The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
I think it's more than the shoes...
Yeah I know, its the whole thing but the pants aren't half bad.......weeell unfortunately if you compare it to his other costumes (its much better than those gay ass leather tight pants lol) it doesn't his personality at all.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Eins halloween outfit but ill prolly buy it anyway so it doesn't feel awkward when I'm facin someone else in a halloween outfit. Its better than his C3 at least. C1 remains the best Ein outfit.


Well-Known Member
This DLC is the best we have gotten for the entire game. Please Team Ninja, if you do read these boards... keep this kind of stuff going. It seems like so much detail was put into this pack as well as the stage. All the little sounds and Halloween themed material threw it was awesome. My favorite was the torture chamber bit with the skeleton hanging through the gate. It brought back sooooo many memories fighting at Lorlei. HAPPY! Well worth my purchases.


Well-Known Member
If you remove the horns, wings, corset and replace those stoopid shoes with the boots from C1 and you'd have an awesome costume

Not only would it be lame, but it would be to related to his C3 and wouldn't fit the halloween theme

Idk why some people hatting on it, it was a really really great costume and had alot of personality


Well-Known Member
Milas pumpkin outfit still the hell off. Love the top, gloves and stockings, but absolutely hate the hat and skirt.

Leons Spartan outfit looks better qith his shades.on though.


Well-Known Member
Apropos Devil Jin:
Are most (or all) of the costumes homages to other characters in the gaming world or generel pop culture?







Or am I imagining things... x__X'

It's not references to other games, its both games having a generic mythology outfit. Angel, Chinese vampire, cherub.


Well-Known Member
Stop whining thats an epic costume.
Who said I was whining? I was just saying that without the gimmicks it could have been a cool costume and besides, it's not really that "epic" that title belongs to his C1, and you can't tell me the corset doesn't look ridiculous.

Now, I know WHY they did it Ying and Yang and all that, Hayate is for Justice and defeating evil, while Ein just wants to punch people across the room.

Not only would it be lame, but it would be to related to his C3 and wouldn't fit the halloween theme

Idk why some people are hating on it, it is a really really great costume and has alot of personality
I'm not hating on it, I said it before and I'll say it again I like the costume it's just the corset and the gimmicky shoes I dislike(that and the fact that he genuinely could have gotten a cool DoA2U costume back) and it would look nothing like his C3 why would you think that? because it'd be shirtless?

Now, costumes I do hate is Jann Lee's and Hayabusa's that's because they're just plain stupid Mummy Hayabusa really? Ninja of the Future would have fit the whole dress up thing and it would have been badass unlike being covered in tissue paper and I have no words for Jann Lee's.
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