Like I said more times, Team NINJA answered to the direct question if we should expect only one fighter or more fighters after Phase-4, with the "more fighters" answer. So they basically already confirmed that we will get at least 4 DLC characters (the number 5 is an hyphotesis based on the graphic of the sites) and I really don't understand what people could want more from a direct explicit answer from them XD
So definitely we have to expect a fourth additional character.
Remember also that TN said in February that the comple bundle of DLC characters will be released in six months or
more, and then they said for Phase-4 (and
repeated yesterday for Female Tengu) that more requests from the fans could make happen the character before in the console (aka for me an hint that they are already thinking to an eventual change of the schedule at some point, indipendently by the requests of the fans).
My personal hyphotesis is that we will get 4 (or like I think 5) DLC characters added all to the console version some times before the end of the year, so after September but anyway not waiting three months for the addition of each character.
EDIT: But Female Tengu is not coming in June on the console version: the article talked of different updates for both the DoA5U and DoA5UA but the author said it in a way easy to misinterpret.
@werewolfgold for the translations