"Now For Business..." General DOA5 Christie Gameplay Discussion


New Member
I've benign grinding command training in order to become more instinctual with Christie's move set. Does anyone know a way to change Christie's facing other than 66k to make the process more bearable?


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Do you feel if Dojo comes up on random stage select then Christie is at a severe disadvantage?
No, I don't.

But that's because I play her as if she's at a disadvantage in every stage. I want to force the opponent to play my game, not the other way around.


Active Member
No, I don't.

But that's because I play her as if she's at a disadvantage in every stage. I want to force the opponent to play my game, not the other way around.
I also find characters like Hayate and Hayabusa to be easier to fight against in the Dojo stage :D


Active Member
I haven't read all nine pages of findings so far, but here's my observations as a new player, unbiased as I haven't played doa4 and independent of what others might have said.

I see Christie as a rushdown character with a very flexible mixup game and a complex , permanent offense. Her parries and throws both were meant to further this process and in every situation where she could be held, there is a fakeout and mixup option.

The only bias I have is a friend of mine said she's unsafe. It doesn't seem like it to me. To me it seems like she can commit to explosive burst damage and be unsafe or keep being safe and deal steady damage. Win/Win situation. Her hardest matchup would be Zack in my opinion who has an even greater damage potential.


Active Member
I haven't read all nine pages of findings so far, but here's my observations as a new player, unbiased as I haven't played doa4 and independent of what others might have said.

I see Christie as a rushdown character with a very flexible mixup game and a complex , permanent offense. Her parries and throws both were meant to further this process and in every situation where she could be held, there is a fakeout and mixup option.

The only bias I have is a friend of mine said she's unsafe. It doesn't seem like it to me. To me it seems like she can commit to explosive burst damage and be unsafe or keep being safe and deal steady damage. Win/Win situation. Her hardest matchup would be Zack in my opinion who has an even greater damage potential.
Sadly, your friend is correct. Christie is one of the most unsafe characters in the game, with only her basic "p," her jab combo ender punch (which can be charged for a guard break,) and 3 punches from her jakeiho stance being safe. Christie has no safe kicks or low attacks, and in some cases is so unsafe that she'll guarantee her opponent a free launcher. In most cases Christie has to rely on an overwhelming offence and her "fakeout" jakeiho stance (fakeouto?) to bait punishable holds. An opponent that thinks they know Christie will be your favorite opponent.


Active Member
I really like the Shutai throw. Correct me if am I wrong, but I'm not sure if it has any guaranteed setup from it. I usually follow up with a :6::6::K: (not guaranteed, can be held). I do so mostly because it's what I did in DOA4, lol.

Am I missing something? =/
I've been working nonstop to try to figure this one out completely, to be honest. I've tried everything I can think of and 66k seems to be the most effective, although like you said, not guaranteed... If Christie get's any editing in the patch, I only hope that the distance between you and the opponent after the Shutai is shortened just a wee bit. I feel like that wouldn't violate any balance issues, but then again, I'm no pro (or dev.)

Also, I've recently taken a great liking to 8pp. I couldn't stand using it at first due to the telegraphed initiation. But jeez louise, this move is great for punishing low wakeup kicks!


Active Member
do you mean the OH? Her OH guarantees a 66K
Sadly, her Shutai throw is not an OH, just a high crush grab.
Even worse, the frame advantage from the grab is a stun that can be countered out of. The 66k jump is the only attack I've found that can reach an opponent in time, but most opponents will anticipate it and catch it with a mid-kick hold. To see this in action, set the CPU to hold out of stun instead of just on reaction.
Such a shame that this move has the potential to be one of Christie's most powerful tools, but falls short simply due to distance...

In other news, has any one else noticed that the JAK k acts... strangely? After the Limbo stun, you don't have enough time to use the CB. If you attempt to p or 2p to continue the stun, it instead resets it... The most luck I've found is with a 2pp launch, but I feel like that's pretty weak for a follow up. Anyone else have better luck?


Active Member
Is Shutai throw that one that comes off of 2+P+H and her stance backdash? You have a gaurenteed 66PP afterward that puts the opponent in critical stun.

What really annoys me about that throw is that all of the start ups for it are predictable. If the opponent gets hit by her low kick he/she can simply hold 2 and the throw attempt will miss. Her only other option is the low punch which isn't a mix up.


Active Member
Is Shutai throw that one that comes off of 2+P+H and her stance backdash?
Yep, that's her Shutai throw. You can also use it off of pp2k.
You have a gaurenteed 66PP afterward that puts the opponent in critical.
Nope. Doesn't reach in time to avoid a block.
Hey guys. Sorry for the delay with the post of the Christie summary. Just fell ill the last two days. Will post something by tomorrow :)
I was starting to think I was talking to myself here, heh. Hope you unearthed some tech that the rest of us missed.


Active Member
Yep, that's her Shutai throw. You can also use it off of pp2k.

Nope. Doesn't reach in time to avoid a block.

Try again.

You have to delay the first punch so that you input a dash first to cover the distance. It takes some practice but it will connected if done right. Might be character specific. Start off by using it on Rig and experiment with the other characters.


Active Member
Try again.

You have to delay the first punch so that you input a dash first to cover the distance. It takes some practice but it will connected if done right. Might be character specific. Start off by using it on Rig and experiment with the other characters.
Alright, I'll give it a shot.

Edit: While it's very awesome that you can reach the threshold with a natural combo off the Shutai, Rig can still hold the mid punch out of critical stun. I don't have a capture card, so I can't show you myself, but set the CPU to:
Critical Hold: Fastest
Critical Hold Type: Mid Punch Hold
and the CPU will catch the 66p every time. The problem is that unlike Jann Lee's Dragon Gunner, the Shutai throw induces a stun, which can be held out of. Unless I'm doing something else wrong, the Shutai throw does not guarantee anything, but is still pretty darn close.


Active Member
Just tested it and you are correct on it being holdable. Isn't "fastest" a frame window though? It's not as big of a concern as how hard it is to land the throw in the first place. Either way you have a pretty sweet mix up between 66PP and a hold punish..


Active Member
Just tested it and you are correct on it being holdable. Isn't "fastest" a frame window though? It's not as big of a concern as how hard it is to land the throw in the first place. Either way you have a pretty sweet mix up between 66PP and a hold punish..
Word. It's difficult to place the hold against 66PP and even harder against 66K, but either way it's a nice 50/50.

Quick note: I found out that while running, P+K = 2369P (Dokuja-Hiten) Nice little way to put a normally offensive pressure-killing command in, and remember folks, that punch has decent knockback and crushes wakeup kicks.


I've been looing around the site and it seems like, either people haven't found them yet, or people don't wanna share these informations. but christie is better than ever because in addition to everything she has, there are a couple hidden moves that are not in her move lists or the command training:

She can go ino her stance from those moves: (add :2:or :8::+: :P+K: after the moves just like you would do after her :6::P:,:P:)
1) :6::K:

Use those effectively and christie wont get predictable. ;)


Active Member
Looks like I've been eating my words from a few weeks ago in a BIG way. I'm just having too much fun playing her win or lose regardless of the effort put in and if I win or lose. Can't drop her now.