The Official Dead or Alive 5 Tier List with Discussion thread

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
vs Bass 6-4
vs Lei-Fang 6-4

I would only disagree with those two, the others I agree or don't know enough about the matchup to comment on.

I feel Bass v Tina is straight even. Bass might be a bit slower but Tina provides him the opportunity to get in attacks with her slightly faster speed. Bass will also do just as much hold punishment as Tina if not more, and I think Bass takes better advantage of the environment. Tina has a good stun mixup game and a better back-turned pressure game but I don't feel it's enough to push her in an advantage over her father.

Leifang v Tina is in favor of Leifang. This is primarily due to many of Tina's best tools being mid kicks. However, in addition to that, Leifang I don't feel has to sweat it as she can choose to be in the offensive or defensive position in the match and win in both cases. She is also a character that is comfortable being in stun due to her hold capabilities and guaranteed juggle/combo damage. I also feel she has a better environmental game over Tina but feel that it's only slightly in Leifang's advantage.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough Mr.Wah, i'll edit them, the thing about Bass that i think is murder for in this version is the ability to move before get ready fight and is easily harassed by literary everyone, and if you guess the first move let alone put him in a heavy stun its an uphill battle.

But also dont think Lei is that hard, she's an easy read, not that safe and is open to hi counter throws half the time.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
I'll try to post Tina's match ups in my honest opinion, now to save on bad English and in time i'll just do the numbers and if i'm wrong or you want me to elaborate and correct a pair i will do in a reply.

Here goes nothing

vs Kasumi 4-6
vs Hayabusa 6-4
vs Brad Wong 5-5
vs Eliot 5-5
vs Mila 6-4
vs Helena 6-4
vs Lisa 5-5
vs Kokoro 5-5
vs Akira 5-5
vs Gen-Fu 5-5
vs Bayman 5-5
vs Christie 4-6
vs Sarah 4-6
vs Pai 6-4
vs Rig 5-5
vs Bass 5-5
vs Jann-Lee 4-6
vs Lei-Fang 5-5
vs Zack 5-5
vs Hitomi 5-5
vs Ayane 5-5
vs Hayate 5-5

Can't go wrong with Tina :)


Well-Known Member
Don't see Tina vs Alpha there... Pre 1.03 I would've said that's 6-4 in Alpha's favor but after the nerf to 7K it's probably 5-5 now. Rolling kick abuse still gives Alpha a free low grab


Well-Known Member
Leifang v Tina is in favor of Leifang. This is primarily due to many of Tina's best tools being mid kicks. However, in addition to that, Leifang I don't feel has to sweat it as she can choose to be in the offensive or defensive position in the match and win in both cases. She is also a character that is comfortable being in stun due to her hold capabilities and guaranteed juggle/combo damage. I also feel she has a better environmental game over Tina but feel that it's only slightly in Leifang's advantage.
I'd say Tina and Leifang are pretty even. Sure. Fang has those high damage advanced holds, and she has her mid kick hold, but, Tina's grab do more damage on HC than Leifang's holds do (except her mid K hold). Leifang can't be throwing holds out like crazy like she can do against most of the cast. She'll get eaten alive lol. Tina has one slight advantage, which is that she can close the gap faster than Leifang can, so, she kind of dominates the spacing since Leifang is not that great at long range. Isn't Tina safer too? Sounds like a stalemate to me to be honest. I'd say it's 5-5, maybe 5.5-4.5 in favor of Tina.

And aside from that, I'll just be leaving this here..

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
When I see the tier list in the first post, it makes me sure I'm light years away from being remotely good in the game. I usually get DESTROYED by Hitomi, Bass and Bayman. Damn it, I used to be good in the series ):

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
When I see the tier list in the first post, it makes me sure I'm light years away from being remotely good in the game. I usually get DESTROYED by Hitomi, Bass and Bayman. Damn it, I used to be good in the series ):
Remember that just because a character is in the lowest tier, it doesn't mean they are easy to deal with. Bass for example just suffers from a lot of slightly unfavorable matchups. None of which are unwinnable by him.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I know I know but I mention it because when I encounter people using Christie, Alpha, Helena or Fang I almost never have any problems but Bass, Hitomi and Bayman simply destroy me.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I know I know but I mention it because when I encounter people using Christie, Alpha, Helena or Fang I almost never have any problems but Bass, Hitomi and Bayman simply destroy me.
If tier lists were based on how hard a particular character is for me to fight, Hayate and Kokoro would be top tier and Kasumi would be next-to-shit tier. Some players are just better/worse at fighting certain characters. Doesn't mean you aren't a good player.


Active Member
Had a discussion with Perfect Legend about Jann Lee. He updated the matchups to include the following disadvantages for JL:

Lei fang, Ayane, Hitomi, Kasumi, Ryu

With that, here's the current standings:
S: Leifang, Ayane, Christie, Kasumi, Sarah
A: ALPHA-152, Helena, Jann Lee, Mila
B: Gen Fu, Lisa, Brad, Pai, Akira, Bayman, Hayabusa, Rig, Tina, Hitomi
C: Hayate, Kokoro, Zack, Eliot, Bass

Mr Wah could you please teach me how to improve my Kasumi ><


Well-Known Member
Hayate and Kokoro of the bottom of the list?
Can me anyone explain this.
The worse a character's match-ups, the lower their position on the tier list, and vice-versa. Kokoro has the worst matchup against Christie (JAK-SS) and unfavorable matchups against Brad Wong, Bayman, Jann Lee, Leifang, Mila and Sarah. Hayate has bad matchups against Ayane, Leifang, Christie, Kasumi, Pai and Ryu.

Just refer to


Active Member
I am thinking about Eliot.
As Eliot Player he got a lot of Bad Matchups
and no favor matchup against someone.
Trying a Eliot vs. ... list would be very sadly. :(

Sly Bass

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Here is my list of match ups for Akira based on my experience.

vs Akira 5-5
vs Alpha 6-4
vs Ayane 4-6
vs Bass 7-3
vs Bayman 6-4
vs Brad Wong 6-4
vs Christie 3-7
vs Eliot 5-5
vs Gen-Fu 4-6
vs Hayabusa 5-5
vs Hayate 5-5
vs Helena 6-4 *Maybe even dare to say 7-3 due to 2P ruining her life
vs Hitomi 5-5
vs Jann-Lee 4-6
vs Kasumi 4-6
vs Kokoro 5-5
vs Lei-Fang 5-5
vs Lisa 4-6
vs Mila 6-4
vs Pai 6-4
vs Rig 6-4
vs Sarah 6-4
vs Tina 6-4
vs Zack 5-5

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Thanks Steve

Based on the current in progress match-up chart, here are the current tiers:
May 13, 2013 1:41 PM (GMT - 5)
S: Ayane, Leifang, Christie, Kasumi, Sarah
A: Akira Jann Lee, ALPHA-152, Gen Fu, Lisa
B: Tina, Helena, Mila, Brad, Hayabusa, Pai, Bayman, Hitomi, Rig
C: Hayate, Kokoro, Zack, Eliot, Bass