New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

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Well-Known Member
What do I want from DOA5U:

-new stages
-Leon and Ein. Maybe other old characters.
-new costumes, but leave DOA5 DLC as DLC.
-rebalancing to make more characters work better *coughRigcough*
-rebalancing to make the VF guests play like DOA characters.
-either custom music or soundtrack overhaul. Allow for external music to be used.
-netcode fixing.

In other words, what everybody wants.

well, nothing is going to be done to change the way the virtua fighter characters work. they were given permission to have them as guests, not to alter their styles.


New Member
While i did not no about DOA++, i shall also take that to be a nod to programmers... Which will in turn make DOA5++ a nod to programmers by bein a nod to DOA++ :)


TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I remember you too were the one that doubted me about Momiji eventually being in the game....

I didn't doubt you about Momiji "eventually" being in. I did because you were 100% sure about her being in vanilla even though we all knew the final roster MONTHS before release.


Well-Known Member
I didn't doubt you about Momiji "eventually" being in. I did because you were 100% sure about her being in vanilla even though we all knew the final roster MONTHS before release.
What if maybe she was supposed to be in Vanilla?
What about if Rachel joins, and I call it you doubt me?

Forlorn Penguin

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*sigh* We really had to revive this stupid bullshit argument from over seven months ago?

The point initially, Blaze, was that you were trying to tell us that Momiji was in the vanilla game, that you were 100% certain that she was in the vanilla game, even though every bit of evidence that came up confirmed that she was NOT in the vanilla game. Then the vanilla game came and sure enough, she wasn't there.

You never said that they'll add her later, you said she was already in. The fact that she is now being added to the re-release game seven months later has no relevance to the original argument whatsoever. You were wrong. DOA5++ adding her doesn't change that. No hard feelings or anything, but that's just how it is.

Now can we please forget about this and let it go?


Well-Known Member
*sigh* We really had to revive this stupid bullshit argument from over seven months ago?

The point initially, Blaze, was that you were trying to tell us that Momiji was in the vanilla game, that you were 100% certain that she was in the vanilla game, even though every bit of evidence that came up confirmed that she was NOT in the vanilla game. Then the vanilla game came and sure enough, she wasn't there.

You never said that they'll add her later, you said she was already in. The fact that she is now being added to the re-release game seven months later has no relevance to the original argument whatsoever. You were wrong. DOA5++ adding her doesn't change that. No hard feelings or anything, but that's just how it is.

Now can we please forget about this and let it go?


Active Member
I have the feeling that DOA5U this Year released for this Gen and next Year a Version with better graphics for PS4 & X3!


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if there will be any new info/trailers before E3? it'd be pretty stupid to wait until then for a big reveal when the next gen consoles will be taking all the spotlight during that time


New Member
As much as the initial animation for cliffhangers annoy me (i don't see how u can be punched through a fence to suddenly be a few feet in front of it, rolling backwards towards the ledge) i hope more stages that feature it get added. One of the first shown features and only two stages use it? Bah

And a man can dream, but i'd love to see the tag game work in multi tiered stages... The tag stages r always so dull in comparison
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Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Anyone know if there will be any new info/trailers before E3? it'd be pretty stupid to wait until then for a big reveal when the next gen consoles will be taking all the spotlight during that time

At this time we have no idea. Though I wouldn't be surprised to see the full Leon x Momiji fight revealed before then.


Active Member
As much as the initial animation for cliffhangers annoy me (i don't see how u can be punched through a fence to suddenly be a few feet in front of it, rolling backwards towards the ledge) i hope more stages that feature it get added. One of the first shown features and only two stages use it? Bah

On the other hand, they don't get old quickly. I think it's a good balance.

They could add infinite amount of cliffhangers on the ice stage, so one can be knocked into it over and over. But good thing they didn't.
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Well-Known Member
On the other hand, they doesn't get old quickly. I think it's a good balance.

They could add infinite amount of cliffhangers on the ice stage, so one can be knocked into it over and over. But good thing they didn't.
If you ask me, cliffhangers should be situational. If you use a move like a launcher or something over an edge, they should just be knocked off and fall down to the next tier. But if you use a move that causes them to roll off the edge, like Hitomi's :236::P: for example, then the cliffhanger will activate.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
If you ask me, cliffhangers should be situational. If you use a move like a launcher or something over an edge, they should just be knocked off and fall down to the next tier. But if you use a move that causes them to roll off the edge, like Hitomi's :236::P: for example, then the cliffhanger will activate.

Should just get rid of em.

I mean, just make it so the attacker chooses the animation and make it so the fall doesn't kill.

It adds a layer of strategy on a stage with them because if you're not sure if you can finish a guy with a regular wall combo you may OP to take him off the cliff instead.

I say just let the opponent who sends you off pick the animation of attack, let em both do the same amount of damage and be done with it.

You made a mistake, you have to pay. If you make a mistake you have to pay.

And there needs to be less blow back attacks. Like seriously there are far too many.


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agreed even as a casual player im not fond of the defense during cliffhangers.those things are a pain in the ass to get and usually they are just anticlimactic fails.

hell even if im the one going to die at least ill do it in style


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Standard Donor
Tbh I liked the Alpha Demo health bar and balance so much better than the final DOA5. If they brought back the mechanics from that (Apart from the Infinite Power Blows), I would be more than happy. But hell I still love DOA5. One person will not make a difference. But I did prefer DOA5:AD's balance so much more. Also, we need a better net code. If it's on disk, that is.
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