Raidou Confirmed - More News Coming


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After being hinted, leaked and then later confirmed by Team NINJA, Raidou finally has a reveal trailer that showcases his gameplay exclusively. This was a smart play from Team NINJA considering he was hardly chosen at offline events, and was shrugged off by many fighters in the community as one of the worst heavy characters in DOA5. Team NINJA has been trying to keep Raidou's story and dialogue with the characters a secret, but we can all deduct that he will likely be the main villain of DOA6, and probably has his own playable chapter in the story mode for the first time.

DOA6s system works better for not only Raidou, but all of the heavy characters in the game. A player using Raidou could strategically spend their meter on break holds to boost their evasiveness since they already deal heavy damage without the need of a break blow. His thunderous slaps return as an air throw, and when you combine the fatal stun mechanic and his break blow; Raidou has more combo potential than ever before.

Players in the community are already dissecting the cyborg in his new subforum, and Destruction Bomb had a lot to say pertaining to his current changes shown in the reveal trailer:

- Oh yeah, PP4PK. The last hit of the move can be side stepped. Heck, you can even freestep it. Hopefully there's more advantage off that GB since he has no GBs above +5 with the exception of the fireball which is slow, reactable, and only useful near a wall for a guaranteed P.

- I actually felt his 6KK (last hit) with the moderate knockback removal into a stun was an improvement. I'm curious if it still wall splats near a wall though (which if it didn't, it'd be a bit of a buff and a nerf mix at the same time). What's a wallsplat stun variation? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :ninja: (Ninja smoke activate)

- 1P string looks like it took a hit. Specifically the first hit. Bass might of been hit with this too now that I think about it. The thing with 1P is that the stun becomes a side trip stun on CH. On water you can land guarantees off it since low stuns vary on water or any slippery surfaces. Raidou in DOA5LR is actually particularly dangerous if he's on water with 1P. 1PP becomes a natural combo into a juggle combo and the followup can't be held if he landed the string on CH via water. Honestly, it might not be as bad as one though it would be, 50/50 on this.

- 33KP can be more common now, I'd say that's pretty cool. Someone did the move on a Twitter and it's +1 now instead of neutral. Not a ultra improvement, but better than nothing I guess.
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While we all knew he would be back since last round, I'm a bit disappointed that this obviously means 6 wont have a new boss. I feel like all future bosses for the series will just be clones or cyborgs of dead characters. I'm sure even when Donovan eventually becomes a final boss, he could likely just have Genra's moves since he has his mask.


Well-Known Member
While we all knew he would be back since last round, I'm a bit disappointed that this obviously means 6 wont have a new boss. I feel like all future bosses for the series will just be clones or cyborgs of dead characters. I'm sure even when Donovan eventually becomes a final boss, he could likely just have Genra's moves since he has his mask.
I hope Donovan will be the Boss or Miyako =)


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Okay but let’s not make Donovan the topic of a Raidou thread. Let my ma(i)n have his moment.


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I have a bad feeling that Nyo and Raidou aren't getting a lot of changes done to them.
I won't be surprised if they don't tbh, Marie Rose and Honoka weren't changed that much besides a couple new moves and phase and Nyo don't really have much new stuff besides Phase's Tele-cancel into neutral and Nyo has a couple new stuff too.

I think with the new characters added in since Ultimate that's pretty much how they're gonna play besides a few revisions here and there since there's not much to really fix about them

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
While we all knew he would be back since last round, I'm a bit disappointed that this obviously means 6 wont have a new boss. I feel like all future bosses for the series will just be clones or cyborgs of dead characters. I'm sure even when Donovan eventually becomes a final boss, he could likely just have Genra's moves since he has his mask.
It’s unlikely, but I’m hoping Raidou isn’t the actual boss, but in-game is just a mass-produced soldier. We see NiCO working on a Raidou-bot in her reveal, after all.


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It’s unlikely, but I’m hoping Raidou isn’t the actual boss, but in-game is just a mass-produced soldier. We see NiCO working on a Raidou-bot in her reveal, after all.

Everyone wants Victor Donovan's ass. Hell I wanted him bad as the boss for DOA6, but I have a feeling the story will not get completely resolved there. Donovan seems like Team NINJA's trump card for the whole future of DOAs narrative.

