Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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Funny thing is, how is it that I can find everyone on Tekken 7 but it takes ages on DOA6?

I hope they do come out with a DOA6 Hardcore. Give us a proper DOA6 please. I'm gonna say it, this is DOA5.5. But it's still FUN!
Because less people play DOA, everyone and their mother owns Tekken since its a more popular franchise but I think 1/6 of the people who bought Tekken 7 the first week bought DOA6. And I hope we don't get another release of DOA6 since it'll be a DOA5 situation all over again. I think once the Character DLC begins pouring in more people will get into it again

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Because less people play DOA, everyone and their mother owns Tekken since its a more popular franchise but I think 1/6 of the people who bought Tekken 7 the first week bought DOA6. And I hope we don't get another release of DOA6 since it'll be a DOA5 situation all over again. I think once the Character DLC begins pouring in more people will get into it again

That's pretty much what's going to happen...
People are going to show up again regardless to see how Mai and the other KOF character translates to DOA6 and by that time hopefully all of the kinks are finally ironed out by that point.
It also helps that regardless of DOA6's issues, people are still genuinely hyped over DOA World Championship and want it to succeed.

There's alot to not be happy about with DOA6, but I do feel that continuing the air of cynicism and negativity with no real outlet just creates a bad spiral all-around. And no, I'm not saying don't criticize KT or TN still having issues creating lobbies or crap like that, I'm saying that being constantly doomsaying helps no one and just keeps the cycle of negativity flowing.
It's easier to be negative than it ever is to be positive.


Premium Donor
That's pretty much what's going to happen...
People are going to show up again regardless to see how Mai and the other KOF character translates to DOA6 and by that time hopefully all of the kinks are finally ironed out by that point.
It also helps that regardless of DOA6's issues, people are still genuinely hyped over DOA World Championship and want it to succeed.

There's alot to not be happy about with DOA6, but I do feel that continuing the air of cynicism and negativity with no real outlet just creates a bad spiral all-around. And no, I'm not saying don't criticize KT or TN still having issues creating lobbies or crap like that, I'm saying that being constantly doomsaying helps no one and just keeps the cycle of negativity flowing.
It's easier to be negative than it ever is to be positive.
Yeah, pretty much alot of the posts I see in regards to DOA6 are negative and depressing and it gets exhausting so I feel it's best to just look forward, especially since its about to be April and we're getting more DLC and such then so I'm not really bothered since I'm pretty content with everything as a whole right now

My only issue is the DLC practice, I only wanted to buy Kasumi and Phase and Eliot but I had to literally pay like 2 $19.99 payments for characters I don't even use xD


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Speaking of DOA6 Ultimate: I expect it in the second half of 2020 when PS5 and Xbox 2 release. I can see it being handled similarly to DOA5LR and its jump to next gen/current gen.


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Graphics mode improved for Tyaren, confirmed? :)

It better is on PS5, lol.

So you see we are getting the update too rather than buying a new copy like DOA5LR?

Hm... I can see both happening. The PS5 and Xbox2 will very likely have backwards compatibility (that's what insiders expect/predict at least), so you should be able to use the same copy (physical or digital) and just pay for an upgrade to DOA6U. I guess the upgrade will be possible on the old consoles as well, but without the graphical update. I'm sure there will be a new physical/digital game copy available for PS5 and Xbox2 as well.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
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