The Uncharted Thread


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It's something similar to what Yakuza 5 did


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It's something similar to what Yakuza 5 did

Lol, good that I have no idea what
Yakuza 5
did. XD
Well, in a couple of days I'll find out.

Also, the game really looks this good. Here's a screen someone took in-game:


(it's not a spoiler since this level was shown in two trailers already.)

Flawless image quality and the level of detail even far in background is amazing! O:
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Apart from different costumes there are also going to be different filters to unlock:

The comic filters look actually really cool! I might even try them out...

Also tomorrow marks the end of the review embargo. This will get pretty exciting. :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah skins, filters, cheats etc. Have been in the game as unlocks since the first game, good to see the silly stuff is back despite the serious tone of this one.

The only one that didn't was the original release of Uncharted 3 for some reason... Something they thankfully fixed in Nathen Drake Collection.


Well-Known Member
Cool, things like that actually make me more excited for the game so I'm happy to see they'll be including random silly things like that.


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I'm not sure about getting it at launch but I'm going to be getting it yes! :) So things like cheats etc that add replay value is very exciting. I wonder what kind of cheats they are, I guess just stuff like invincibility and stuff. I wasn't sure at the start but more and more things have interested me from this thread.


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I'm not sure about getting it at launch but I'm going to be getting it yes! :)

Great! :) You will probably have it finished in one sitting max. 5 hours though. XD

OMG, character models and animations are so crazy good in this game:


From multiplayer I think...

I must be the only one not interested in the multiplayer at all, lol.


Well-Known Member
That dancing... but omg that animation was amazing, I wonder how many weeks it took them to make that cause that is so good! And lol yeah I think its safe to bet I'd end up completing the game in a day.

PS: Nope I'm not really interested either, I might try it not but it won't be the reason I get the game if it turns out I like it it will be like a fun added bonus.


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That dancing... but omg that animation was amazing, I wonder how many weeks it took them to make that cause that is so good! And lol yeah I think its safe to bet I'd end up completing the game in a day.

PS: Nope I'm not really interested either, I might try it not but it won't be the reason I get the game if it turns out I like it it will be like a fun added bonus.

The animation is probably motion captured with some tweaking by hand, so it didn't take that long...but detailed animations like this eat up lots of memory and the character model has to be really well rigged with lotsa bones so that is definitely an achievement.


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After the review embargo was lifted reviews are getting in and unsurprisingly the game does really well. :)
So far it stands at 94% on Metacritic:

...and 93% on Opencritic:

If you dare to watch a video review (with no spoilers and mostly already seen material and levels) I recommend the Eurogamer and Gamespot reviews:

@Jadeinchains, OMG they are in Scotland in this game, did you know that? :D


Well-Known Member
Yay! Lol Scotland actually getting noticed for once! And no I had no idea it would have a bit take place there. I haven't watched anything though so I'm not sure where in Scotland why they're there and for how long.