The official Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown thread


Well-Known Member
If you don't know what's safe and unsafe then you won't know when you have guaranteed throw opportunities

I agree... and I'm working on that, but I'm far from knowing every fucking move and it's frame properties. So I have to play by 'instinct', and my DOA4 instinct says "90% of the moves are unsafe, go for a throw after a full string blocked". Going that way doesn't translate very good to VF gameplay.
In the meantime, I need to avoid using throws against people who just go full mashing. I can't read when there is no pattern to read, lol.

Have in mind I'm new to the game, so take all I say with a grain of salt. My perception about how are most strings safe, could be very wrong, but It's what I have noticed so far.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had much free time lately so I can't check, but are throws 0-frame when the throw is guaranteed? I heard it was like that in vanilla, but I don't know if it changed id Final Showdown.


Well-Known Member
Low jabs on hit are generally used to start pressure. Theres a reason why most low jabs come out in 12 frames... Unless you're the king of guessing which grab your opponent will throw out then they're useless. If you can guess which grab your opponent will do then good for you, but I doubt it. Grabs come out in 10 frames which is something most people can't even react to. Grabs aren't used to punish in VF, attacks are? BTW there are situations where you can get guaranteed low throws. As for being able to sidestep, there are strings that have moves that track??? It's so you can't abuse sidestepping and be knowledgeable of what your opponent is doing. You're going to have the same problems in DOA5 now that it has true sidestepping..

It honestly sounds like you just picked up the controller, got owned, and started complaining. No offense

If you don't know what's safe and unsafe then you won't know when you have guaranteed throw opportunities. Throw's are guaranteed only when your opponent is at a -10 frame disadvantage. DOA throws are guaranteed for grapplers at -4 and for everyone else -5 (really -7 since neutral throws can be broken). DOA4 required guessing and luck. VF requires you to actually read your opponent. Sidestepping hoping that their string won't track doesn't help if you don't know your opponents strings either..

To start pressure, to interrupt everything, to evade highs, to avoid throws, etc. . . hard to punish to boot. Derp tool.

Most throws lose to everything, but guard, and are not guaranteed. Only a handful of characters have crouch throws.

Shame just about everything is adv.

Nah I've barely lost because I abuse the shit out of the mechanics. I just don't respect them and I feel that they're stupid at this point. As I said there's obviously more to it, but really don't see why punishing the stupidest of things has to be that complex.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I just had a blast with Sypha and his friend online. We were speaking English at first but then realized we're both from Latin America. His Vanessa is VERY good.

Great games bro.

EDIT: Now and to reply to the latest posts. I think the mashing/low jabbing/throws-being-pointless issue is a matter of EVERYONE being a scrub online. Including us. I'm 100% sure that mashing low jabs and PPPK strings against the high level players won't get you anywhere. I've fought many of those in Room Matches and usually challenge people with 5+ dan in Ranked and I've gotten excellent matches with players who actually know what they're doing.

We just need to forget the DOA mechanics and play the characters like they're supposed to. Example, I almost never throw with Eileen but always try it with Blaze and Aoi and get good damage out of them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm practicing Akira's knee and having mild success despite not actually understanding VF5FS's mechanics yet, haha.


Well-Known Member
I just had a blast with Sypha and his friend online. We were speaking English at first but then realized we're both from Latin America. His Vanessa is VERY good.

Great games bro.
Lots of fun playing some VF last night. Epic moments were had... those unbelievable Lei Fei comebacks from my friend hahaha. My Vane is shit compared to your Aoi, man. Anyway, good games :)

Maybe we can throw some more matches today, or next weekend.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I'll most likely be joining AP and Gill if they play some Room Matches tonight. I'll pass you both an invite if I see you. Allan's Pai and Gill's Sarah look very strong and I wanna play them with my Aoi/Eileen.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Yeah she may look strong, lol. I am coming around to understanding her moves more, VFDC is helping with that. The biggest thing for me though is understanding what the other characters can do. Jean Kujo and Akira are at the top of the list.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
GGs Alan and Gill !
I'm glad the connection is as smooth as it is between us despite the distance :D

Hopefully I'll try and join you guys more often when I get the chance !

