Soul Calibur Thread


Active Member
so I'm unaffected.
Personally I'm unaffected too.
Played soooooo much SC2 in arcades that in the end I got used to the english voices and when I got it home I kept voices on ENG because of habit.
But in spite of my personal tastes, it's still a shame they removed them, no reason to do that really.

No earthly concept as to why there would be no lobbies though. They better fix that.
For a live arcade game that sounds like too big of an addition.
But they could easily add a "rematch?" prompt at the end of fights.
Personally I'd love being able to see who your opponent picks up (in non ranked matches at leasts) and being able to set the energy to various values. I always feel matches are too fast with the default energy >.>


Well-Known Member
Downloaded it for PS3. I downloaded the X360 demo too but have to try it still.
Some comments on the spur of the moment, which I might take back later.

+ Overall it looks good, there some nice new effects redone from zero and it's nice. New menus are cool and such
- The missing stuff (JP voices, theatre etc), while I wasn't particularly interested in them personally, is unjustified imho, there was no need to cut those parts off
+ Gameplay is still there, doesn't seem they fixed any of the bugs/issues of the original european version but I won't complain. It plays the same way as the old version, didn't notice any major difference in the input buffer (it's still the same huge awesome Input buffer from SC1/2). It's way smoother than the X360 emulated version (several slowdowns) or the Xbox 720p version (as above, slowdowns). The rare and occasional slowdowns present even in the original Arcade/Xbox/GC version during certain specific unblockable moves are completely absent here (noticed some small occasional slowdowns on inferno's stage though...)
? Online mode looks like the online mode of a game which came out 10 years ago. No rooms, limited set of options, no skip of intros... it all feels strange. Altough it's better than not having online I suppose (looking at you, SC1!)
? Game looks "strange". No I'm not talking just about the energy bars. It's just that some things feel... off place. Like the shiny pants of Kilik's second costume, and some other aspects too. I get the impression that they used the PS2 version because while some things look better than the Xbox version, some others look worse. At least at first sight.
- There are some bugs with audio (the fight introduction voice sometimes continues to play even if you skip the dialogue) and some occasional bugs with stages (seen a strange popup once in the Astaroth stage)
+ Playing with Heihachi and Spawn at the same time is so cool :D (and despite me hating comics and Spawn, I have to say once more that Spawn has such an incredibly awesome moveset, he's so fun to play, you gotta try him guys!)

In Light of this I feel 18.99 for PS3 and 19.99 for X360 is a bit too much, they should have worked more.
I wouldn't suggest this game except to REAL hardcore fans of SC2 who really intend to play it a lot. If you want to just do a game or two, think twice before spending 20€.
I don't regret it because I know I'm gonna play it a lot and I still consider SC2 my personally favourite episode of the saga, but I sure think they could have worked a bit more on the game instead that this partially disappointing conversion.
A game such as SC2 definitely deserved more.
This is what disappoints people. The fact that they could have done so much more that the small bits they did suddenly do not feel as satisfying enough.
The extra modes are still there. Play Weapon Master. It was the same way with the original.


Active Member
I used the wrong words. I didn't mean the "Extra modes" with the exact nomenclature.
I meant it as a generic term.
There are a couple of things missing (and a couple of new ones too) but I don't exactely remember what right now.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I'm glad I hadn't purchased the game yet. I honestly feel I'm just gonna pass on it, based on what I've been hearing about it. It was pretty poorly done in the online department, which was the main selling point for it since our old PS2/Xbox/GCN copies didn't have online play before and we can still use them to play offline.

No lobbies, bad netcode, no rematches, 2 round matches, and not being able to skip victory poses are all just idiotic decisions. Plus, the lack of Japanese voices hurts it pretty bad for me too, because I loath the English dubs.

Above all, the no lobbies thing is what really kills it for me though because the other issues could possibly be fixed via patches. I doubt that integrating an entire lobby system is something that can simply be patched in though. The game just seems to be a bust. Period.
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Active Member
Don't be so confident on the bad netcode.
I didn't test it enough but while I wouldn't put the game among the best netcodes around, it doesn't seem THAT bad to me.
Average maybe?

The rematches thing I feel it might be coming with a small patch in the future. I would't count on lobbies though.
The 2 rounds is just for ranked, for all the other fights you can select the number of rounds yourself.
English dubs were pretty good in SC2 altough it's not my intention to convince you, I too think that it was a very bad choice to leave them out despite me being used to eng voices on SC2.


Well-Known Member
I used the wrong words. I didn't mean the "Extra modes" with the exact nomenclature.
I meant it as a generic term.
There are a couple of things missing (and a couple of new ones too) but I don't exactely remember what right now.
Please, do elaborate. I'm fairly sure all of the old modes are other, you just have to go through Weapon Master to unlock them. Which general modes are you talking about?


Active Member
I'm talking about JP voices and another thing which I forgot, I need to get back home to tell you exactely what it is.
I read on a post on 8-way run but I can't find the thread again.
It was something like some collections missing into gallery mode or something missing in theatre mode.


Well-Known Member
This sounds really disappointing. When I first heard of SCII HD Online it sounded like a dream and was a must by for me. I should feel tortured right now at the fact that I don't have it yet but everything I've heard has me feeling somewhat relieved I didn't crack and spend 20 dollars on this.

Think I might just pass on this until it's convenient to grab it, and that's if anyone is even playing anymore.


Active Member
I can't say I regret spending those 18€, because I know I'm gonna enjoy my time with SC2.
But at the same time I can't deny the disappointment at such a rushed conversion.
Which wasn't that rushed at all considering how much time it took them.

When an emulator runs the game (almost) better than a professional HD re-edition you know something has gone seriously wrong.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I played around a bit with Soulcalibur II HD Online tonight, casually of course. Some of those animations did not particularly age well. Lol

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Since Unbreakable Souls is confirmed, I think the record function should return (taking it out from the game was unnecessary in the first place). I think they should make like Tekken's. It gives you the option to look at the CPU's full command list and see what you can do to punish it. Maybe they can add the frame advantage of that specific move too.


Well-Known Member
I want Unbreakable Souls to be a SCV update to spite the SCV haters to be completely honest... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I want Unbreakable Souls to be a SCV update to spite the SCV haters to be completely honest... :rolleyes:
That would be a very easy way to kill any minor amount of interest I have in it, lol

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I just hope they don't rush this game like last time. God forbid them selling Unbreakable Souls when it's only 25% complete *shrugs*
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