What do you guys rate DoA5 out of ten?


Well-Known Member
For me Christie is DOA5.

Therefore, I give it a perfect 10. =)

Lol, I don't know why but i had a sneaking suspicion that Christie would be a factor in how you would score this game ;)

Some varied views in here that's for sure.

I'd personally give the game a 9/10.


- It looks stunning
- Brutal throws & moves
- Interactive arenas
- Awesome to play & watch as a spectator
- Solid online (In my experience anyway)


- No Leon
- Lack of costumes

So yeah, overall I'm mostly pleased with the game.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Best DOA yet. 7/10. Nothing higher because the story mode was dumb and the glitches which make the game not fun.


"Key" is an interpretative statement. Any value relying on it is derived from opinionated bias (note: bias is not bad, but it does compromise objectivity over subjectivity). To empirically establish what is "key," you would have to conduct a scientific study across fighting games, which to the extent of my knowledge has not been done.

To explain further would involve metaphysics, which I don't think anyone here is particularly excited to hear about. Suffice to say, it's an issue of the epistemology surrounding criteria for the dichotomies between "good" and "bad."

It's not an opinion to say that having a tool which does entirely more damage than every other kind of tool effects player mentality a certain way.

Opinion never, ever enters into the equation here.

FYI, the experts in the field (ie me, and anybody who ever places top at anything fighting game related across multiple games) essentially HAVE done our own research. We know why certain things effect people in certain ways. If we did not have a grasp on it, we wouldn't be able to win.

That's why we are able to transition so easily from game to game and do well. We know for a fact what works and what doesn't, and we abuse that knowledge. If we were doing stuff based off of opinions, we would lose just as much as we win.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's not an opinion to say that having a tool which does entirely more damage than every other kind of tool effects player mentality a certain way.
But the way in which it affects player mentality is.

Opinion never, ever enters into the equation here.
FYI, the experts in the field (ie me, and anybody who ever places top at anything fighting game related across multiple games) essentially HAVE done our own research. We know why certain things effect people in certain ways. If we did not have a grasp on it, we wouldn't be able to win.
That's why we are able to transition so easily from game to game and do well. We know for a fact what works and what doesn't, and we abuse that knowledge. If we were doing stuff based off of opinions, we would lose just as much as we win.
Your research, however, is not scientific, and thus does not establish fact. That's not to say it's not important or useful. It is, very much so. But, it does not establish fact. That's left to scientists who do scientific studies. Another way to look at it is: Normative questions always have subjective answers. Objective questions always have objective answers. "Is ____ good or bad?" is a Normative question.

I don't want to sound rude, because I do respect your opinion and you do have valid points and accurately express a theory that is largely accepted within the field, but you do not understand the distinction between facts and opinions. For example, I know for a "fact" that Twilight is a bad movie. I watched it, and it was horrible. I take fiction and storytelling VERY seriously. And yet, despite all my knowledge, my critiques and adherence to a largely popular interpretation of it, at the end of the day, my view is still only an opinion. That does not invalidate it, it's simply that it does not imply universality, as "good" and "bad" are subjective terms and the only was to associate them objectively is through a scientific study. Otherwise, they remain in the subjective/interpretive realm.

If you still don't understand the concept, repetitious re-iteration on my part won't change that, so I won't keep derailing this thread further. But, hopefully that made some sense, even if you still want to believe your opinion is a fact.

On-topic: My rating for DOA5 on the 10-point scale was based on a rough interpretation of utiles, making it my opinion that I enjoy it about that much in relation to other games. That is not a scale I wish to impart on any community. It's simply an expression of how much I like playing DOA5. Hence the scale is not useless, nor exceptionally salient in judging its flaws, strengths and shortcomings.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ah, Brute, your religious devotion to the scientific method amuses me.;)
I actually don't value the scientific method as much. I prefer to stay in the real of relativism. But that deals with opinions and interpretation, not fact. My view is that even fact established from the scientific method is generated by social constructs, and as such even it has unobjective bias. But, it's the closest thing we get to fact.
TL;DR: I like opinions. I believe they're are the meaning of life.


Active Member
I actually don't value the scientific method as much. I prefer to stay in the real of relativism. But that deals with opinions and interpretation, not fact. My view is that even fact established from the scientific method is generated by social constructs, and as such even it has unobjective bias. But, it's the closest thing we get to fact.
TL;DR: I like opinions. I believe they're are the meaning of life.
Keeping it real. Gotta like that.

And you are of course completely right.

A couple things. One is that Ace was right about a basic fact; reviews are not about a game's high level metagame. They just can't be; it's not who they're marketed to and why they're being marketed at all. Saying you'd fire someone because they actually reviewed in manner that invoked the rest of the universe is absolutely absurd.

