Pre-Release DOA5U Videos from TN

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Well-Known Member
I would prove you wrong but a wise men once said.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

Tbanks for the quote, now I'll know not to talk to ignnorant people who know absolutly nothing about certian characters :)


Well-Known Member
These videos were difficult to watch...A whole lot of ppp going on. I want to chalk it up to the Jan Lee player just being terrible but I fear the worst and that his dragon gunner was nerfed.

Basically all I got out of these videos was that we keep hearing about all these nerfs and these videos didn't really show anything that improved the game. It still looks the same just now with weaker tools. I feel like its going to be DoA4 all over again.

That's a little hasty of a conclusion to come to there. The players, devs or not clearly weren't taking advantage of the games knew mechanics, missing bound (Kasumi) and Sit down stun (Jacky) followups left and right and other potential things.

I haven't actually seen any weaker tools with the exception of Jann Lee's dragon gunner MAYBE only guaranteeing 66K now which imo should have been how it was from the start. Just take away the ridiculous recovery it has on hit. That's for another discussion though.

Not even almost seeing how this looks like DOA4 in it's current state, even if you ended up being right and the game got worse that's still a gross exaggeration.

Expect the worst and you wont be disappointed.

This is true, but expecting the worst and claiming the worst are two different things. All we saw was semi competent gameplay videos today. Now, after Summer Jam comes and goes and a nice chunk of the community comes back with new info, if they say it's DOA4 again or simply DOA5.1? Yeah, go ahead and come to the conclusion.

Until then, don't hold your breath but don't breathe all the oxygen in either.

She looks like the mix between Ryu/Hatate mixed with Leon/Bayman. E-E TN needs some originality

Not quite, she's nothing like the first two and the only thing she has in common with Leon/Bayman is maybe a throw animation, and that's in tag. She also has a variation of Ein's low kick hold, is she a clone of him too?

she isn't anything like either of those four and she is very original and badass, quite hating on her

Also wrong however. She's only so original as she's a replacement for the DOA4 guest character Spartan (Nicole) who was a female character from Halo in Spartan armor similar to the Master Chief's. Who's style in question was much more similar to Leon's and Bayman's. Rachel actually is a lot more original but a lot of Spartan's moves have been passed down to her.

As far as my own opinion of her? I should keep it to myself but all I'll say is I wish she had a costume that didn't give off a... fetish vibe.

You two bicker pointlessly, it's giving me a headache.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't claim anything. Just stating the impression I got from the videos...We don't exactly have a lot of info floating around. I'm simply just expecting the worst. If TN pulls out a miracle, great, if not, well I'm done with the franchise then.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah she has a very few moves simular to Spartan, but she is still very original. Ya act as if they copied and pasted her entire moveset

Also even if part of her moveset is simular to Spartans who cares, it's not like she'll ever return

Her costume 2 (blue suit) isn't fetish like, and don't worry I'm gonna stop arguing about this shit because her being so called "unoriginal" is no more then an opinion, and I won't give you a headache because ya know, I could do that <_<


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well, to see what Zeo and Hades were talking about I hit the "show ignored content button" and now have my weekly dose of Raansu, grap3 and Momiji-Baybee.

If TN pulls out a miracle, great, if not, well I'm done with the franchise then.
Oh, please. We both know that even if you claimed to hate the game you'd still play it 24/7 just like DOA5.

GodlyHades is partially right in that virtually all of Leon's "new" stuff has also been given to Rachel, among other things. They will really have to buff up his frame data to keep him viable in light of Spartan and others. She also has a few Bayman-type moves that were stolen from Bayman by Spartan and again stolen from Spartan by Rachel.

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
Please no more Rachel arguments, those are getting really annoying now

Anywho, these are some great vids, I say the Rachel vs Jacky one was the best. Got to see some good moves from Rachel, god can she kick ass or what?

I'm really glad she and Momiji are joing the DOA cast and Leon and Ein are returning. Also great to see Jacky joining the VF crew. I can't wait until September


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
TN needs some originality

Well, to see what Zeo and Hades were talking about I hit the "show ignored content button" and now have my weekly dose of Raansu, grap3 and Momiji-Baybee.
He probably won't see this but I want to see what about my posts in this thread were so awful. Then I will break him.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
gotta love the gaming community. before it was "i can't wait to see DOA5U game play." "i really want to see _____ played in a match." now that finally happens and i see a thread made up of 90% complainers. gripes and moans left and right just after getting what most of us wanted for a while.
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Well-Known Member
gotta love the gaming community. before it was "i can't wait to see DOA5U game play." "i really want to see _____ played in a match." now that finally happens and no i see a thread made up of 90% complainers. gripes and moans left and right just after getting what most of us wanted for a while.

No, what most of us wanted was competent gameplay videos showing off the so called new mechanics. What we got was a bunch of button mashers that spammed ppp strings over and over and dropped several juggles and didn't utilize any of the new mechanics. The videos showed us nothing.

At least when they did this back before vanilla doa5 launched they had people like mochi-a playing who were competent in doa and we got to see decent gameplay and during the majority of the development of the game we got new information all the time. The information about 5U on a gameplay level has been extremely hush hush and the videos we have gotten have been mostly terrible.

For an "ultimate" edition, they are doing a terrible job promoting information to the more dedicated crowd.


These videos were difficult to watch...A whole lot of ppp going on. I want to chalk it up to the Jan Lee player just being terrible but I fear the worst and that his dragon gunner was nerfed.

Basically all I got out of these videos was that we keep hearing about all these nerfs and these videos didn't really show anything that improved the game. It still looks the same just now with weaker tools. I feel like its going to be DoA4 all over again.

So you just completely ignored the lower gravity, new moves, new sit down stuns, new bounds during juggles.... but have somehow found the time to envision a nerf that probably doesn't even exist and made it a point to bitch about non-high-level players playing at a non-high-level.



Well-Known Member
So you just completely ignored the lower gravity, new moves, new sit down stuns, new bounds during juggles.... but have somehow found the time to envision a nerf that probably doesn't even exist and made it a point to bitch about non-high-level players playing at a non-high-level.


None of these morons knew how to juggle so there is no point in commenting on the gravity since there is no substance to really go on especially since the one time we see a max threshold launch was against a heavy character juggling up a slope and I don't give a damn about tag. There is very little to go on in that aspect and at best its going to slightly alter juggles, big whoop ($20 says most of the juggles remain unchanged.)

Yay new moves....Too bad none of them knew how to play so there is nothing to go on about those either.

Cool, new sit down stuns... No one in these videos utilized slow escaping so we have no idea how good or how useless they are. For all we know they could be completely useless like 90% of the current sit down stuns.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
None of these morons knew how to juggle so there is no point in commenting on the gravity since there is no substance to really go on especially since the one time we see a max threshold launch was against a heavy character juggling up a slope and I don't give a damn about tag. There is very little to go on in that aspect and at best its going to slightly alter juggles, big whoop ($20 says most of the juggles remain unchanged.)

Yay new moves....Too bad none of them knew how to play so there is nothing to go on about those either.

Cool, new sit down stuns... No one in these videos utilized slow escaping so we have no idea how good or how useless they are. For all we know they could be completely useless like 90% of the current sit down stuns.
the same morons that gave us this game to play in the first place...>_> talking about looking a gift horse in the mouth.
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