke Nukem costume for everyone.
I would seriously buy that DLC pack.

Hail to the king, baby!


i agree 100%, what makes the new outfits exciting not just because they're fan costumes, but because they show the characters individuality and most look badass and i think that's what everyone wants. even the 1st and 2nd batch of halloween costumes were very exciting. all the packs where the characters had individual clothes like the legacy and casual packs were like a hit moreso than the christmas, cops, maids, bath time, etc etc.

i know it probably takes time and resources to create mostly unique costumes but im hoping TN will continue to do so instead or just throw us fetish copy and pastes and the bikini's are just tired. i'd rather DLC take its time and be like, new stages, more unique outfits every couple of months or so rather than a bikini pack for like 4 characters every month just to put something on the market.

here here!


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think that Team Ninja will use the contest entries for another batch of DLC? I mean - the upcoming 31 outfits are there for showcasing DOA5 Last Round. Or do you think that IF there are plans to do so, they would come up with a 3rd contest?

However that, I'm pretty interested in new hairstyles (like Lei Fang got in the current screens) that are fitting with the new outfits.

Rachel's hair down is awesome but her default style for the new costume fits more for my taste! =) I can't wait to use her hair down with her original Ninja Gaiden outfit. =)


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think that Team Ninja will use the contest entries for another batch of DLC? I mean - the upcoming 31 outfits are there for showcasing DOA5 Last Round. Or do you think that IF there are plans to do so, they would come up with a 3rd contest?

A third contest is likely, I would think.

I'd also be surprised if they didn't utilize more of the designs from the previous contests. I doubt they'll all ever be included, but there are so many potentially great costumes left over that it would be such a waste to not use them, and if for some reason they don't, I'm hoping this is where modders for the PC version will step in.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I think they might do contests for future DOA installments but they're probably done for 5. It's a big project to not only hold a contest (that requires supervision due to misplaced entries, duplicates, hacked votes, etc...) but to come to a team agreement on which ones they want to choose for each character and then to actually create the design. It's time-consuming. The Halloween contest ended in mid-July and the reveal of the DLC made it pretty obvious that 3 months wasn't enough time to create individual outfits for all characters that were based on fan designs and unfortunately some got the shaft.


Well-Known Member
You know, no disrespect to Kronin or the other artist but if I had a choice of getting a fan submission or original new costume/Dimensions C1 for Ein I would prefer the latter.

It's unlikely to happen, but asides from General Ein his submissions weren't that great plus I just know that if DoAD C1 made it into Last Round that would be my main costume even over the DOA2 throwback.


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Premium Donor
I really wish dr hayabusa n pig genfu would make it in :(

Honoka has 2 cow themed outfits...
Well ... Shit >__>

(For the record.. I suggested cow themed outfits for Leifang over a year ago) :/


Well-Known Member
You know, no disrespect to Kronin or the other artist but if I had a choice of getting a fan submission or original new costume/Dimensions C1 for Ein I would prefer the latter.

It's unlikely to happen, but asides from General Ein his submissions weren't that great plus I just know that if DoAD C1 made it into Last Round that would be my main costume even over the DOA2 throwback.

No direspect at all UpSide, I think the same and my "drama" is just that I'm not more liking what I've done for Ein.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think they might do contests for future DOA installments but they're probably done for 5. It's a big project to not only hold a contest (that requires supervision due to misplaced entries, duplicates, hacked votes, etc...) but to come to a team agreement on which ones they want to choose for each character and then to actually create the design. It's time-consuming. The Halloween contest ended in mid-July and the reveal of the DLC made it pretty obvious that 3 months wasn't enough time to create individual outfits for all characters that were based on fan designs and unfortunately some got the shaft.

I also don't think, we will see another costume contest for DOA5. The two contests combined had 800 costume submissions (the first about 500, the second about 300) and many really nice, unused ones. Team Ninja's designers should have more inspiration than enough by now and a pretty good idea, what the fans really want. (The Western and Japanese fans wanting pretty different things for example. XD) Also the decline in submissions should be noted, which might get even bigger with a third contest and then there was the strong, negative reaction, caused by the top ten outfits of the Halloween contest, that TN was obviously disappointed and annoyed by. Why would they take this upon themselves again so soon?


Well-Known Member
I think that TN had other reasons outside the actual inclusion in the game of designs for holding the two contests so, even owning already many ideas for implementing outfits, I think that there are concrete chances for them to hold again 1 or 2 fan contets even during Last Round's lifespan.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think that TN had other reasons outside the actual inclusion in the game of designs for holding the two contests so, even owning already many ideas for implementing outfits, I think that there are concrete chances for them to hold again 1 or 2 fan contets even during Last Round lifespan.