It also leads to the more poignant point; "established high-level gameplay" as a be-all-and-end-all is not always that useful a discussion. Honestly, those arguments tend to boil down to a sort of set of conventional standards by people who often are so invested in established systems that they can't imagine reforming the beast. It certainly isn't the kind of mentality that makes for better gaming across the board.


Active Member
Graphics 8.5 minor glitches and some textures are not as smooth, even models (Check Bass' win pose in tag mode his shoulder was not skinned completely looks chopped or something.)
Gameplay 9.1 plays really smooth
Content 6.4 lacks more characters, endings, and a brand new mode (Story Mode and costumes...that's it)
Replayability 8 because there's no new mode to add to the experience, however it's fun and addictive.
Features 7.3 Gives you the standard features for a fighting games, but nothing new
Final Outtake: I was expecting much more than 24 characters... only with 2 brand new characters still feel lacking, especially if you are not a fan of the Virtual Fighter characters that took a lot of space. Even Tengu and Leon in my opinion would of been better than Bringing in the Virtua Fighter characters. I was also hoping for more new DOA characters to out have priority over 3 Virtua Fighter characters. A new mode would of been cool as well, Arcade mode left its tradition and there's no interesting Boss to fight at the end and not even in Story Mode which leaves to many holes. Plus it still would of been cool to have every character have a CG ending, and personally I think the CG endings are better than the Story Mode's ending lol, however, the Story mode has more of a Purpose than CG endings for each character. But the story mode mostly focuses on one character. DOA5 should of took a step up than back because the predecessors still has stuff than missing in the brand new package, however still fun to play.

Final Score 7.8


Active Member
Too early for me to rate it because I've barely spent a few days' worth in hours with it just yet. Still learning, still trying stuff. I like it so I'd give a 10 but I know better. I'll find something that'll make me call a 5-6.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
In my review on Hajinmon Gaming TV, i gave Dead or Alive 5 and 8.5 out of 10.
I'm sure that excites some of you.


Well-Known Member
Copypasted from my deviantART journal where I did absolutely nothing but gush like the effeminate girly man that I am:

In all seriousness, I freaking love this game. As a hardcore DoA fanatic, who happens to have a burning hatred for the Xtreme series mind you, Dead or Alive 4 had really let me down because of how random and broken that game was. And don't even get me started on Alpha-152. I freaking hate that boss........... This is when TN decided to reevaluate themselves and go directly to the fans for feedback in order to make DoA a tournament viable fighter again. After many months of keeping up with news and tournament streams, I finally got my hands on it and loved every bit of it. The gameplay was heavily refined and rebalanced. Unholdable stun states, less damage output on counters, smaller counter windows, highly interactive stages, easy gameplay, And the incredible story mode completes the entire package of what a DoA game is supposed to be!

This is simply the greatest Dead or Alive game ever made. The Story Mode was very entertaining and made the entire cast much more likeable. The lack of much explanation about the events near the end of the game made the story structure and flow a little weird, but was very enjoyable and helped defined the meaning of "Fighting Entertainment". The movement of the models lacked emotion since they mostly stood incredibly stiff and the movement of the mouths seemed like they had a bad case of lock jaw. Also, the art for the menus is INCREDIBLY BORING AND POOR. Too much of the same, dark color and looking at the online menu every time I finish a match honestly puts me to sleep. No variety in the presentation and is generally a slap to the face for the previous game's menus. Overlooking this, I judged the game for its core gameplay, and it's clear the team hit the nail on the head with this one. I love it! It would be great to have another DoA like this, but even better. If it weren't for these flaws, along with most of the stages being dark and muddy, this would have been better than Tag 2! At this point, they're on pretty even footing.

Final Score: 9/10

Feel free to point fingers and laugh at me D:
I'll just say that I think the game is amazing but I'll break it down in the usual categories for lawlz.

Graphics: 9/10 - For me the models, and even the level design are top notch. I loved the water raft stages design for example. Starting on it, knocking the raft into the river bed's torrent, and then getting knocked off a waterfall into a lush green forest with giant snakes, and other various animals, was pretty epic to me especially in a fighter. I do have some nick picking though, mostly with Hitomi's face, and the sweat textures. I thought the sweat looked more like rain water that didn't really look right to me, like it wasn't touching the skin perhaps, maybe it was too clear. Hitomi's face kinda looked like a dolls, which I still love her I was just a bit disappointed by it.

