What's your Win Ratio?


Active Member
@GrandMasterson You probably never played games like SC5 or BBCS. Both of these games have an awesome Netcode. I am from Germany and i can play these games even with Americans without serious lag issues.
In DOA5 I have lag issues with almost everyone, including Europeans who only live a few houndreds of miles away from me.
In other words: The DOA5 netcode is the worst I have ever seen.
Shout out to P4A. Mind you, that game was made by Atlus who also made BBCS. But I really thought the online held up beautifully there.


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@GrandMasterson You probably never played games like SC5 or BBCS. Both of these games have an awesome Netcode. I am from Germany and i can play these games even with Americans without serious lag issues.
In DOA5 I have lag issues with almost everyone, including Europeans who only live a few houndreds of miles away from me.
In other words: The DOA5 netcode is the worst I have ever seen.

Netcodes that may be worse: MK9 and UMvC3....


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Netcodes that may be worse: MK9 and UMvC3....
Umvc3 actually does pretty damn good. I get lagless matches with australians. Australians!

edit: fixed post. Original was butchered as a result of posting from my phone.


Well-Known Member
UMVC3's netcode is average, but still better than DOA5's. Especially condsidering everything going on in that game as opposed to this one.


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UMVC3's netcode is average, but still better than DOA5's. Especially condsidering everything going on in that game as opposed to this one.
More may be "going on" in terms of needless light effects, but the model/texture quality is nowhere close to DOA5s (yes, I realize that's a stylistic choice). I wouldn't be surprised if DOA is more intensive than MvC3 at all.


Well-Known Member
More may be "going on" in terms of needless light effects, but the model/texture quality is nowhere close to DOA5s (yes, I realize that's a stylistic choice). I wouldn't be surprised if DOA is more intensive than MvC3 at all.
My point stands though. The netcode is superior, and that's saying something because I consider UMVC3's netcode "average" at best.


Well-Known Member
UMVC3's netcode is average, but still better than DOA5's. Especially condsidering everything going on in that game as opposed to this one.

Eh, UMVC3 strict timing for everything useful makes it worse than DOA5.


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Eh, UMVC3 strict timing for everything useful makes it worse than DOA5.
I cannot think of a single input in UMVC3 that requires sharper input than the advanced counter-hold izunas in DOA5, Ryu's ongyoin throw, or numerous other DOA5 moves (numerous Sarah/Akira moves stand out in particular).


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I cannot think of a single input in UMVC3 that requires sharper input than the advanced counter-hold izunas in DOA5, Ryu's ongyoin throw, or numerous other DOA5 moves (numerous Sarah/Akira moves stand out in particular).
i think hes referring more to the combos themselves and the setups

and have you played Jill? Her stuff is ridiculous


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No, unfortunately. Never got the Jill/Shuma DLC.
Speaking of which, it would've been nice if B.B. Hood and Hit Girl made the cut...

But to veer back on topic, I'm gonna try again with this win ratio thing. I'm at a 15%, for all I know.


Well-Known Member
I cannot think of a single input in UMVC3 that requires sharper input than the advanced counter-hold izunas in DOA5, Ryu's ongyoin throw, or numerous other DOA5 moves (numerous Sarah/Akira moves stand out in particular).

General combos, otg relaunchers, double/triple jump/dash combos, etc. . . everything in general is more strict.

Prince Adon

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I don't remember anything about MVC being difficult at all. But that's just me. Seem like the only challenge would be not getting put into a combo.


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General combos, otg relaunchers, double/triple jump/dash combos, etc. . . everything in general is more strict.
Meh. Maybe I just used all the easy-input characters, but none of those things in MvC3 were are sensitive as some of the commands in DOA5 to me.


Well-Known Member
I played Zero/Vergil/Dante, but no stand alone input has given me any more trouble than Akira's 1 frame knee. Though... doing Zero's lightning loop online is nigh impossible.


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I played Zero/Vergil/Dante, but no stand alone input has given me any more trouble than Akira's 1 frame knee. Though... doing Zero's lightning loop online is nigh impossible.
lol Replace Zero with Capt. America and that was my main line-up.

I just couldn't bring myself to not pick Dante and Vergil. They're too damn cool. xD