Yes, of course, it was also promotion for the game and promotion and more traffic for their Facebook page and the official page of the game. During the first contest DeadorAliveGame on Facebook jumped nearly 10.000 fans higher. But now fans obviously don't want a Facebook voting anymore and the voting on their official page was allegedly hacked by Japanese fans too. ;)


I still wonder, if we will be able to use Brad's hair down in all the other costumes too, like with the hairstyles for the girls, or if his hair down will be exclusive to this costume. :/


Well-Known Member
i agree 100%, what makes the new outfits exciting not just because they're fan costumes, but because they show the characters individuality and most look badass and i think that's what everyone wants. even the 1st and 2nd batch of halloween costumes were very exciting. all the packs where the characters had individual clothes like the legacy and casual packs were like a hit moreso than the christmas, cops, maids, bath time, etc etc.

i know it probably takes time and resources to create mostly unique costumes but im hoping TN will continue to do so instead or just throw us fetish copy and pastes and the bikini's are just tired. i'd rather DLC take its time and be like, new stages, more unique outfits every couple of months or so rather than a bikini pack for like 4 characters every month just to put something on the market.

I agree.


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course, it was also promotion for the game and promotion and more traffic for their Facebook page and the official page of the game. During the first contest DeadorAliveGame on Facebook jumped nearly 10.000 fans higher. But now fans obviously don't want a Facebook voting anymore and the voting on their official page was allegedly hacked by Japanese fans too. ;)

So now your idea is no more TN falsing the outcome but that Japanese fans hacked the voting pool? I don't want say that is definitely impossible but with my knowledge for me has the same chances than the opposite scenario: how you can be sure of it, someone hinted something about?

EDIT: For claryfing better my statement, if we base everything on the fact that the Halloween contest top 10 weren't "elegant" outfits according to the pov of many Western fans but overall provocative designs, for me this isn't enough for being considered an evidence of hacking when we know that the majority of the voting people were Japanese

Japan love sexy stuffs, Doa is famous for being sexy, and TK is continuing to release (so because evidently commercial succesfull) sexy stuff. There are people outside, Japanese but not only, that like and want to see see similar things in the game, it's impossible to deny it.

Some people could think that to state something similar is offensive, but honestly I'm saying it perfectly ok without a similar intention. Japanese has a difference conception of the sexuality compared to the Western standard, same for the ways to show such interest that meet less taboo between them. Me and the other of us can agree or disagree, share or less their interests, but everything should be fine after it. They want see different things from many (but maybe just some) Western fans and I don't think that this should be enough for condemning them, indipendently from what are the tastes of everyone.

If DoA is a game that is oriented to a worldwide audience, as it is, I would dislike to see an interest overall oriented toward the preferences of the Japanese (or any other) fanbase, because the interest of the people behind the game should be the one to try to appeal everyone. But at the same time, I would also dislike a game that make everything just like I want, simply because even if the better scenario for me I consider it still not a fair one.

The fault on the DLC matters is just this for me, a great preference is given to a peculiar side of the fanbase (even if very likley it's part of the majority and this justify the choices done), and much less is done for the others. I don't condamn copy-paste sexy DLC in themselves, rather this absence of balancement. Bring to me with constancy different things able to satisfy in turn every part of the fandom (from super sexy bikini, to actual outfits, to old classics, to fetish outfits, to individual in-character ones, to jokes ones, to serious ones) and I will be the most happy casual fan of DoA.

Of course all this is just my 2 cents.

PS: On a sidenote, i believe that we aren't the only ones to have noticed how, even if implementing the fanservice in their choice, TN didn't used purposefully many erotic designs sent (and succesfull between the JPN fandom) in the Halloween contest. I considered it a sort of position got from the Team, as "it's right that you want get similar things, but we want anyway to not go so far when we are in charge of what to release (aka not TK asking for sexy DLC)". I believe that we should think that this message could have been got from the voting people of the Halloween contest, that maybe next time could decide to create in a bigger numebr outfits more reasoned under the design and showing less nude skin. I think that we aren't the only ones to want get our outfits in game, be sure that the Japanese fans would do everything they can in the next competition for being the most voted designs AND (overall) also part of the game. If pure fanservice doesn't work, they will adapt themselves.


By the way promote the game is something that I see indipendent from the visibility of the pages used during the pool and that has many other means to be achieved (or kept) through/after the happening of the contests.

They already confirmed that LR will have DLC costumes, right?

I agree with Upside, you will see definitely an year of DLC for Last Round, howevber maybe the old generation of console could end to not get anything of the extra content following the starting DLC at the time of the release.
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Well-Known Member
I think if we see another costume contest in the future, it will a bikini contest for either DOA5LR, DOA6 or DOAX3.

TN already has more than 600+ entries from the previous contests...
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