In other news, I talked to Master today about a few things that haven't been translated well to the community. One of those things being Raidou's reveal trailer. He doesn't know for sure, but claims there have been zero talks about creating one.

My guess is this: there will be a final trailer that showcases him at some point, but he will not be the focal point of the trailer.


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It’s unlikely, but I’m hoping Raidou isn’t the actual boss, but in-game is just a mass-produced soldier. We see NiCO working on a Raidou-bot in her reveal, after all.

I don't know about the earlier games but when 4 was revealed, they showed Alpha very early on so we knew she was the final boss. I doubt TN would make a new final boss without revealing it before launch to get people interested in trying them out (assuming they were playable).

Raidou is most definitely the final boss but for me, the question becomes will he die at the end of the story (again) or escape and come back for DOA7? Either way, since MIST can now either resurrect or clone a dead character, it looks like death is no longer a big deal in the series :rolleyes:*.

*Keep in mind; death was hardly a big deal in the Ninja Gaiden games either due to the Talisman of rebirth and the fact that Ryu DID die at the start of the Xbox games and he was revived due to ninja magic.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
I don't know about the earlier games but when 4 was revealed, they showed Alpha very early on so we knew she was the final boss. I doubt TN would make a new final boss without revealing it before launch to get people interested in trying them out (assuming they were playable).

Raidou is most definitely the final boss but for me, the question becomes will he die at the end of the story (again) or escape and come back for DOA7? Either way, since MIST can now either resurrect or clone a dead character, it looks like death is no longer a big deal in the series :rolleyes:*.

*Keep in mind; death was hardly a big deal in the Ninja Gaiden games either due to the Talisman of rebirth and the fact that Ryu DID die at the start of the Xbox games and he was revived due to ninja magic.
That's a fair point, but I have two other reasons why I think Raidou won't be the Big Bad:

1) Boss characters aren't usually playable out of the box at launch (they're usually unlockable or later DLC).

2) It's established that cyborg Raidou is basically brainless. He's not really revived or brought back to life, but rather a mindless zombie that has Raidou's power, with no memories or personality beyond "evil." That to me suggests he's a tool of a bigger force. I know Alpha-152 sort of falls under this category, but she was actually someone with a personality, it just degraded over several games and she turned evil.

I dunno, cyber-Raidou just seems like a weapon, and doesn't stack up to prior Big Bads like a deranged Kasumi Clone, Genra, or Bankotsubo. DOA bosses aren't generally mind-blowing, but they usually have a little more agency.


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I think he's actually quite alive. He still says things that don't appear to be programmed, and he also grows hair and still has fleshy parts. I think that there will be the big bambino Raidou and his minions which will definitely be pure robot.

Phase 4 can also think. In fact her emotions of not wanting to fight go beyond her programming.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
I'm mainly going on his bio/description in official sources, which do say that his memories are all gone except for a general desire for destruction. And yeah, Phase 4 has a mind and everything, which makes sense because she's a clone. I just question whether a zombie Raidou is going to have much mental agency.


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I want an "Oh shit!" moment from DOA6's boss and Raidou doesn't have that. The last boss that did that for me was BBCF's Susanoo because no one expected it so everyone lost their minds when they found him. He was also pretty good gameplay wise. A new boss character would be nice since it could move the story further.

On another note, I want there to be a playable robot Raidou costume.


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Raidou has not really changed, what a shame. His superforce costume (with the cape) is his second costume.

Crimson looks okay, no need for it to come back but the revamp is interesting.


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Raidou is one of the better end bosses for 6. Raidou being an end boss isn’t a “wow, what a gag” moment, but he is one hell of a end boss. I don’t get why a end boss has to be hidden behind a lock or paywall in order to be considered an end boss to certain people. This whole “you have to pay first” idea for a boss character is honestly really stupid. Raidou isn’t the only end boss of DOA6, NiCO, Nyo and Phase 4 seem like end bosses to me as well. Raidou is really good villain, a good villain is a character everybody hates. Most people hate Raidou, which is why he is such a good Villain. It’s a shame Raidou didn’t get any new costumes but that was to be expected, TN doesn’t really favour male characters. They rather play dress up with the female cast instead of creating cool costumes for the male characters. A shame, honestly.