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I tried befriending Gill today but his list is full. Played Allan for a bit and his Pai destroyed me, but I'm getting the hang of things with Aoi.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I tried befriending Gill today but his list is full. Played Allan for a bit and his Pai destroyed me, but I'm getting the hang of things with Aoi.

Yeah Alan's Pai is pretty solid. He loves to throw!!! I got thrown like 100 times from him, lol. Always went down to the wire with him (last round n last bit of life) but I always seemed to get the lucky upperhand in the 5th round. :p .. I still say its luck because in those situations, it can really go any direction depending on who gets his hit confirm first.

Gill I hope you liked the wall combo I made for Sarah. Sarah mirror and vanessa matches were fun.

There was another player who played Jacky... I only got to play him once then went to bed.. forgot who it was.

But all in all it was a fun session! Ggs every1 :D


Active Member
Epic moments were had... those unbelievable Lei Fei comebacks from my friend hahaha

WiZzYx likes this :D
I'm still laughing of that 3-2 comeback, with a pixel of health. BTW after play almost 250 combats in VF5 FS, i see that if applied the way of fighting of VF in DoA, I get excellent results, particularly with Jann Lee and Ein (i beat a couple of SS for the first time in my life, in 5 rounds, max health, being that never use any of main char is Brad). Surely not the same, in the opposite direction. Practically i'm prescinding of holds...

PD for FakeSypha only: Podriamos pedirle permiso al admin para crear un thread en español, juntar a los latinos del foro, y realizar meets.

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
Good games the other day guys! Let's do it again sometime.

Allan - Pai has a mid 12 frame attack, you might wanna put that in your game lol. And careful of attacking out of disadvantage so much. Remember standing P is small advantage but PP is not. Same applies with 2p, gotta be careful of pressing buttons if it is blocked cause you are like -4 (I think).

Gill - Too many shenanigans lol

Black Dragon

Active Member
Thanks, however you can jab it before it hits which defeats the 'catch throw' as I interpret it. Either way: unbreakable.
The throw takes priority over an attack should a clash occur.

To start pressure, to interrupt everything, to evade highs, to avoid throws, etc. . . hard to punish to boot. Derp tool.
2P is -5 on block, which puts you in a two-choice situation if used badly.

Most throws lose to everything, but guard, and are not guaranteed.
Thrws win against sidestep.

As I said there's obviously more to it, but really don't see why punishing the stupidest of things has to be that complex.
You're under the mentality that 90% of FS' moves should be unsafe.

Only about 60% of moves are unsafe. You just have to find out which are and which aren't.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Allan - Pai has a mid 12 frame attack, you might wanna put that in your game lol. And careful of attacking out of disadvantage so much. Remember standing P is small advantage but PP is not. Same applies with 2p, gotta be careful of pressing buttons if it is blocked cause you are like -4 (I think).

That may be in vanilla where she had a 12i mid. She no longer has that in FS. The mid you are talking about is still decent and now I am using it. Yeah I am at a -5 on block with my low jab. Playing with Jin Masters has stopped me from attacking at a disadvantage. All after 1 day of playing and being put in numerous frame traps. In just a few hours on VFDC and watching Japanese players, I have picked up quite a bit.

GGs to everyone I played in the past few days.

FYI its Allan, with 2 L's.


Active Member
This game is so good. Spent more time customizing than fighting, but once I get around to customizing everyone then I'll be jumping in the dojo and online battles. ^_^


Active Member
There are some people who have 1,000 battles under their belt and they're still mashing o_O

I love Sarah's Flamingo stance so much lol. There are definitely a lot of people who play her though :/


Well-Known Member
Wooo they buffed the hell outta my boy lion in this one. 1k launching on counter hit makes even i feel sorry for the poor fools i destroy with him especially with all his other insane lows he has. not to mention giving him the same frame 2p as everyone else now, his new bounce combos, 6pp comboing into damn near everything, his new guard break that leads to guaranteed launcher. his new stance that sabaki's into guaranteed follow ups and has a crapload of options out of it. hes pretty much got nothing but buffs with no nerfs over vanilla VF5