New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

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Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I got it. Just commenting that DOA5+ to DOA5++ also makes sense.
I wasn't replying to you. Someone else mentioned something about the ++ and most people in general don't know that DoA++ was a thing. The step forward thing was mostly a response to Fork up there. Didn't realize you'd said something similar.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I wasn't replying to you. Someone else mentioned something about the ++ and most people in general don't know that DoA++ was a thing. The step forward thing was mostly a response to Fork up there. Didn't realize you'd said something similar.

I know you weren't targeting me, specifically. Simply stating that I'm among those who do get the reference.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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I consider + a step forward on all fronts that mattered. Very little was removed (tag has never been a draw for me) and a fair amount of useful things were added. Regardless, the ++ would be a nod to DoA++ not programmers or anything else. Not sure most people are actually getting the reference.

If you watched after the trailer one of the tweets said DOA5++! Haha.


Well-Known Member
While I understand people want more VF characters. There shouldn't be anymore, 3 is enough already. This is Dead or Alive, not VF. if they are gonna add another character that's (NEW) then we need a new doa character. I like VF, but seriously 3 characters is enough.

If they are too lazy to make another fresh character from scratch, then pick another guest character. No more VF please. If they wanna make a cross over game go ahead, but this aint it.

While I agree with adding new DOA characters over guest VF characters, I must say, I wouldn't mind seeing just one morre..

It'd have to be Vanessa Lewis though.

Dutch Samurai

Active Member
Seems like a lot of people are of the opinion that as fans of DoA we need to support Team Ninja and go out and buy this game when it comes out. This is tantamount to saying, "I love Burger King (TN) so much that I'll pay them for a meat patty in a bun (DoA5), pay them some more to squirt some ketchup and mustard on it (DLC), hand the burger back to them so they can put a pickle on it (DoA5U), then pay them again to hand it back to me."


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Unless they're aiming this only at old DOA fans I think it's a bad idea,it sounds like it would cause unneeded confusion you have DOA5,DOA5+ which is a portable,and DOA5++ how is that going to seem to someone playing for the first time they're probably gonna be confused as fuck.if they didn't use + to reffer to their portables it wouldn't be problem but since they do I think it's best to pick something else.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Seems like a lot of people are of the opinion that as fans of DoA we need to support Team Ninja and go out and buy this game when it comes out. This is tantamount to saying, "I love Burger King (TN) so much that I'll pay them for a meat patty in a bun (DoA5), pay them some more to squirt some ketchup and mustard on it (DLC), hand the burger back to them so they can put a pickle on it (DoA5U), then pay them again to hand it back to me."
If that burger released more endorphins than a night at the shooting range and that pickle was orgasmic, it would be worth the hassle.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
The VF dudes are fine, all I want are Leon and Ein to come back, more stages and probably a few new modes. Also, fix the stupid stun/hold system and the netcode... the netcode is what put me away from the game for a long while.


Well-Known Member
The VF dudes are fine, all I want are Leon and Ein to come back, more stages and probably a few new modes. Also, fix the stupid stun/hold system and the netcode... the netcode is what put me away from the game for a long while.
I remember you too were the one that doubted me about Momiji eventually being in the game....


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I remember you too were the one that doubted me about Momiji eventually being in the game....
Who cares? You don't work for Team NINJA. You didn't know anything. You made a guess that a character in a franchise that is linked to DoA might possibly end up in the DoA franchise. Doesn't take a rocket scientist. There is literally no other reason to post that to him other than to annoy. Now let it go.

EDIT: Post deleted and warnings handed out. Behave, ladies and gentleman. If it looks like you're trolling and we can't figure out any other reason for a post beyond trolling, you will be warned. Unless you amuse us, in which case we'll likely let it go unless it's offensive to someone.


Active Member
Dutch Samurai
Seems like a lot of people are of the opinion that as fans of DoA we need to support Team Ninja and go out and buy this game when it comes out. This is tantamount to saying, "I love Burger King (TN) so much that I'll pay them for a meat patty in a bun (DoA5), pay them some more to squirt some ketchup and mustard on it (DLC), hand the burger back to them so they can put a pickle on it (DoA5U), then pay them again to hand it back to me."​

Or you could look at it like Burger King selling a burger, the coming back in a couple of months with a better burger. You have to pay for it again but It will probably be a better product.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Someone please go make a food thread in General Discussion. I'm also now very hungry but I can't let a food discussion continue in here beyond the incredibly solid analogies by a couple of you.


Well-Known Member
Wendy's is superior bitches.

I've put in over 200 hours in DOA5, and had a blast with a plethera of new content. This new more complete version will be pretty big if Team Ninja is willing to do another disc release. If you don't want to spend another $40-60 then by all means do not, but we should consider ourselves lucky that our developer is still supporting our game and keeping things fresh. Look at all those poor UMVC3 saps that have to deal with an incomplete roster, infinites, broken teams, etc. . . no matter how much they beg and moan for a new edition or even a patch.


Well-Known Member
Wendy's is superior bitches.

I've put in over 200 hours in DOA5, and had a blast with a plethera of new content. This new more complete version will be pretty big if Team Ninja is willing to do another disc release. If you don't want to spend another $40-60 then by all means do not, but we should consider ourselves lucky that our developer is still supporting our game and keeping things fresh. Look at all those poor UMVC3 saps that have to deal with an incomplete roster, infinites, broken teams, etc. . . no matter how much they beg and moan for a new edition or even a patch.
I agree. It seems TN does listen to our wishes. :)


Well-Known Member
What do I want from DOA5U:

-new stages
-Leon and Ein. Maybe other old characters.
-new costumes, but leave DOA5 DLC as DLC.
-rebalancing to make more characters work better *coughRigcough*
-rebalancing to make the VF guests play like DOA characters.
-either custom music or soundtrack overhaul. Allow for external music to be used.
-netcode fixing.

In other words, what everybody wants.
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