Ninja Gaiden Thread

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
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So I been just randomly reading Hayabusa vs (Instert Ninja) battles and it made me curious

How strong do you think Ryu is by the end of NGRE compared to other people in his class?

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Im not sure what the first sentence meant lol but I think Ryu would destroy Raiden, the only place where I see Raiden has an advantage in is strength


Well-Known Member
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its really hard to tell with Raiden, hes capable of amazing feats like flipping a mech, Zhou Tai level slashes, and running on rockets but he has trouble with Sam...then again this is the same series that had Grey Fox lose to Snake so idk

the Rising games was a massive disappointment id honestly just like to forget about it but these dam VS topics keep popping up.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think in NG4 they should change the way you upgrade weapons

Like level 1-3 you can buy but for level 4, you would have to do a special wave like challenge where at the end you fight a random boss who drops a material which you bring to muramasa and pay a certain fee to upgrade to level 4

Or same as above but the item is dropped by a specific boss so by playing on a higher difficulty the chance of the correct boss spawning increases

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I have the worst luck in the world, every god damn time I do a solo trial I always have to die when im so close to victory -.-



Really hope Team Ninja announces something/anything at TGS (either on Ninja Gaiden or another new game). Just getting a bit impatient and getting tired of only ever hearing about DOA5 costumes/hairstyles dlc....