Game Play: 9/10 - For me it was incredibly smooth. Tekken for example feels like everyone has 20 pounds shackles on their feet and arms. Making it feel sluggish. DOA5 feels like at any time I do an action it is going to come out perfectly, and cleanly. I never had input errors, like some people have said. It also has some very deep fighting game aspects, and rewards constant evolution in matches. Doing the same old tricks will get you killed, but learning how to mix it up is heavily rewarded.

Balance: 7/10 - I think this might be it's weakest factor, I think some characters are just simply better then others. This is true for all fighters, and I can't really think of one game that would even get close to a 10 on this. For the most part I think it is possible for anyone to win with enough training and time spent on it.

Offline: 7/10 - I spent so much time going on an unlocking spree, and completing the story mode. That I spent nearly 20 hours just playing offline. I enjoyed myself, even though the story was cheesy. I personally just found myself laughing at it. I do hope for future DOA titles they try to get someone to expand on it much greater in detail, instead of random excuses to fight with no resolutions. The practice mode is one of the best, I wish all games had in game frame data for both blocking, hitting, and for distances. However it could improve by saying X attack crushes this type of attack.

Online: 6/10 - It isn't special, it doesn't seem to try to be, it's just basic online. You play in generally alright connection, that allows you to do the basics, but anything advanced might be a bit difficult to pull off. It also tends to have problem connecting with random people.

Overall: 7/10 - I won't use silly numbers like 7.5 out of 10 because I might as well be doing a out of 20. It's fun, it's a deep fighter if you are looking for it. Anyone who is a fan of the series will enjoy it, newer players will find it easy to pick up, but incredibly difficult to play against live opponents. It's a fun game that could have been beyond amazing with a few tweaks. Mostly to the netcode, and online features.

Fan Score: 9/10 - being a fan of DOA in general I'm happy with it almost completely, I wouldn't hesitate on my 80 dollar purchase. So being biased bumps it up 2 points :D


I love DoA so please don't flame me too bad for saying this but:

As a casual game, DoA 5 rocks hard.

Is DoA 5 a competative game? Oh hellz no! Especially in today's gaming climate, having a hold system that has no requirement (Eg MK's Breaker system) breaks the game down into a guessing game as opposed to skill. Not to mention the random assed environmental BS.

Here is a personal example:

I'm in losers in a tournement and losing pretty badly. It's 2 rounds to one at this point and I'm getting beat pretty bad. I was finally able to poke into a wall combo to shift both the match's and my own momentum. I'm workin the wall and the stuns, just about to take the round and WHAM! Outta nowhere I get my kombo interrupted by a fucking toolbox off the melon! That was all my opponent needed to SS out and send me packin.

You can't have shit like that in a "tournament-viable" game.


Well-Known Member
I love DoA so please don't flame me too bad for saying this but:

As a casual game, DoA 5 rocks hard.

Is DoA 5 a competative game? Oh hellz no! Especially in today's gaming climate, having a hold system that has no requirement (Eg MK's Breaker system) breaks the game down into a guessing game as opposed to skill. Not to mention the random assed environmental BS.

Here is a personal example:

I'm in losers in a tournement and losing pretty badly. It's 2 rounds to one at this point and I'm getting beat pretty bad. I was finally able to poke into a wall combo to shift both the match's and my own momentum. I'm workin the wall and the stuns, just about to take the round and WHAM! Outta nowhere I get my kombo interrupted by a fucking toolbox off the melon! That was all my opponent needed to SS out and send me packin.

You can't have shit like that in a "tournament-viable" game.

Saggot says hi.


Active Member
I'm kind of iffy on number ratings, because technically rating a game is near impossible.
If I had to, I guess it would be an 8/10 though.


Well-Known Member
I think its hilarious when people say DOA5 is more fluid than Tekken which is totally the opposite unless people are talking about the old school Tekken, then yes DOA5 is way more fluid but compared to Tekken 4/Tekken 6? Hell no! When Im playing Tekken, I can dodge/crouch quicker, interrupt incoming attack better & I can escape most of the throws. Also the buffer system is waay better than DOA5 because in Tekken, if I try to execute a move & it doesn't response right, I can feel/tell that Im doing it
wrong, fortunately DOA5 is pretty much the same BUT even I execute the moves in DOA5 correctly it will still come out as a different attack! (that bullshit NEVER happens when I was playing Tekken)
Now Im trying to bash on DOA5 Im just pointing out a flaw that needs to be patch & anybody who played Tekken 6 know damn well that it is completely flawed & garbage compared to DOA5 ( graphics & content wise). Oh BTW Im playing DOA5 WAAAAAAAAYYYY more than Tekken 6 so........DOA5= 8/10 (one of the best in the series)

Tekken 6= 6/10 ( THE worse in the series, fuck you Namco!)